Water Outage Notification, Ellis Library

A water outage has been scheduled for Ellis Library and Ellis Library – 1987 Addition starting Wednesday, March 30 at 5:00 a.m. and turned back on at 8:00 a.m. the same day.  This outage is necessary to allow Campus Facilities personnel to make repairs to the building water system.  All water, including restrooms and fountains will be interrupted for the duration of the outage.This outage has been scheduled with the building coordinator to minimize disruptions to the activities in the building. In the interest of good communications however, we are alerting others who may have a need to know about this outage.Thank you for your patience as this necessary work is completed. If you have any questions, please contact Campus Facilities – Energy Management, 882-3094.

Concannon Speaks at SLU Pius Library’s 150th FDLP Anniversary Celebration

Concannon Speaks
Marie Concannon traveled to St. Louis on Wednesday, March 16 to speak at St. Louis University Pius XII Memorial Library’s 150th FDLP anniversary event.  It was a lovely celebration that brought out supporters both old and new, including John Waide, SLU’s documents librarian from the early 1980s, and Katrina Stierholz (now at the St. Louis Federal Reserve Library, but formerly the documents coordinator at SLU.)   Rebecca Hyde, SLU’s current depository coordinator, delivered a speech including these words from James Madison:

“Knowledge will forever govern ignorance, and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives” (1822.) 

Marie’s presentation included a passage from the Congressional Record dated almost 150 years ago to the day.  She then had the honor of presenting GPO’s sesquicentennial plaque to Dave Cassens, Dean of SLU Libraries.

A reception followed.  SLU Library’s energetic social media mascot “Lil’ Pius” was excited about the party and sent out a tweet to students.  There were also buttons and stickers depicting Lil’ Pius and GPO’s Ben holding hands, “best friends forever.” Guests viewed historical document displays and a slide show that Rebecca and others at SLU put together for the event. 

The event was a wonderful way to celebrate 150 years of service.  St. Louis University’s Library has our congratulations for doing a stellar job making government information available at St. Louis University and to the people of St. Louis.


Library Assembly Meeting, 3/15/16

Present: Adrienne Arden, Alla Barabtarlo, Wendy Batson, Angie Burroughs Kelly, Sheryl Cullina, Tammy Green, Terri Hall, Steven Hammer, Dustin Hoffman, Jeannette Pierce, Ann Riley, Sandy Schiefer, Marcia Strong, Bette Stuart, & Deb Ward

Next meeting scheduled for April 19th

  1. Guest Speaker – Alla Barabtarlo

    • “What is so special in Special Collections?”
    • Alla spoke about the items to be found in Special Collections
    • She told how some of these came to be part of our library
    • She showed examples of clay tablets with cuneiform writing
  1. Director Announcements (Ann Riley):

    • University budget

      • There will be a 5% across the board cut expected
      • Cuts will be at the discretion of each department
      • Possible layoffs & non-renewal of some contracts
      • No raises unless for promotion or for those considered below the bottom of their job’s salary range
    • Effects on libraries’ budget

      • Libraries hoping to avoid layoffs
      • Many open positions may not be filled (Those that will be must be justified as essential to the operation of a department.)
      • Proposed closing Ellis Library at midnight rather than current 24/5
      • Possibility of shifting staffing to cover open positions
  1. Departmental Reports:

Digital Services Report (Adrienne Arden)

We continue to accomplish a lot of work, digitizing and adding material to the MU Digital Library, and keeping up with submissions to MOspace.  Following are brief details on recent activities of note. 

SCaRB gave us a flat-bed scanner that they no longer needed.  We did some re-furbishing of it and have found it useful for a couple of recent projects.

We continue to migrate content from the legacy digital library to the MU Digital Library.  Some collections that we are close to finishing are:  Savitars, Ag Experiment Station publications, and Alumni magazines. 

In addition, we are undertaking some small digitization projects in support of teaching and research, including a copy of a handwritten volume called the Lucubrator from 1797.  For those not familiar with the word, Dictionary.com lists “lucubrate” as a verb meaning, “to work, write, or study laboriously, especially at night.”  Our volume contains essays written by James Noyes on such topics as hope, envy, public character, bad neighbors, and friendship.  A class on 18th century literature is studying the text and will be providing transcripts of the content, which we will include in the digital library.  Kelli Hansen and Anne Barker are also working with the class. 

