No Space Heaters in MU Libraries

As a follow up to my announcement during the recent all-staff meeting, I want to remind you that space heaters are not to be used in MU Libraries.

Along with the obvious fire hazard that they present, individual space heaters create a strain on electrical resources and undermine campus-wide efforts to conserve energy.

During the recent spell of cold weather in the area, most everyone who works for MU Libraries experienced colder-than-usual work areas.  Now that more normal temperatures have returned, I encourage you to contact your building coordinator if temperatures are still uncomfortable in your workplace.  By working with Campus Facilities, your building coordinator should be able to make adjustments to the heat settings in your specific work area or to make other accommodations to deal with the cold temperature.  Caulking of windows or improved insulation may improve your workspace  while also conserving the energy resources.  In some cases, it may be necessary to reposition workstations to relieve the problem.

For safety and liability reasons, library employees should not keep space heaters in work areas, even if not currently in use.

In Ellis Library, the building coordinator is Pat Jones. You may contact her at 882-4220 or by emailing

In the branch libraries, please contact your building coordinator or contact Mark Ellis at 882-9169 or via email:

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Jim Cogswell

From Campus Facilities Newsletter
Avoid using space heaters.  Space heaters use a lot of energy, often cause breakers to trip, and are dangerous when left unattended.  One space heater can consume the same amount of power that it takes to run fifty-six (56) four-foot fluorescent lamps!  The average space heater consumes about 93% of the load a 20-amp circuit breaker can handle.  Combined with the use of another appliance, such as a PC, the circuit breaker can trip.  If not properly safe-guarded, such sudden power outages can damage electronic equipment and cause data loss. Please avoid using space heaters on campus.  If your space is cold, call 882-8211 and we will do our best to help make you more comfortable.

Summon Goes Live on Sunday Night

We are pleased to announce that bib records have been loaded and Summon will go live Sunday night (January 24).

The URL for Summon at MU is Search Discover@MU.

On Sunday night, the MU Libraries’ Gateway will be changed to replace the Ebsco search box with the Summon search box.

You can see a preview of the revised Gateway at
Note that the Advanced Search link is not working yet on this preview site.

Please report any problems, questions or comments by using the Feedback link on the Summon search page or contacting a member of the implementation team (listed below).

Ann Riley
Karen Darling
Felicity Dykas
Diane Johnson
Rhonda Whithaus

MOBIUS Conference Is Free, June 15-17

The MOBIUS Annual Conference will be held June 15-17, 2010 and is free for employees of Missouri libraries. This conference is an incredibly affordable and valuable opportunity for library staff to swap ideas, network with colleagues, and learn new skills. (Do you know of any other FREE conferences?)

You can make the MOBIUS Annual Conference even better by submitting a proposal to present a session. The theme for the conference is “CONNECT, CONSTRUCT, COLLABORATE” and the fast approaching deadline for submitting a proposal is January 21, 2010! An exciting, well-known speaker (soon to be announced) has been engaged to deliver the keynote address. So participate with the best and consider sharing your expertise and experience with your friends and colleagues, making the 2010 MOBIUS Annual Conference the best yet!

Here’s the link – – Don’t procrastinate – PARTICIPATE!

Be a Conversation Partner

The Asian Affairs center is looking for Columbia Community members to befriend Korean teachers participating in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages).
Conversation partners will befriend TESOL students by meeting informally once a week. Conversation partners must be in Columbia for the Kick-Off Event on January 8 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Memorial Union, Room 203 (South).

If interested, contact:
Asian Affairs Center at MU
N49 Memorial Union
Phone: 573-673-5475

To hear more about a library employee’s personal experience being involved in the program, contact Cindy Cotner, 882-4693