The MU Libraries Host Two Academic Library Fellows

The MU Library Science program has received a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) to prepare tomorrow’s academic library leaders. This funding supports a total of 20 students through the master’s program. In the first year (beginning in Fall 2008) eight students were admitted as Academic Library Fellows. Two students are provided with support to work at MU, the University of Missouri-St. Louis, the University of Missouri-Kansas City and Missouri State University. Anthony Strand and Ashley Nelson are the current fellows working at MU Libraries . For more information about this program, visit

Anthony is originally from Hatton, North Dakota. He received his undergraduate degree in History and English Secondary Education at Mayville (ND) State University. He developed an interest in LIS while working as a student assistant at the university library in college. He has not decided what type of library work to go into, although he’s leaning towards reference or special collections and is fairly certain he wants to work in an academic library. In his free time, he enjoys watching movies and television and reading comic books, as well as over-analyzing all of those things.

Ashley Nelson has lived in Columbia for three years but is originally from Washington State. She graduated from Westminster College in Fulton with a major in English and a minor in Mathematics. For her English thesis project, she wrote a novel for 9-12 year olds and is trying to get it published. She knows American Sign Language fairly well, and this summer, she biked the Katy trail both ways (aprx. 500 miles).

Coffee Mugs Available for Libraries Events

MU Libraries and MULSA have purchased 96 clear glass, footed, 8 oz. Irish coffee mugs to be used for Libraries events. MULSA has agreed to store the mugs, and the Greener MU Libraries Task Force members will assist with dish washing when the mugs are used for official Libraries events.

If you would like to use these mugs for one of your events, please contact Shannon Cary. If you are using the mugs for a social event, such as a shower, the event organizers will be responsible for making sure the dishes are washed and put back into storage.

Wellbody: Live Healthy

A 9-class series designed to improve your eating habits, help you enjoy moving your body, enhance your body image and promote a healthy weight loss.

Class schedule for Fall Semester 2008
Mondays from Sept 15th to Nov 17th from 3-4pm in Memorial Union North 232
Mondays from Sept 15th to Nov 17th from 4:15-5:15pm in Memorial Union North 232
Other class times welcome for a group of 10 or more.

Cost is $40…$20 back when you complete the program.

To sign-up for WellBody contact Julie Tobias, M.Ed., R.D.

Engaging classes with food tasting, mindful eating, conversation, self-reflection, hands-on activities, and much more… Visit the WellBody website at

Brought to you by the MU Wellness Resource Center and Healthy For Life.

Fire Demonstration at Speakers Circle on Sept. 10

There will be a live burn of a mock dorm/apartment room at Speakers Circle on September 10 at approximatley11:50 a.m., which will last from 3-5 minutes. A fire crew and truck will be on standby and will extinguish the fire. The outside air to Ellis Library and surrounding buildings will be shut off, but there still may be some smoke that gets into the buildings.

For more information about this project, visit Campus Firewatch.

New Chancellor’s Standing Committee Appointments

Leo Agnew, Administration, has been appointed to the Campus Mediation Service Committee, Sep. 2008-Aug. 2011. The charge to the Campus Mediation Service Committee is to act as an independent oversight body for the Campus Mediation Service including (1) setting policy for the Campus Mediation Service; and (2) overseeing the Director of the Campus Mediation Service and the Campus Mediation Service operations.

Jerri Eldridge, Catalog Dept., has been appointed to the Missouri Unions Committee, Sep. 2008-Aug. 2011. The charge of this committee is to advise the vice chancellor for Student Affairs on programs, services and policies for the operation of the Memorial Union and Brady Commons. This committee also acts on appeals in decisions of the director in implementing policy.

Mary Hainen, Catalog Dept., has been appointed to the Campus Parking and Transportation Committee, Sep. 2008-Aug 2011. The charge of this committee is to make recommendations to the vice chancellor for Administrative Services on the regulation of traffic flow and parking needs on and around campus.


College Colors Days is August 29

August 29 marks the 4th annual College Colors Day, a tradition to promote school spirit and the start of college football season. Students, staff, alumni & fans are encouraged to participate by wearing their favorite BLACK and GOLD. This is a great chance to wear your MU Libraries t-shirt to work!

The University of Missouri has become a model for this event among over 125 Collegiate Licensing member schools. Visit the official College Colors Day Web site for detailed information.