We also are digitizing the Paisa Akhbar, an Indian newspaper from the 1890s.  A doctoral student is interested in access to this paper.  WorldCat shows two holdings worldwide:  MU and a library in Germany.  We have four bound volumes with incomplete holdings from 1891-1989.   

MOspace is getting a lot of our attention as well.  Material from Cyberinfrastructure Day 2016 will be added to MOspace, and we will also post the winning essay in the MU Libraries Undergraduate Research contest.  We have been spending some time enhancing metadata for theses and dissertations.

LTS continues to work on the HathiTrust processing script.  We have a stockpile of digital items to contribute to the HathiTrust when the script becomes available. 

Felicity has been busy with SISLT search committee work.  Three candidates were on campus for interviews in the last two weeks.  Felicity is taking a five-week course through Coursera on data management plans.  She is finding it very useful and is excited about it because the instructor, Helen Tibbo, is well-known in the field of digital preservation. 

Tammie Busch, a member of the Campus Library Committee, has attended their recent committee meetings, and reports that they have been discussing the journal review process being undertaken by selectors and the units with which they liaise.   

Adrienne and Felicity attended the Difficult Conversations workshop sponsored by SDC.

MULAC Report (Sandy Schiefer)

Data Curation Librarian at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Chris Eaker, will visit MU April 7-8. His presentation is April 8th at 1-2 pm in room 213.

April 13th is the Cyberinfrastructure Day workshop.

RAIS Report (Wendy Batson)

  • The Libraries are looking at different discovery tools and would like your input on our current service, Summon.  All library staff are encouraged to complete a survey about Summon, which was sent out in an email to All Staff by Rhonda Whithaus.  The survey closes at 5:00 pm March 16.
  • The Libraries will be piloting a chat reference service made available through MOBIUS, called ChatStaff.  The service will extend our chat service to 24 hours.  RAIS will continue to use our current chat service through LibChat during our regular chat hours, and when our librarians go offline the ChatStaff professional librarians will take over to provide chat services.  The service will extend our total chat hours from Sundays at 10:00 am to Fridays at 5:00 pm and Saturdays from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm

Administration (Steven Hammer)

A “Working with Students” workshop will be conducted by Noah Hartsfield on March 24, 2016.  The emphasis of the workshop is creating positive student work environments.  There will be time allotted to sharing experiences and problem solving exercises.

Mark Ellis, Executive Staff Assistant, has announced he’s accepted a position at the Retirement Programs Office.  His final day in the Administration Office is March 25, 2016.

Cataloging & Metadata Department (Angie Burroughs Kelly)

The 202 indexes & abstracts transfer project continues.  Indexes A-TX are completed and in place.  The abstracts A-TX are being pulled, transferred, & labeled.

We continue to replace Y4 documents of Congressional hearings.

We’ve also been working on some Special Collection transfers and cataloging.

The RAPID ILL holdings update has been completed.

Selected files have been pulled from MERLIN for our trial of Ebsco Discovery Service.

HSL (Terri Hall)

Mike, Caryn & Diane have been working on the collections review database.

Taira won another culture of yes service strip from MU HealthCare

Rebecca was a key member of the team that won the Medical Library Assn”s chapter project of the year award for holding the first ever virtual chapter meeting.

We’ve been working on a way to recognize our authors publishing open access and have created a blog with pullout quotes form recent articles about the OA and the scholarly publish crisis.

Don’t forget the heart kudos word cloud you & Chris created for Valentine’s day.

Acquisitions & Collection Development, Accounting-ACTS Division, and Consortial Resources Report (Bette Stuart)

  1. Due to a lack of staffing resources, we have ended our WMS project that enhanced table of contents, summaries, subject headings, etc. for our records.  This was a joint project between MS&T, UMKC, and MU.  All libraries, not just MU, are unable to provide the needed staff time to clean up the records after loads.  We will finish the clean-up on the two files we still have and that will be all for this project for the time being. 
  2. The new LSO accounts payable feeder system, which allows financial data to be sent from Sierra to People Soft, is now fully implemented.  Special thanks to LTS for their technical support and programming efforts.
  3. Cost data in 360 Counter is up-to-date through FY 2015.

