Employment Opportunities

The Libraries have 2 immediate openings for Library Information Specialists in the Journalism Library. For additional information, including salary, work hours, and how to apply, please visit the Libraries webpage at  http://library.missouri.edu/about/employment/employopp/#staff_job_openings

The Libraries have an immediate opening for a Sr. Library Information Specialist in the Engineering Library. For additional information, including salary, work hours, and how to apply, please visit the Libraries webpage at  http://library.missouri.edu/about/employment/employopp/#staff_job_openings

Healthy for Life Update

2017 Wellness Incentive
The 2017 Wellness Incentive is now open. Don’t wait until April, get started on your journey towards wellness now!

  • Tier 1: Educate yourself – Complete Tier 1 by April 30, 2017, to earn $50* in your final May 2017 paycheck**. Access Tier 1 activities by visiting the 2017 Wellness Incentive webpage. To complete Tier 1:

    • Watch a new Healthy for Life video to find out about new opportunities designed to improve your wellness.
    • Complete your Personal Health Assessment to pinpoint ways you can improve your health.
  • Tier 2: Invest in yourself – Complete Tier 2 by earning 400 points starting now through September 30, 2017; successful completion of Tier 2 will earn you $400* in your final October 2017 paycheck**.

    • There are many different point-eligible activities to choose from, including new Diversity and Inclusion and community service opportunities. See the list of activities that will earn you points (PDF).
    • You can start working toward your Tier 2 points now, but you must complete Tier 1 in order to be eligible for Tier 2 payout.

*Your 2017 Wellness Incentive earnings will be taxed and voluntary retirement contributions will be deducted, just like with other earnings.

**Any university faculty and staff member may participate in Wellness Incentive activities, but only employees who meet the following conditions at the time of payout can earn incentive money (i.e., $50 in the last paycheck of May 2017 and $400 in the last paycheck of October 2017):

  1. The employee’s primary status is active.
  2. The employee is at least .75 FTE and pays premiums for a University of Missouri System medical insurance plan (i.e., is a primary subscriber).
  3. To earn Tier 2 payout, the employee must have completed Tier 1 by April 30, 2017.

Financial Wellness Program
Cultivating financial wellness can be as easy as completing a few steps annually. This year, the University of Missouri System has gathered the financial resources available to you on the financial wellness webpage, your one-stop-shop for educational information, tools, and events designed to help you become and stay financially well. The Financial Wellness program provides resources and classes available to ALL full-time/part-time faculty and staff. Join the mailing list!

Upcoming Events:

Building a Portfolio for Any Weather

When: Tuesday November 29, 2016 

Time: 12:00p.m. – 1:00p.m.             

Location: Ellis Library 106A (Telepresence) 

Registration: Online or call 800-642-7131 

Visit http://umurl.us/finwell for more information. 

As a Healthy for Life sponsored workshop, eligible employees may earn 25 points for participation in the Financial Wellness Workshops. There are a maximum of 100 points possible for this category. Contact wellness@umsystem.edu for questions. 

Keep moving with the Million Step Pedometer Program
The Million Step Pedometer Program is a simple walking program designed to get faculty, staff, and their families up and moving. Go at your own pace–no time limit applies. You are a success if you take more steps today than you did yesterday.

Fitbit devices are available for purchase at a discounted rate from University of Missouri Campus Stores. Faculty, staff, and dependents covered by a University of Missouri insurance plan are eligible to receive a $45 rebate when they purchase a Fitbit from a University of Missouri Campus Store. Plus, you can earn up to 200 points towards the 2017 Wellness Incentive or other great prizes for each million steps you report.

How do I report my steps?
You may track steps using a pedometer or activity tracker of your choice. Once you have walked a million steps, you can submit a record of your steps online.  Click here to learn more about the Million Step Pedometer Program and access the “I did it!” submission form.

Walking Trail Maps
Do you need ideas about where to walk on campus? Click here to find maps for walking trails on campus that includes the distance and approximate number of steps. It is a great tool to help you meet your step goals.

