Black History Month Events, Feb 11-17

Tuesday, February 12
Brown Bag Luncheon Series

“Bridging the Gap Between the Civil Rights and Hip-Hop Generation”
Jessie Adolph, English Ph.D Candidate
323 Gentry Hall

Tuesday, February 12
African-American Film & Discussion

Armory Sports Center
6:30 p.m.

Tuesday, February 12
Lloyd L. Gaines Commemoration and Portrait Unveiling

Guest Speaker: Dr. Dewayne Smith, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Harris-Stowe State University
Gaines/Oldham Black Culture Center
5:30 p.m.

February 14-17
Big XII Conference on Black Student Government

“The Revival: A New Blueprint for Success”
Oklahoma State University-Stillwater, OK
For information, call 882-4640

For more information, visit

Life Sciences Research Task Force Work Completed

The Life Sciences Research Task Force has completed its work and has been officially disbanded. The final report is available at

Over an 18-month period, the task force examined programs at other institutions; conducted a series of focus groups with 40 people in the Bond Life Sciences Center; consulted with a Molecular Biosciences Information Specialist on ways the MU Libraries could support bioinformatics work on campus; and, with the Bond LSC, hosted the NCBI Field Guide.

One exciting outcome of this task force is a new partnership: Brenda Graves-Blevins will serve as an “embedded” librarian to research teams in the Bond LSC.

I would like to thank the members of the task force for their dedication and enthusiasm in forging new collaborations across the life sciences and across the Libraries!

Task Force Members: Kate Anderson (Chair), Trenton Boyd, Catherine Craven, Janice Dysart, Brenda Graves-Blevins, Diane Johnson, Mary Ryan, Caryn Scoville, MaryEllen Sievert, Chris Topinka, Deb Ward

Submitted by: Kate Anderson

Black History Month Exhibits

“Songs of My People”
Ellis Library

“Collective Inspiration”
Gaines/Oldham Black Culture Center

City of Columbia Black History Exhibit
Our staff will bring the exhibit to you and give a presentation. Organizations, schools, etc., please call 874-6379.

The State Historical Society of Missouri
Art Spotlight: Negro Soldier

For more information, visit

Black History Month Events, Feb 4-10

Thursday, February 7
Brown Bag Luncheon: “Swahili Language: Linking the Diaspora to Africa”

Guest Speaker: Loise Wambuguh, Graduate Student Forestry Department
323 Gentry Hall

Thursday, February 7
Black History Month Keynote Speaker

Dr. Michel Eric Dyson, Professor at Georgetown University
7:00 p.m.
Jesse Auditorium

Sunday, February 10
We Always Swing Jazz Series

Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra With Wynton Marsalis
7:00 p.m.
Jesse Auditorium (ticket information at 449-3001)

Volumes on Floor in Ellis Stacks – Project Completed

Thanks to the collaboration of many people, the piles of volumes formerly stacked on 2nd and 3rd floors in Ellis are gone. For many years, at least twenty according to several staff members, the serious space shortage in the Ellis Stacks had led to volumes being piled on the floor at the ends of ranges. The piles created a cluttered look, were not good for the spines of the volumes, and made it difficult for users to locate the books in them. Many observers over the years commented on the piles, and by this past September various library staff were having discussions on what could be done to address this longstanding situation.

As of late January, the volumes have been transferred to UMLD or reintegrated into the regular stacks. This could not have been accomplished without the coordinated efforts and hard work of Ellis Reference, Access Services, and the Catalog Department. Nancy Myers, Gwen Gray, Cindy Cotner, and Geoff Swindells of the Ellis Reference Department identified titles to be reshelved at Ellis or transferred to UMLD. Ryan Bish then sent a list of the titles to Catalog Management. Ryan, Jim Franke-Webb, Jack Stone, Hayden Murphey, Alex Hopkins, David Shay, and student assistants in Shelving followed up by shelving some of the titles and shifting as needed to make space. In less than a week, Dan Dodd, E. S. Bent, Ruthe Morse, and student assistants Karen Marshall, Lingling Qi, and Jimmy Connell of the Catalog Management Department retrieved and transferred 997 volumes to UMLD. Colleen Smith, Catalog Management, took care of the serials check-in record reconciliation in MERLIN. James Keyser-Andre, Dan Akins, Brian Cain, and student assistants picked up the tubs and finished processing the volumes at UMLD1 and UMLD2.

Thanks to everyone for jumping right in and making things happen! Take a walk through the stacks and enjoy the new, uncluttered look!

Healthy for Life Resources Available to All UM Employees

Healthy for Life, the T.E. Atkins UM Wellness Program, has the long-term goal of developing a world-class wellness program for the university. To find out about the Healthy for Life Resources available to you, visit

Resources include:

  1. Discounted fitness memberships

  2. Weight Watchers at work
  3. Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction
  4. Eat for Life Program
  5. Health Screenings
  6. Health Risk Assessment on-line

For more information or to become a Wellness Ambassador, you may contact Shannon Cary.

Jack Batterson Appointed to Retirement, Health and Other Benefits Advisory Committee

Jack Batterson joins June Deweese as an MU Libraries representative to the Retirement, Health and Other Benefits Advisory Committee. This is a University of Missouri Standing Committee made up of 4 staff, 4 faculty, 4 retirees, 1 Ex Officio Human Resources, and 1 Ex Officio Administrative Services.

Below are links to more information that might be of interest to those people who are retired or are approaching retirement:

Missouri University Retirees Association
Membership is open to all University of Missouri staff and faculty who are 55 years old or older whether retired or still working. Membership is available to Extension, USDA, Hospital or System faculty/staff.

Retiree Benefits & Services
This has links to the retirement benefits handbook, and retirement plan annual report (23% of the MU Pension is in International stocks – see page 9 for the asset allocation).

MU Retirees Association newsletter (2005 to 2007)

Two Librarians Chosen as Global Scholars

Congratulations to Amanda McConnell and Amanda Sprochi. They were chosen for the 2008 Global Scholars program.

Amanda McConnell will attend the Peru seminar, “A Fusion of Identities: Exploring Peru’s Complex Past, Present and Future” (May 29–June 8). The seminar will take place both in Lima and in Cusco and will include a trip to Machu Picchu.

Amanda Sprochi will attend the seminar, “Mongolia – Empire and Democracy” (June 1-11). The seminar will allow participants to visit many of the historical sites associated with Chinggis Khan (popularly spelled Genghis Khan) and the Mongol Empire. Amanda will also be traveling to the Gobi Desert (June11-15) as an add-on trip.

Both Amandas stated that they are very excited about their trips and thanked Jim Cogswell for nominating them and the Council for International Initiatives for sponsoring the program.