Barb Jones Teaches Workshops in CA and VA

Barb Jones recently  taught the workshop “Diagnostic Error: A Multidisciplinary Approach” with Lorri Zipper, MLS and Mark Graber, MD in Long Beach, CA.  This workshop was sponsored by the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Pacific Southwest Region. Here’s an article about the workshop:

She also taught “Measuring Your Impact” with Betsy Kelly, MLS, MBA at Virginia Commonwealth University for the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Southeastern Atlantic Region. We’re pleased to note that Barb presented both of these workshops at the invitation of the sponsoring regions, and that all of her travel expenses were covered by them. Keep up the great work, Barb!

Graves Active in MLA

Rebecca Graves was recertified as a Distinguished Member of the Academy of Health Information Professionals (AHIP).  AHIP is the Medical Library Association’s peer-review professional development and career recognition program which recognizes the personal investment of time and effort required for exemplary professional performance and for contributions to the association and to the profession.

Rebecca was also elected as MCMLA chapter representative to the Medical Library Association Nominating Committee.

NLM Henkel Physicians Exhibit at HSL

Stop by the main floor of the library to pay a visit to the Henkel Physicians exhibit. This exhibition was developed and produced by the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, curated by Jim Labosier.

The Henkel Physicians: A Family’s Life in Letters offers a glimpse into the daily lives of men of medicine in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley during the 19th century. While it documents the working lives of physicians, it also illuminates social and home life and how one family experienced the Civil War. Covering more than a century of life in the Shenandoah Valley during which four members of the remarkable Henkel family practiced in the same area, this exhibition features a selection of writings that vividly illustrate the writer’s personality and their experiences as physicians. The letters cover local events, professional jealousies, the national crisis of the Civil war and finish with the dramatic testimony of the Henkel physicians in a murder trial.

You can view the vivid history of the Henkel Family at the Health Sciences Library until March 9th. Feel welcome to sign the guestbook as well. Click here for more information on the exhibit.