MU Libraries Fundraising Update

As of December 31, 2014, the University of Missouri has raised $65,786,043 or 38 percent of our $175 million 2015 goal. While this number is below projections it makes us realize how important it is to quicken our pace, deliver more proposals, regain focus and build positive momentum for the final six months of this fiscal year.

The MU Libraries have raised $3,100,000 of its $2,000,000 goal or 155 percent. This total includes standard campaign counting of outright cash, gifts-in-kind, new planned gifts, new pledges and sponsored research. The Libraries have had success by securing the following commitments this year – William Trogdon at $1,500,000, Jeannette Bobeen at $200,000 and Martha Mares-Lebo at $850,000 just to name a few.     

While this is very exciting news for the MU Libraries, it is important to note that the bulk of the giving has come through estate gifts that will not be received right away.


Inaugural SEC Academic Collaboration Award

Jeannette Pierce and Anne Barker will be joining two MU students for an SECU workshop entitled Developing Partnerships to Advance Open Access Initiatives at SEC Universities.  Students and representatives from each SEC university will work together to develop strategies to advance open access and open educational resource initiatives at their home institutions. 

We are fortunate to be sending two outstanding MU students to this event.  Hallie Thompson, President of the Graduate Professional Council (GPC) and Benjamin Vega, Chair of the MSA Senate Academic Affairs Committee.   Hallie is a third year Ph.D. student in Plant Sciences.  She earned her B.S. in Biochemistry from the University of Missouri in the December 2011.  Hallie is currently serving as the Assistant National Director of Legislative Affairs for the National Association of Graduate-Professional Students (NAGPS).  Benjamin is an undergraduate student in the Biological Sciences.  He was selected by the Biological Sciences Division for an “Outstanding Sophomore in Biological Sciences” award in 2013.

The Texas A&M University Libraries will host this inaugural SEC Academic Collaboration Award event to be held Feb. 6-8 at the Sterling C. Evans Library.  Here are a couple of recent announcements with additional detail:

SEC Academic Collaboration Event To Address Scholarly Communication

University Libraries hosts first-ever SEC Academic Collaboration Award Workshop

We are all excited about the opportunity to attend the workshop.  Hallie will be tweeting.

RJI and MU Libraries Receive Knight Grant

A $35,000 grant from the Knight News Challenge on libraries will help MU Libraries and the Reynolds Journalism Institute develop a long-term model to protect born-digital news content from being lost forver. Edward McCain will lead the effort to test assumptions about the perservation and monetization of small-newspaper articles. Congratulations to Edward!

The complete press release is here.

More links:
NetNewsCheck, Jan. 30, 2015
This Week @ ANA, Feb. 5, 2015
Virginia's ePress, Feb. 4, 2015
Editor & Publisher, Feb. 2, 2015


Upcoming Black History Month Events

Black and Blue: A Transparent Discussion between African Americans and Police

6 p.m., Hulston Hall
Sponsored by Delta Sigma Theta–Epsilon Psi Chapter and the Black Law Students Association

FILM: Doin’ It in the Park
6 p.m., Ragtag Cinema, 10 Hitt St.
Free screening of this independent documentary about the history, culture, and social impact of New York’s summer basketball scene, widely recognized as the worldwide “Mecca” of the sport.  
Sponsored by the Black History Month Committee

Jazz: The Quintessential American Music An Evening with Christian McBride
7 p.m., Stotler Lounge, Memorial Union
Grammy award winning jazz bassist Christian McBride will be joined by the Mizzou Concert Jazz Band led by Dr. Arthur White for an infusive jazz experience. Following the concert, McBride and White will participate in a conversation about jazz as an essentially African American contribution to American music. Moderated by Dr. Stephanie Shonekan.
Sponsored by the Chancellor’s Distinguished Visitor Program, Black History Month Committee, School of Music, and the Chancellor’s Diversity Initiative

Facing the Truth: The Case for Reparations

4–5:30 p.m., 223 Townsend Hall
Join us for a 22 minute video of Ta-Nehisi Coates, senior editor of The Atlantic, speaking with Bill Moyers about his cover article,“The Case for Reparations.” Following the video, we will dialogue and explore the impacts that institutional racism continues to have in our society. Food and soda will be provided. Facilitators: Renee Powers-Scott, MS Ed, and Sonia Dhaliwal, PsyD

New Posts, Jan. 26-30

  1. Amigos Update
  2. Communication Audit Group – brief update
  3. Active Shooter Update
  4. Mizzou Cares Crisis Resource Line
  5. Mandatory Training
  6. New FERPA Release for Student Employees
  7. Welcome to Kathryn Wright
  8. Goodbye to Jerri Eldridge and Rebecca Schedler
  9. Hansen Wins ACRL Conference Scholarship
  10. Muse Posts
  11. Information and Action Items from Library Management Team 1/27/15
  12. Director's Calendar, Feb. 2-6
  13. Opening Reception of the Nook, Feb. 12
  14. Upcoming Black History Month Events
  15. Boyd Wins Distinguished Service Award

Communication Audit Group – brief update

The Communication Audit Group formed in MULAC (Abbie Brown, Rachel Brekhus, Cindy Cotner) has added staff members (PT Martin, Karla Geerlings, Shannon Cary) and met January 29 to outline the information we’ll present to a graduate student or Honors Thesis undergraduate, in case one takes on our communication audit this semester. We hope to know in the next month if a student will be working with us, and meet with that student promptly.