Stay Connected with Healthy for Life
A healthy, positive lifestyle requires openness, awareness, and consistent effort. Healthy for Life is committed to ensuring that all employees have the opportunity to learn about and engage in activities that support your wellbeing. Click here to sign up for e-mails regarding Healthy for Life programs.




Amber Phelps

myTotal Rewards,­­­ Wellness

University of Missouri System

Healthy for Life: T.E. Atkins UM Wellness Program

Wellness Program Coordinator for MU, MUHS, Extension, and UM System

Woodrail Centre | 1000 W. Nifong Blvd | Bldg 7 suite 210 | Columbia, MO 65211

Phone: 573-884-1432 | Fax: 573-884-3123 |  PhelpsAm@umsystem.edu



2017 Wellness Incentive

How will you improve your wellness? Earn up to $450 for taking steps to
improve your health. Visit http://umurl.us/incentive for more information.


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Library Management Team Information and Action Items 11/8/16

Present:  Shannon Cary, Sheryl Cullina, Michael Holland, Corrie Hutchinson, Pat Jones, Kathy Peters, Jeannette Pierce, Ann Riley, Ernest Shaw, Deb Ward

Request from Art Museum Regarding Exhibit Space
INFORMATION: Jeannette stated the Exhibits Committee had considered a proposal from the MU Art Museum about using exhibit space in the library for semi-permanent art exhibits. The Committee stated that there was not room in the colonnade to house these exhibits because the existing cases are in high demand. LMT agreed with the Committee and may possibly investigate other possible exhibit space for art installations in the future.

Budget Review
INFORMATION: Kathy shared the budget assumptions and models for FY16 through FY20 with LMT. Ann asked members to point out any problem areas they see in the budget before it is presented to the Provost.

Policy Review: #1 Policy on Policies
INFORMATION: Mike presented a revised version of the Policy on Policies to LMT. He stated that the only substantive change was removing Library Assembly as a policy review body and replacing with the library staff as a whole.

ACTION: Mike will make clarifying revisions to policy and then Sheryl will send to staff for comment.

Staff Advisory Group
INFORMATION: Sheryl told LMT that there were only two employees who volunteered to be officers for the Staff Advisory Group. Noah has agreed to be chair and Kevin McFillen will be vice-chair. She suggested that the Fiscal Assistant be the recorder for meetings.

ACTION: Sheryl will inform the staff of the new officers.

Library Committee Meeting Report
INFORMATION: Ann gave a brief report on the last Library Committee meeting.

  • The committee wanted to know how they could advocate for holding the library budget harmless. They decided to write a letter to the provost and also ask departments to do the same. They are particularly interested in contacting directors of graduate studies to get graduate students involved.
  • They also discussed open access policy and the committee is supposed to be looking at the open access LibGuide.

MERLIN Transition
INFORMATION: Ann gave a brief update on a recent meeting of the UM library directors about the MERLIN transition.

  • A transition task force was formed.
  • They toured UMSL’s offsite storage site and discussed offsite storage issues at each campus.

ACTION: Corrie will ask Kevin McFillin for an estimate of how much space in UMLD1 is being used by each campus.

Friends of the Libraries Meeting Update
INFORMATION: Ann gave a brief overview of the Friends of the Libraries meeting that was held on November 5. June DeWeese is serving as the current chair of the Friends, and she presided over the meeting.

  • The rules were recently changed so that all library donors who give $100 or more automatically become Friends. There are currently about 300 members.
  • They will be holding a fundraiser on February 26, 2017 at Jesse Hall. It’s a Country Gold concert featuring classic country music. They expect to make around $30,000 from the event.
  • The Friends have recommitted to matching Adopt-a-Book funds up to $2,500.

Security and Building Announcements
INFORMATION: Pat announced the following closings during Thanksgiving Week:

  • room 202 will be closed for installation of electrical blinds;
  • room 114 will be closed for painting of the registers; and
  • the Bookmark Café will be closed for remodeling.