Library Management Team 1/3/17

Present: Ann Riley, Shannon Cary, Jeannette Pierce, Debra Ward, Ernest Shaw, Pat Jones, Kathy Peters, Sheryl Cullina, Corrie Hutchinson, Jacqueline Rash

Agenda Items –

Sequence of Leadership – Final call to confirm all phone numbers.

Action: Ann would like to meet with everyone on the list and discuss what this duty means and the different possible situations.

All Staff Meeting Agenda

  • Different budget report options:


    • Traditional Report- shown at Fall All-Staff meeting
    • Current Year’s Forecast – from Long Range Planning budget; what we showed Provost in Dec. 
    • Budget Variance report- shows budget against actual year to date, shows all funds and broken down by different programs
    • General Revenue by Division –most basic information showing budget decrease over next several years. Will want to supplement this with a gift chart.

Action: Ann will work with Matt to get a Gift Report

Decision: Show Traditional Report and then show the General Revenue by Division report supplemented with a Gift Report.

  • Assignments were given for LMT members to present aspects of the All Staff Meeting
  • A request was made for additional items for the All Staff Agenda:


    • How will we manage in the face of declining budgets? Where do we stand? The suggestion was made to present ideas from the Truman school project. What can staff do to advocate on behalf of the Library?
    • Staff may want to know an update on raises.
    • There was a suggestion to offer a thank you for staff who worked over the holiday week break.
    • Facilities update
    • Marketing team update
    • Additional information will be provided on Priority of Positions.
    • Friends of the Library update/status.
    • State Historical Society space
    • UMLD expansion- hope to start in next fiscal year

Action: Shannon will also include staff thank you in Library Notes.

Action: Ann will send out e-mail to all-staff before meeting.

Action: Sheryl will check on the nametags.


Follow up from last meeting –

Writing tutors- Writing tutors will keep their current location in the Student Success Center.

Security update-   

  • Everything should be set up and ready in Bookmark Café by Monday.
  • Discussion about automatic blinds in room 201
  • Chair repair requirements were noted.

Relevant stats from last week

  • Statistics about last week headcounts were reported on PJ’s handout.There were about 30 patrons in the library each day at any given time.
  • Over the four-day period, there were over 4800 pages scanned and 1400 pages printed.
  • Most of the students were International Students.
  • Reference fielded 33 questions:  10 involved research assistance by the ARL definition only one of these was an in-person query.  16 questions were handled in person, the remainder were by chat, phone, or e-mail. 
  • Computer log-in’s were reported at 50 per day.
  • We may need to contact FedEx and UPS if we close in the future.

Discussion: Should we stay open for 30 people? 

Action: Jeannette will check in with book drop overflow

New business –

Property Insurance Evaluation

  • We received permission to combine Ellis and UMLD into same insurance.
  • Birds and loving cups displays are excluded from the insurance as we begin to look into selling them.
  • We will wait on doing anything with reserve insurance until we know more about our Special Collections inventory.

Phone messaging system

  • Request has been submitted to direct people to Circulation, Reference, Lost and Found, hours etc. We hope the programming will be done by next week.

Trespassing situation

  • If we see offender, please contact Ellis security who will then call MU PD. This person will then be removed from Ellis or other branch libraries.

Action: Ann will look into getting a list of Trespassing offenders for our security.

Healthy for Life Update

NEW! The Weight Watchers Experience
Are you looking for ways to improve your health in the new year? Weight Watchers is hosting a live webinar on the Weight Watchers Beyond the Scale Program. Learn how the program can help you eat healthier, move more, and discover new ways to define success.

When: January 17, 2017 

Time: 2:00 pm CST (3:00 EST)  

Registration: Online

Cost: Free, you do not have to be a Weight Watchers member to participate

Visit the Healthy for Life website to learn more about participating in Weight Watchers on campus, and how you can earn points toward the 2017 Wellness Incentive when you attend Weight Watchers for 3 months.

NEW! Work Healthy by Hosting Green Meetings
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) encourages you to “green your work life” to improve your health and the health of the environment. One way to improve your health while limiting your impact on the environment is by hosting a Green Meeting. You can start by picking one or two easy action steps below. Click here to find more ideas on CDC’s website.