Library Assembly Meeting, 4/19/16

Present:  Adrienne Arden, Wendy Batson, Jack Batterson, Tammy Green, Terri Hall, Steven Hammer, Dustin Hoffman, Mike Holland, Jeanette Pierce, Marcia Strong, Bette Stuart, & Deb Ward

Next meeting scheduled for May 17, 2016 (subject to change)

  1. Guest Speaker—Melissa Riley, Campus Dining Services


    • What’s new for the Bookmark Cafe


      • Last renovations were to the food prep area
      • $50,000 approved for updating the dining area, which includes


        1. Recovering existing chairs
        2. Adding more seating
        3. Building a bar between the columns
        4. Adding plug-ins
      • Closing time will change to midnight the week prior to and the week of finals rather than the 2:00 AM the previous semester
    • Campus Dining is opening another café in Lafferre Hall (Engineering Building)


      • It will be called the Potential Energy Café
      • Will open in January 2017
      • Staffing for the new café will be training at the Bookmark Cafe


  1. Policy #59 – After Hours Use of the Census Research Data Center (Mike Holland):


    • CRDC cannot be unavailable when the library is closed
    • This is an internal policy only to establish guidelines for after hour use
    • Concerns were brought up regarding making sure that users make sure that the main doors into the library are shut securely when entering and exiting.
    • Suggestions made to post a sign inside of the Center in case someone is locked in after hours






  1. Director Announcements (Deb Ward):


    • Deb and Ann attended a budget meeting last Monday with Ellen Blair, Garnet Stokes, Ken Dean-Senior Associate Provost, and Rhonda Gibler-Vice Chancellor for Finance. There will be a 5% reduction in our budget. $1.2 million reduction in collections, $800,000 cut in salaries which will come from retirements and from layoffs for two positions hired for the 24/5 hours. Should MSA give us money to keep extended hours, we would not lay off those employees.
    • Addition to UMLD – Ann related to Provost Garnett Stokes that if the libraries were to receive some one time only funds, our priority would be to the UMLD addition, estimated at $10 million.
    • Discussed the feasibility of going forward with another student fee vote. The idea is favorably viewed, but timing is critical
    • On Wednesday, April 12 there was a meeting on construction, with Dan The focus of the discussion was the role of the library 10 years into the future on this campus. It was an energizing discussion in which future hopes were met with interest. The need for the depository was made clear.
    • Last Thursday was the scholarly Communications ACRL Roadshow with focus on Open Access, with good attendance and an interesting program. We will continue to raise these issues with faculty.
    • Friday was MU Remembers Ceremony honoring those MU students who passed away last year. The library picks a new book in memory of each honoree. Cindy Cotner set up a LibGuide so that everyone can see the titles going back several years.
    • The Library Society Dinner featured speaker David Ferriero, the Archivist of the United States.


  1. Departmental Reports:


Digital Services Report to Library Assembly (Adrienne Arden)

Electronic theses and dissertations for fall 2015 are in MOspace with the exception of those having one-year holds and a few problems.  We received 100 theses and 102 dissertations.  Of these, 69 have one-year holds and will be added to MOspace in December.  Of those without holds, 103 are open access, 22 have access restricted to MU or the four UM campuses, and we have 8 problems for which the paperwork wasn’t clear.

We are expecting the PowerPoint presentations from Cyber Infrastructure Day which will be put into MOspace.

Felicity attended the ACRL Workshop on Scholarly Communications and CI Day.  Tammie attended a webinar on Policies for Adding Original Records to WorldCat.  Felicity and Tammie attended sessions presented by Chris Eaker, Data Curation Librarian at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

A current project is the digitization and cataloging of University of Missouri 4-H Club Circulars from the 1920s through the 1960s.  Adrienne has enjoyed working on this project to preserve historical 4-H material. Funding for this undertaking came from Project Ceres via a grant co-written by Noel Kopriva and Felicity Dykas.  Digital copies of these circulars will be in the MU Digital Library and in AgNIC, the Agricultural Network Information Collaborative.


RAIS Reports (Wendy Batson)

  • The Library Ambassadors passed out Hot Box Cookies on Speaker’s Circle for National Library Week.
  • Rhonda Whithaus set up rooms for librarians and staff to be able to attend sessions of the Electronic Resources & Libraries and Designing for Digital conferences.
  • The library now has a trial for the EBSCOhost discovery tool up on the Gateway (the tab next to Summon), and there is a link for users to submit feedback.  The Usability Group is also conducting testing to compare various discovery tools.
  • Sandy Schiefer has graciously agreed to provide support at the Missourian Library after Nina Johnson retires.  Sandy will work part time in Government Documents and part time at the Missourian.



