United Way Update






Dear Colleagues,

We are just hours away from Saturday, November 19th, when the MU Libraries’ 2011 United Way Campaign officially ends.  The following day, Sunday, begins Thanksgiving week.  It seems most auspicious that we should close this effort to aid the less fortunate in our midst at a time in which we as a community express our gratitude for all of our good fortune.  Among the blessings for which we might be thankful are the opportunities available to us to touch the lives of others for the better.  Certainly many of us are grateful for those times when we were able to assist friends, family, and colleagues.  Nevertheless there are still many others with whom we do not have direct contact who are in need of help.  The Heart of Missouri United Way gives us the means to expand on our chances to impact the lives of others and improve our community

If you have already pledged, your generosity is among the things that we are thankful for.  If you have not pledged yet, please go the United Way link www.unitedway.missouri.edu or complete and return the pledge card that Mark Ellis sent you.   If you have any questions, contact Mark Ellis (104 Ellis Library), Mary Hainen, Ann Riley or Paula Roper.

Also don’t forget that participation in the campaign makes you eligible for prizes donated by the United Way leadership team.  Moreover employees of the MU libraries who pledge by November 18, 2011 will have their names entered in a drawing for these gifts as well:

  • A $10 Bookmark Café gift certificate
  • Concert series tickets
  • A $25 campus bookstore gift certificate
  • $100

Thanks to everyone who has pledged and those of you who will pledge.

Living united,

Mary Hainen                                      Ann Riley                                                             Paula Roper

HainenM@missouri.edu RileyAC@missouri.edu RoperP@missouri.edu

The MU Libraries 2011 United Way Tri-Chairs



United Way Campaign Reminder

Dear Colleagues,

Saturday, November 19th is the official close of the MU Libraries 2011 United Way Campaign.  We are delighted to announce that many of us have pledged and contributed to the effort.  For that generosity we have the sincere gratitude of the numerous charities that comprise the United Way.  There are still a few of us who have no doubt thought about joining in this communitywide effort but have just not found the few  seconds required  to actually complete the process.  If that is true for you, we urge you please to find those few seconds now.

You can go to the United Way link to pledge online www.unitedway.missouri.edu.   Or if you prefer, contact Mark Ellis (104 Ellis Library), Mary Hainen, Ann Riley or Paula Roper. Anyone of these individuals would be delighted to assist.  You might think that what you have to share is very minimal and the need is so great.  However by giving through the United Way, our small gifts are amplified.  Just a few dollars to the United Way accomplishes the phenomenal: feeding the hungry, guiding the young, sheltering the homeless, clothing the naked, assisting the sick . .

Also don’t forget that participation in the campaign makes you eligible for prizes donated by the United Way leadership team.  Moreover employees of the MU libraries who pledge by November 18, 2011 will have their names entered in a drawing for these gifts as well:

  • A $10 Bookmark Café gift certificate
  • Concert series tickets
  • A $25 campus bookstore gift certificate
  • $100

Thanks to everyone who has pledged and those of you who will pledge.

Yours united,

Mary Hainen              Anne Riley                             Paula Roper

HainenM@missouri.edu RileyAC@missouri.edu RoperP@missouri.edu

The MU Libraries 2011 United Way Tri-Chairs

Update on Ellis Library Renovation

Starting today, Nov. 4, the Administration Offices are being moved temporarily to 102 Ellis Library (Access Services). 103 Ellis (ILL) will be used for Administration storage space. In the next several weeks all renovation of 104 Ellis (Administration) will be completed. This is primarily painting, removing flooring and re-carpeting. This should be completed by the beginning of December at which time the Administration Offices will be moved back to 104.

After the fall semester is completed, Access Services will move back into their original offices.

In addition, the ceiling in the staff lounge will be replaced next week.

United Way: Aaaaaand the Winners are…..

The winners of the October 21th MU Libraries United Way participation drawing are Wayne Sanders and Laura Buck.

Congratulations!  Wayne and Laura have each just won a pair of tickets to a performance of a Concert Series show at Jesse Hall Auditorium. We will be drawing two more names for concert series tickets next Friday, October 28st.

All Library participants will also be eligible for the following prizes which will be drawn at the end of the MU Libraries United Way campaign.

  • $10 Bookmark Café gift certificate
  • $25 University Bookstore Gift certificate
  • $100 cash (cash equivalent) to be used anywhere

If you haven’t pledged yet, please go to www.unitedway.missouri.edu

Participants will also be eligible for the campus-wide “30 for 30” prize drawings.

Please let one of the MU Libraries United Way Tri-chairs know if you are having trouble with the online form or would like to pledge by paper card this year.  MU Libraries United Way Tri-Chairs are Paula Roper, Mary Hainen and Ann Riley.  You may also notify the MU Libraries United Way support person Mark Ellis.

Information Update From Campus Facilities

The carpet for DigiPrint/Copy Service and Circulation/Access Services/ILL has shipped and we are currently waiting for it to arrive at the installer’s warehouse. Allen Floors is scheduled to start Copy Service on Monday, 10/24. There may be some parallel installation work going on in 101/102/103 while Copy Service moves things around for their installation. We anticipate that the flooring installation will be complete in these two areas by Friday, Nov 4th. At that time, we would like to schedule for Circulation/Access Services/ILL to move back into their space, with their temporary furniture, if possible. There are still many things that have not been decided regarding the condition/refurbish/replacement of the systems furniture for this space and therefore, we will not be reinstalling that yet. Actual moving dates will need to be verified and confirmed with Moving Services/MR Installation, but the soonest that moving would start would be Monday, Nov 7th.

