Volunteers Wanted for Mizzou Reads Author Reception

This year, as we have done several years in the past, the MU Libraries will host a reception for the author of the Mizzou Reads (Summer Reading Program) book. This year’s book is Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson. More information is available at http://munews.missouri.edu/news-releases/2008/0515-summer-reading.php.

Greg Mortenson will be on campus to speak about his book on September 16, and the reception will be held in Ellis Library at 3 p.m. If you would like to help plan the reception, please contact me by July 9.

MU Libraries Staff Participate at MOBIUS Annual Conference

Several MU Libraries staff attended the MOBIUS Annual Conference in early June. In addition, several of our staff members were on the conference program.

  • Caryn Scoville and Michael Spears presented the results of research conducted at the MU Libraries in their presentation “Usability Testing of the MOBIUS Catalog.”
  • Mary Aycock and Jee Davis gave an introduction and presented comparative information on catalog overlay products in their presentation “Reviving the OPAC: An Overview of Catalog Overlay Software Products.”
  • In addition to serving on the MOBIUS Annual Conference Planning Advisory Committee, Felicity Dykas facilitated a discussion in the forum “Preparing for the Future of Cataloging.”
  • Judy Maseles was a co-facilitator for the forum “Catalog Redesign for WebPAC Pro.”

Update From United Way Campaign

The members of the MU Libraries United Way Campaign Committee would like to thank Adrienne Arden, Bob Almony, Sarah Cron, Ann Riley and Jim Cogswell for agreeing to be targets in our proposed pie throwing incentive. Unfortunately, due to a lack of enthusiasm for this event on the part of the winners and other staff members, we have decided to cancel the pie toss and substitute a coffee break with the director as the prize. During this break, Director Cogswell has promised to share a secret about himself, which no one else at MU Libraries knows, with the winners. Please stay tuned for a request for your input and ideas on incentives and events for our next campaign.

Thank you – Michelle Baggett, Paula Roper and Nora Tamm

Moving Offices

The following library staff members have moved or will be moving into new offices in the next couple of weeks:

  • Ernest Shaw moved from 76 Ellis Library to 165 Ellis Library
  • Mathew Stephen moved from 74 Ellis Library to 166 Ellis Library
  • Cindy Cotner moved from 152 Ellis Library to 106B Ellis Library
  • Sarah Cron moved from 104E Ellis Library to 152 Ellis Library

Break the Habit

Healthy for Life: T.E. Atkins University of Missouri Wellness Program is starting a pilot program of individualized smoking cessation counseling for employees on the MU Campus. These sessions will last 15 minutes and be conducted on a one-on-one basis. Counseling can be tailored to fit your needs—via phone or brief personal visits.

Interested? Call Shani Higgins at 884-1312 to reserve one of our limited spaces.

Staff Recognition Week Awards Ceremony

Wednesday, May 21
1:30 p.m.
Jesse Hall Auditorium

Campus employees celebrating 5 to 40 years of service and retirees for 2007/2008 will be recognized. Finalists and recipients will be recognized for the Chancellors Outstanding Staff Awards, the Mick Deaver Memorial Award, the Barbara S. Uehling Award of Administrative Excellence and the MU Alumni Association Award for Alumni Relations Excellence.

Reception after ceremony, Jesse Hall Rotunda

The following Libraries staff will be recognized:

5 years
P.T. Martin

10 years
Ryan Bish
Mark Ellis
Billi Heater

15 years
Kathy Peters
Sheila Voss

20 years
Karla Geerlings

25 years
John Kuhlman

30 years
Pat Jones

26-30 years
Robert Almony

Heather Cottle Awarded Conference Stipend

We are so happy to announce that Heather Cottle, our wonderful journalism GRA has been awarded the Vormelker-Thomas Student Award. The award provides a $1,500 stipend to assist students attending their first Special Libraries Association Annual conference, which will be June 15-18, 2008 in Seattle, Washington.

Heather is a 2007 graduate of the Missouri School of Journalism and is currently a graduate student at the School of Information Science and Learning Technologies (SISLT). Heather wrote an essay addressing the issue of archiving web-based news, a statement of her professional goals and a statement of what she expects to gain from attending the conference. She will receive a check to help cover her expenses ahead of the conference and will receive the award at the News Division Awards Banquet.

We’re very proud of Heather!!

More about the award can be found at:


~Dorothy Carner, Head of Journalism Libraries