New MERLIN Location

There is a new location for items in MERLIN. It is the Ellis Library Circulation Desk. The location currently has four items in it. Current issues of Consumer Reports, Ebony, Jet and Vogue are housed there and are checked out to patrons at the Circulation Desk. In order to check out these magazines, one must have an MU ID card or a courtesy borrower card. The location looks like the following in MERLIN:

Consumer reports.


[Mt. Vernon, N.Y.] : Consumers Union, 1942-


Consumers Union of United States. Consumers Union reports


Bread & butter Apr. 1947







Latest Received:

May 2008 v.73 no.5


Vol.7 no.6-v.8 bound with v.7 no.1-5 of previous title.

Jim Cogswell “Getting to Know You” Meetings

When Jim Cogswell first started as Director of Libraries in April of 2002, he made it a point to meet with all the employees of MU Libraries for one-on-one “get to know you” sessions so that he and the staff could get acquainted. After he completed this effort he wanted to make sure he met new employees soon after they began working for us so that he could become acquainted with them and to personally welcome them to MU Libraries.

As I was recently scheduling some of these meetings with new employees, it was brought to my attention that an employee has worked here for five years and never had a one-on-one meetings with Jim.

I would like to invite all employees who have never had a “getting to know you” meeting with Jim to please contact me at (or call 882-9169) so that we can schedule one.

Also, if any MU Libraries employees would like to meet with Jim as a follow-up, please contact me (by using the email or phone number above) and I will get you on his calendar.


Personal Reading History Now Available on MERLIN

Patrons may now keep a record of the MERLIN materials that they check out. After logging into “My Library Account” on the MU Libraries home page (, you may activate this feature by clicking on “Reading History” and choosing “Opt-in.”

The list of items in your Reading History will display only MERLIN (MU, MST, UMKC, UMSL) materials that you have checked out. In other words, nothing that you borrow from MOBIUS or Interlibrary Loan will be included in this Reading History list. The Reading History list will only include materials you check out from the point that you turn on your Reading History. Materials that were checked out prior to turning on your Reading History will not be included in the list.

For more information, contact Judy Maseles.


Service Desk at CPRR Scheduled to Close

Over a long period of time, the number of current periodical titles we receive in print has continually dwindled. Additionally, we have received requests from students to leave CPRR open until 2:00 a.m. because it is a very desirable location for quiet study. After weeks and months of deliberation about how long Ellis Library should continue staffing a service desk in the Current Periodicals Reading Room, a plan to close the CPRR desk has been developed and is in the process of being implemented.

The process used was collaborative and has involved working with the Library Management Team, June DeWeese, Bette Stuart, Tony Schwartz, Mary Ryan, Karen Darling, Bob Almony, Facilities Management, CDC and others to resolve questions, make decisions and assign responsibilities. Fortunately, Bette Stuart and June DeWeese provided a comprehensive list of questions and issues which would need to be decided or addressed in order to ensure a smooth transition. Currently we are in the process of implementing the necessary changes.

The last day service will be available at the CPRR desk is on Friday, March 28. When students return from spring break, the service desk will be closed but there will be appropriate signage in the area which will answer most of their common questions and direct them where to go for further help.

Much deliberation and consultation was devoted to determining where the very capable CPRR staff might be transferred to meet more critical needs within Ellis Library. Several options for positions to which Bette Stuart might be reassigned were developed by Libraries Management Team (LMT). They were discussed with Bette as were the pros and cons of closing the CPRR as a service point. Ultimately LMT decided that Bette will be relocated to the Acquisitions Department, reporting to Karen Darling, where she will be involved in serials check in, therefore allowing her to further build on her years of experience working with current periodicals. This move capitalized in her extensive knowledge of current periodicals, periodicals check in, and maintenance of the collection. It also allows her to continue to work with periodicals, which she has always enjoyed.