The carpet for Admin/Gov Docs is currently with Allen Floors for estimating and we anticipate those orders will be placed early next week. We anticipate that once Circulation/Access Services/ILL is back to their space with temporary furniture, by Friday, 11/11 at the latest, that Admin will be moved to CPRR with some of their furniture, if possible, or that there might be additional temp furniture for those that we can’t easily move and set up for use. I anticipate moving to start around the end of the week, 11/11 or even Monday, 11/14. Construction Work will be done to the Admin area and at this time, we don’t know that timeline, but I would at least estimate a minimum of two weeks and up to a month to be vacated from that space. We will schedule carpet installation following that work.

For Government Doc Stacks/OaSys, we are looking into the electrical that was there, what needs to be replaced, etc. and the round brass outlets that were uncovered when the flooring was removed. I don’t know the extent of that electrical work, yet. Once we have confirmation of a ship date on Gov Docs carpet, we can then narrow in on our approach to that space.

United Way: Aaaaaand the Winners are…..

The winners of the October 14th MU Libraries United Way participation drawing are Sue Barnes and Karen Eubanks.

Congratulations!  Sue and Karen have each just won a pair of tickets to a performance of a Concert Series show at Jesse Hall Auditorium. We will be drawing two more names for concert series tickets next Friday, October 21st.

All Library participants will also be eligible for the following prizes which will be drawn at the end of the MU Libraries United Way campaign.

  • $10 Bookmark Café gift certificate
  • $25 University Bookstore Gift certificate
  • $100 cash (cash equivalent) to be used anywhere

If you haven’t pledged yet, please go to www.unitedway.missouri.edu

Participants will also be eligible for the campus-wide “30 for 30” prize drawings.

Please let one of the MU Libraries United Way Tri-chairs know if you are having trouble with the online form or would like to pledge by paper card this year.  MU Libraries United Way Tri-Chairs are Paula Roper, Mary Hainen and Ann Riley.  You may also notify the MU Libraries United Way support person Mark Ellis.

United Way Reminder




Dear Colleagues,

We are in the midst of the 2011 United Way Campaign.  For decades the United Way has helped us assist our neighbors in need.  This year for the first time, instead of paper forms, you can follow this link to pledge online www.unitedway.missouri.edu.   If you prefer paper, please print a copy of the form at the above URL and send the completed pledge to Mark Ellis, 104 Ellis Library.  If you have any questions, please call Mark or contact one of the MU Libraries’  2011 United Way Campaign Tri-Chairs:  Mary Hainen,  Ann Riley or Paula Roper.

Participation in the campaign makes you eligible for prizes made available by the United Way leadership team including press box seats to homecoming, tickets to University Concert Series events, a $500 VISA gift card donated by Providence Bank, and many others.

Moreover employees of the MU libraries who participate in the drive are also eligible to win:

  • A $10 Bookmark Café gift certificate
  • Concert series tickets
  • A $25 campus bookstore gift certificate

  • $100

Those who pledge by Nov. 4th will have their names entered in the drawing for the tickets and the other incentives.

Thank you for supporting the United Way.

Mary Hainen                                       Ann Riley                                             Paula Roper


MU Libraries Sponsor DuraSpace

The MU Libraries have become a sponsor of DuraSpace, a not-for-profit organization with a mission to preserve the scholarly record for future generations. In addition to providing leadership and guidance to DSpace and Fedora, DuraSpace has built new open source technologies, like DuraCloud, which can help institutions make use of the cloud to archive, manage and preserve digital content. You can read more about DuraSpace in their annual report (http://www.duraspace.org/about.php).

A list of DuraSpace Bronze Sponsors, including the MU Libraries, can be found at http://www.duraspace.org/bronze_sponsors.

Submit Your United Way Donation Today




Dear Colleagues,

Here is the link where you can pledge to the United Way online:  www.unitedway.missouri.edu

If you prefer to use a paper pledge form, you may also print one off at this web address (above) and send to me at 104 Ellis Library.  If you have any questions, please give me a call or contact one of the MU Libraries Tri-Chairs (Mary Hainen, Paula Roper and Ann Riley) of the 2011 United Way Campaign!

Also don’t forget the 30 for 30 prize give away from United Way….(description below).  This is independent of the prizes that MU Libraries will give away.

United Way ’30 for 30′ Gift Giveaway
Submit your United Way donation today! The United Way leadership team  has a drawing each day during the campaign that will give away one gift. Only those who have participated in the United Way campaign are entered to win. The earlier you participate, the better chance you have to win. Prizes include press box seats to homecoming, tickets to University Concert Series events, a $500 VISA gift card donated by Providence Bank, and many others. Go to unitedway.missouri.edu to participate today!

Announcement sponsored by United Way Campaign Leadership


Mark Ellis


P.S.  Follow this link to an offer for t-shirts that show your pride in Mizzou and your commitment to Live United http://www.uwheartmo.org/one-mizzou-lives-united-t-shirts.

United Way: Aaaaaand the Winners are…..





The winners of the September 30th MU Libraries United Way participation drawing are:

Colleen Smith
June DeWeese

Congratulations! Colleen and June have each just won a pair of tickets to a performance of a Concert Series show at Jesse Hall Auditorium. We will be drawing two more names for concert series tickets next Friday, October 7th.

All Library participants will also be eligible for the following prizes which will be drawn at the end of the MU Libraries United Way campaign.

• $10 Bookmark Café gift certificate
• $25 University Bookstore Gift certificate
• $100 cash (cash equivalent) to be used anywhere

If you haven’t pledged yet, please go to www.unitedway.missouri.edu

Participants will also be eligible for the campus-wide “30 for 30” prize drawings.

Please let one of the MU Libraries United Way Tri-chairs know if you are having trouble with the online form or would like to pledge by paper card this year. MU Libraries United Way Tri-Chairs are Paula Roper, Mary Hainen and Ann Riley. You may also notify the MU Libraries United Way support person Mark Ellis.