Security (Marcia Strong)


Ellis is having issues with non-students’ odor and sleeping in the Information Commons. They are having problems with students smoking outside near the north entrance.



Library Technology Services (Dustin Hoffmann)


First, Apple is dropping support for QuickTime.  This means that there will be no further updates to the product including security patches.  As such, two security vulnerabilities discovered earlier this year will not be repaired.  LTS will be uninstalling QuickTime from MU Libraries Windows computers over the coming weeks remotely; please refer to an e-mail that LTS will be sending out soon.  It is strongly advised that QuickTime be uninstalled from personal computers.

Second, DoIT has not decided on a time for deploying Windows 10 to the University environment.  LTS will be distributing Windows 10 at some point; however, we are waiting for the completion of DoIT's preparations.



Cataloging & Metadata Department (Jack Batterson)

In addition to routine cataloging, authority work, cataloging projects, and catalog management activities:

  • Resolving 250+ missing/lost items from the Journalism Library.
  • Continuing making available remediated items from UMLD2 as they are reprocessed into compact storage.
  • Resolving problems from UMLD2 of various types, need cataloging, need barcodes, etc.
  • Completed moving of the abstracts A-TX to Room 202 prior to Spring Break.
  • Cataloged books and added donor/honoree headings for the Donor Appreciation Ceremony as well as MU Remembers.
  • Working on updating annual holdings information for the HathiTrust.

Angie Burroughs Kelly’s last day will be May 4th as she and her family relocate. We wish her great success in future endeavors.


HSL (Deb Ward)


  • Construction report: They will remove the stairway from the Atrium during the first two weeks in June during the hours of 6pm – 2am weekdays. HSL will close at 6:00 PM on those days.
  • UpToDate – funding secured last Friday. School of Medicine pays two-thirds of the cost.
  • Deb was in Philadelphia at the Changing Landscapes of Health Sciences Libraries conference. They talked about the way facilities are changing and looked at how to include the Library in the curriculum.


    • Terri and Taira coordinated our National Library Week celebration. They showcased recent equipment purchases for standing while working, showed the new trial Scannx scanner to some people and got students to fill in the NLW thought bubbles about what the library means to them. Thanks to Cindy Cotner for providing Hot Box cookies.


HSL & Veterinary Library (Terri Hall)


Caryn & Mathew have reworked all the Illiad ILL request screens to make them mobile friendly




Employment Opportunities

The Libraries have an immediate opening for a Libraries Depository Supervisor to supervise UMLD and U2.

For additional information, including salary, work hours, and how to apply, please visit the Libraries webpage at  http://library.missouri.edu/about/employment/employopp/#staff_job_openings


The Libraries have an immediate opening for a part time Library Information Assistant in the Journalism Library.

For additional information, including salary, work hours, and how to apply, please visit the Libraries webpage at  http://library.missouri.edu/about/employment/employopp/#staff_job_openings


Healthy for Life Update

Culture of Health priority area: Eat well
Each Culture of Health priority area is featured on the Wellness Website along with many programs, discounts and resources associated with each. From the home page you may select any of the priority areas to find out more. This week we are exploring ‘Eat well’ which promotes the availability of healthy food options to all employees.

What you'll find on the website:

  • Easy action steps– These are simple action steps you can take to eat healthier at home and at work.
  • Eat for Life– This 10-week mindfulness-based course (taught in-person and online) teaches participants to have a healthy relationship with food and their bodies.
  • Weight Watchers– Find out about groups meeting on campus and any upcoming Weight Watchers open house sessions. You will also learn how to earn incentive points and save money on the program.
  • Eating well at work toolkit– This toolkit provides information for individuals and for departments to encourage eating healthy work.
  • Discounts and resources– Find healthy eating resources offered at a discounted rate to University employees. Looking for a farmers market? We have a state-wide listing available.

Ready to explore Eat well? Click here!