Easy action steps for hosting a Green Meeting

  • Offer teleconferencing and videoconferencing services to limit travel
  • Choose a meeting location close to public transit
  • Distribute meeting materials electronically
  • Include breaks for stretching and walking
  • Turn off electronic equipment when not in use
  • If food is provided, offer healthy, local choices
  • Turn room lights off when you leave
  • Serve water from pitchers or fountains and avoid disposables bottles, dishes, and utensils

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Class
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction is an in-person 8-week program that helps participants learn to manage today’s busy lifestyles in a healthy way. Learn how to change your relationship with stress, live a more conscious life in order to make choices, and engage in behaviors that increase your vitality, effectiveness, and happiness. Space is limited.

When: January 25, 2017 – March 22, 2017; Full-day retreat on March 11

Time: 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm  

Registration: Online

Cost: $40 for faculty, staff, and retirees. Spouses or partners can join with you free of charge if they use the same materials. Includes all classes, a manual, DVD, and CD. $20 rebate if you attend a minimum of 7 out of 8 classes.

For more information please contact David Burks at

First time participants are eligible for 100 Wellness Incentive points. Contact for questions.

Microsoft Access Boot Camp
DoIT Training is teaching Microsoft Access on January 23-25. Take all Access classes in one week, the only time it will be offered this semester. Credly badges and Wellness Points are available for these classes.

When: January 23 – 25, 2017 

Time: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm  

Location: 25 Arts & Sciences Building

Registration: Online

As a Healthy for Life sponsored workshop, eligible employees may earn 25 points for participation in the Access Boot Camp. There are a maximum of 100 points possible for this category. Contact for questions. 

Smart911 Service

More than 70% of all 911 calls now come from mobile devices. You can sign up for Smart911, which allows you to enter anything that you want emergency responders to know in case of an emergency (including information medical information, residents of your household and furry friends that might need to be located).

You can also request to receive emergency alerts (weather, AMBER, etc) by text, voice, and/or email.




Reminder: Staff Picks Display

Please participate in our upcoming Staff Picks display!

Recommend any circulating item (book, DVD, etc.) from our collection for a Staff Picks display. Your recommendation will be attached to the item to pique interest. Contact Jennifer Gravley ( with your pick. Let her know how you’d like to be identified (name, title/dept., etc.) and preferably include a line or two about why you enjoyed it, who might be interested in it, etc. There are also blank forms at the reference desk if you’d like to handwrite your recommendation.

Deadline extended to January 10th.


UM Digital Library No Longer Available

It has happened. The UM Digital Library created and maintained by the former Library Systems Office is no longer available. Thanks to Ernest Shaw and Phil Redmon, redirects will take users to new sites. Thank you, Ernest and Phil!

Try these old links out to see how the redirects work. (You may get a page that indicates the link is broken. Wait a few moments.)

Sanborn maps:;c=umcscsanic

MU college and department histories:;c=sch



Notice of Intent to Retire – Important Updates

The Retirement Office has completed revisions to the Notice of Intent to Retire form and the current document is live on their website and available for immediate use. There are a few changes to bring your attention to regarding this new document. These changes are valid immediately and considered official procedure effective 1/1/17.

  • Email will continue to be the delivery method forall retirement election packets.

    • The Notice of Intent to Retire document contains a section for the employee to provide their preferred email address, this is the email that will be used to send all election forms (insurance and pension).
  • Retiree insurance election forms will be emailed to retirees who will be eligible for insurance in retirement upon the Retirement  Office’s receipt of the completed Notice of Intent to Retire document.  (this is a new procedure)

    • These forms should be completed immediately upon receipt and returned to the Retirement Office no later than the employee’s official retirement date. 
  • Retiree insurance election forms and Pension election forms will be sent in separate emails.

    • Insurance Forms Emailed: Upon receipt of completed NOI in Retirement Office
    • Pension Forms Emailed: Approximately 30 days prior to official retirement date (if 60 days’ notice was provided)
  • Older versions of this document with signatures dated on or after 3/1/2017 will be returned and asked to be resubmitted on the updated form.
  • Please destroy any old hard copies or old saved versions and replace with this new version.
  • The check boxes in section two remain required fields and must be completed in order to start the retirement process.