Finding appropriate placement for Tony Schwartz required less deliberation after some consultation. In Tony’s current evening position he spends considerable time scanning articles for ILL. This year Access Services lost an important ILL support staff position. They also lost the circulation desk supervisor who worked the late night hours until 2:00 a.m. As a result, Tony has agreed to remain in Access Services where he will report to Tammy Green. He will continue his ILL support tasks, and work a schedule that covers the desk supervision until 2:00 a.m., thus enabling Ellis Library to continue to provide late night hours for our users.

Bette and Tony will both be taking their desks, computers and telephones with them to their new units. With few exceptions, periodicals and newspapers that have kept behind the CPRR desk will be moved out for open access. Current newspapers will be placed on sticks by circulation staff. Those titles still requiring security protection will be held behind the circulation desk. DVD boxes will remain on the shelves where they are currently located, but the discs will be moved behind the circulation desk where they can be checked out. Access services will be responsible for shelving in CPRR. And Acquisitions will check in and tattle tape all materials as well as pull issues for binding. The security gate will be turned off. It is scheduled to be moved to the new Journalism Library this summer.

Bette, Shannon and June are preparing signs to inform users of the changes and to encourage users, as a courtesy, to return journals to CPRR when they are done using them. As a result they may be reshelved more quickly and will be much easier for the next user to find.

In order for this change to be made successfully, it is important that we all be aware that we may find current issues of journals and newspapers in areas of Ellis where up to now they’ve very rarely been. It is incumbent on all of us to help get these items back to the current periodicals reading room as quickly as possible. Additionally, we must be cognizant that there will be no one stationed in CPRR to answer questions or assist people in finding things. That responsibility is shifted to both Access Services and Reference.

Finally, some are no doubt curious about what will be done with the CPRR space. For now, the answer is nothing. It will be exactly as it is now but without staff at the service desk. Be assured that there have been no final decisions made. And frankly, lack of money could well delay making a decision about future use for space for the time being. Hopefully, there will be an opportunity to consider appropriate use of the space in the larger context of a space plan for Ellis. If you have questions regarding the closing of the service point in CPRR, please direct them to Sarah Cron, 882-6450,

A Letter of Thanks From Jason Touchatt

As many of you are aware, my last day at Ellis Library was March 5th, 2008. I had worked for Ellis Library for over 6 years and have built many great relationships since the start of my employment in October of 2001. I wanted to write this letter to acknowledge several people whom I have worked with over the years because I feel like they made my time at the library a positive one.

Pat Jones: Thank you for your compassion, encouragement, and your continual belief in me as a person.

Bob Almony: Thank you for your generosity and consistently asking about my family.

Zephan, David, and “Neo”: Thanks for working as a team and helping create a “security family”.

Dottie “Bonnie” Heuer: Thank you for your fun loving spirit and for letting me pick on you incessantly.

Erica Dismang: Thanks for the gum, the jokes, and your jovial nature.

Sarah Moore: My little sister. You are many prayers answered.

Kat Koehn: Thank you for your willingness to fill in when I had to miss work and for the fun we had in the office… “I’m not dead yet!!”… “Badger, badger, badger”…Worms World Party!!!

John Meyer: Thank you for your encouragement and ability to cut up.

Terry Brooks: Thank you for funny stories about “mugawumps” and such. They always kept me laughing.

Michael Bland: Thank you for the encouragement in finishing my degree and your tech help.

Ernest Shaw: “Shammmmmyyy!!!” Thank you for the funny talks and for sharing your sense of humor.

Michael Salmons, Adam Banning, and Sam Napier: Thank you for your tech help and your willingness to stay and help until we could get our problems figured out.

Alan Bloom and Daniel Dodd: Thank you for helping in the mornings when I let you in early…hey, wait… you should be thanking me!

Hunter Kevil: Thank you for the Cardinals talk and for the personal spiritual talks.