Nutrition & Exercise Research Day(s)Sex, Drugs & Rock ‘n Roll: Estrogen and Exercise in Women’s Health
Every year since 1966 the nutrition community at the University of Missouri has held several lectures and activities emphasizing nutrition, fitness and wellness.  Hosted by the Department of Nutrition & Exercise Physiology, the events this year allow us to celebrate the long tradition of nutrition – and now exercise – research at MU by bringing in distinguished scientist experts to highlight health research specifically geared toward women and wellness.

“Estrogen Therapy for Menopause: Fountain of Youth or Kiss of Death?”

Bond Life Sciences Center, Monsanto Auditorium

Date: Wednesday March 23, 2016

Time: 7:00PM- 8:00PM

Where: Monsanto Auditorium

Cost: Free and Open to the Public

“Lessons Learned in Los Angeles: How to OWN Your Nutrition Message!”

Bond Life Sciences Center, Monsanto Auditorium

Date: Thursday March 24, 2016

Time: 1:00PM- 2:00PM

Where: Monsanto Auditorium

Cost: Free and Open to the Public

“Estrogens: What is Good for the ‘Goose’ is Also Good for the Gander!”

Memorial Union South, Jesse Wrench Auditorium

Date: Thursday March 24, 2016

Time: 4:00PM- 5:00PM

Where: Jesse Wrench Auditorium

Cost: Free and Open to the Public

For more information please contact Dr. Catherine Peterson or Dr. Vicki Vieira-Potter at 573-882-4288.

New Eat Well Discount: Green Bean Delivery
Green Bean Delivery offers organic groceries, and many local products, delivered right to your door. Please see the attached flyer for more details including the University promo code of Healthy4Life that entitles subscribers to $15 off your first bin. No membership is required and delivery is flexible so you can choose to turn delivery on or off from week to week.

More information is available at http://greenbeandelivery.com/

MU Extension Offers Incentive Eligible Classes
University of Missouri Extension classes eligible for Wellness incentive points are now enrolling. Classes scheduled on campus include Taking Care of You, Powerful Tools for Caregivers, Stay Strong Stay Healthy and Youth Mental Health First Aid. See the attached flyer for class descriptions.

Registration: Required. Visit  http://extension.missouri.edu/hes/wellnessclasses.htm to complete your registration.

Questions? muextwellness@missouri.edu.

Wellness Incentive points awarded upon successful completion of course. Points are awarded by the 15th of the month following the month the course was completed. Contact wellness@umsystem.edu for questions.


Special Collections Acquisition

The Special Collections and Rare Books department has received a thirty five volume facsimile edition of the Chronicles of Ivan the Terrible (Лицевой летописный свод) as a gift from the University of Illinois. This literary masterpiece was commissioned by Czar Ivan IV "the Terrible"(1530-1584) for the Royal library, for the purpose of educating his children and future rulers.

 Also known as the Czar Book, it is the largest compilation of the historical knowledge of ancient Russia, covering the period from the Creation of the World to the year 7084 (AD1576), including the Biblical history and the histories of Rome, Byzantium, and Russia. A significant part of the Chronicles is dedicated to the period of Ivan IV's reign, shedding light on the circumstances that led to the infamous “Time of Troubles” and the fall of the initial Rurik dynasty.

The original 10-volume manuscript was made between 1568 and 1576 by sixteen most prominent scribes and ten iconographers who worked on it under the guidance of St. Macarius, Metropolitan of Moscow. Until the end of the 16th century the books were in the Royal library, but disappeared in the turmoil of the Time of Troubles, and were presumed lost for over four centuries. One volume was found in the library of Peter I, who had given it as a gift to his daughter. The rest of the books were recovered from private collectors, and it was recently reproduced by the Society of Lovers of Ancient Literature charity.

For centuries, the Chronicles were not available to general audience, but this publication provides a great opportunity for scholars who want to explore and gain more detailed knowledge of that turbulent and fascinating time of Russian history.

Spec Collections Book

The facsimile edition of the Chronicle includes both the original text in Church Slavonic and its pretty lame translation into the present-day Russian. The text has 17,000 illustrations.

Special gratitude for making this gift possible goes to our former graduate assistant Julie Christenson; Mrs. Melanie Rusk of the Collection Management Services of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Dr. Christopher Condill, Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies librarian, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; and to our own  Ellen Blair; Steven Hammer, and Mike Holland.