MULAC Election Results

MULAC Election results are in! Congratulations to all newly-elected membersand  thanks to all continuing members.

MULAC Officers

Chair: Rhonda Whithaus, 2012-2013

Vice Chair/Chair-Elect: Kate Anderson, 2012-2013

Recorder: Gwen Gray, 2012-2013

Faculty Council Representative: Rachel Brekhus, 2012-2015

Faculty Council Representative, Alternate: Marie Concannon, 2012-2015


Administrative Affairs, Policy, and Nomination Committee

Darell Schmick, 2012-2014

Anselm Huelsbergen, 2011-2013 Chair

Wayne Sanders, 2011-2013


Promotion Committee

Cindy Cotner, 2012-2014

Felicity Dykas, 2012-2014

Caryn Scoville, 2012-2014

Brenda Graves-Blevins, 2011-2013

Diane Johnson, 2011-2013

1st alternate: Gwen Gray, 2012-2013

2nd alternate: Nina Johnson, 2012-2013


Welfare and Professional Development Committee

Goodie Bhullar, 2012-2014

Rachel Brekhus, 2011-2013 Chair

Jackie Blonigen, 2011-2013

New Ellis Library Room Reservation System Debuted on July 16

The MU Libraries are migrating from the Outlook calendar system for scheduling meeting rooms to the Meeting Room Booking System (which we now use for the study room reservations). The Ellis Library Room Reservations System went live on Monday and is located on the staff web page:

Please read the guidelines for reserving rooms, which will also be linked from the staff page. If you have any questions, contact Shannon Cary or Mark Ellis.

You will have until the end of July to move meetings from the Outlook calendar room reservation system to the new Ellis Library Room Reservation System.

New Ellis Library Room Reservation System Debuts on July 16

The MU libraries will migrate from the Outlook calendar system for scheduling meeting rooms to the Meeting Room Booking System (which we now use for the study room reservations). The Ellis Library Room Reservations System will go live on Monday and is located on the staff web page:

Please read the guidelines for reserving rooms, which will also be linked from the staff page. If you have any questions, contact Shannon Cary or Mark Ellis.

You will have until the end of July to move meetings from the Outlook calendar room reservation system to the new Ellis Library Room Reservation System.