Gwen Gray, Cindy Cotner, Ricky Kerns, Karen Eubanks, Mary Ryan, Paula Roper, Debbie Melvin, Deloris Fisher, Rhonda Whithaus, Gena Scott, Sheila Voss, Wayne Barnes, Nancy Turner-Myers, Kathy Peters, and Cathi Veach: Thank you for saying “Hi” and “How are you?” on a consistent basis. I can tell you care about your fellow co-workers and it did not go unnoticed.

Jen and Yolanda in Admin.: Thank you for always smiling and saying “Hi”

Mark Ellis: Thank you for the HR talk and the encouragement to keep pursuing my dreams.

Leo Agnew: Thank you for the HR, career help, and baseball/ softball talk.

Karen, Alla, Katy, and Erin in Special Collections: Thank you for the conversations, funny stories, and general encouragement.

Ryan Bish and the “Shelvites”: Thank you for all of the conversations about a variety of issues from “Seinfeld” to the NFL, from Japanese weaponry to spaghetti westerns; it was never a dull moment.

Kathryn and Marie in Govt. Docs: Thank you for saying “Hi” and for always being

Tammy Green: Thanks for all of the funny family stories and for stopping by on your daily cookie run.

Bev at the Bookmark: Thanks for asking about my family and making my drinks the way I like ‘em!

Cathy, Kim, and Laura in Copy Service: Thank you for the conversations and the friendship.

Ellen Blair: Thank you for all of the conversations about family and for the baked goods!

Carla Blair: Thank you for all of the food you’ve made…it sure has been awhile!! 🙂

Mary Heinin: Thank you for the Steelers talk! Good stuff!

“Charlotta Carlotta” Charlotte Mustain: Thank you for your funny jabs at me as I walk past!

Jodi Webb: Thank you for the funny family stories your positive demeanor.

Shannon Cary: Thank you for posting this in News Notes and for editing and posting past articles, I am always forgetting words!!!!

Rebecca in State Historical: Thank you for the baked goods and the funny stories.

Jeremy and Duane: Thank you for all of your help moving stuff, helping us with opening sometimes, and for all of the funny stories and conversations.

Unfortunately, I’m sure I missed someone and I may have misspelled some names, but I hope my goal was accomplished and that was to make sure I thanked as many of you as I could for making my time at the library a memorable and worthwhile one.

Thank you and good luck in all you do,

Jason Touchatt, Formerly of Ellis Library Security

University Archives Closed, March 7-14

The Lewis Hall offices of University Archives will be closed for remodeling from Friday the 7th of March, 2008 until Friday the 14th of March, 2008. We will reopen at 8 AM CDT, Monday the 17th. Questions and information requests can still be sent to or left at (573) 882-7567 during that period. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Journalism Library Provides New Service

When the Journalism Library moves to its new space and is open longer hours, the staff will be providing some new services. One service the Journalism Library staff members have offered to provide is managing the camera equipment for J2100 classes.

J2100 is a core class for journalism that requires students to work together on 3 multimedia projects of increasing complexity. There are 18 sections with around 20 students in each section who must check out video camcorders, microphones and tripods 3 times during the semester. Coordinating the checking-out and checking-in of 30 sets of camera equipment to 360 students over a 3-5 day period is a daunting task that had been performed by the J-Net staff up until this semester.

Sue Schuermann and Michael Hopkins had watched frustrated students try to make it to the J-Net lab to check out equipment, only to find all J-Net staff away working on IT issues. They decided that they could start the camera management service this semester instead of waiting until the fall. This required storing the equipment in a convenient, yet secure location; applying barcodes to the equipment and entering it into the Merlin system; changing due dates according to projects; working with the J-2100 coordinator scheduling check-out/check-in dates; making sure the equipment works before checking it out; checking out equipment; checking in equipment; assessing fines, etc.

The Journalism Library staff is happy to report that it has been an amazing success. This was a service which was taken on by the library staff because they knew that it would provide a great service to students and faculty.