NDSA Update

The May 2014 Library of Congress Digital Preservation Newsletter is now available! http://www.digitalpreservation.gov/news/newsletter/201405.pdf

In this issue:

·         Shaking the Email Format Family Tree

·         Interview with Jonathan Sterne: The Meaning of the MP3 Format

·         The Why and What of Web Archives

·         Protect Your Data:  Information Security

·         A Defining Experience:  The Residency Class of 2014

·         Digital Stewardship Innovation Challenge, and other NDSA news

·         Conference reports on Personal Digital Archiving 2014, NDSR Symposium, Computers in Libraries

·         In our conversation corner, interviews with Meg Phillips of NARA, George Jungbluth of NOAA, Marla Misunas of SFMOMA

·         Some upcoming events, and more…

Sue Manus

Library of Congress/NDIIPP



Library Assembly Minutes- April 29, 2014

In attendance: Tammy Green, Karen Marshall, Jack Batterson, Rachel Brekhus, Adrienne Arden, Dustin Hoffman, Libby Myre, Karen Witt, Kate Anderson, Jim Cogswell, Anne Riley, Deb Ward, and guest Heiddi Davis from Campus Space Planning.

Guest Heiddi Davis- Campus Space Planning

-Jesse Hall Reno Schedule-desire to get Jesse Auditorium back up as soon as possible and could happen in as little as 9 months.  Swallow Hall shares a loading dock with Jesse auditorium so they will take advantage of everyone being gone from Jesse and work on Swallow Hall.  There is no definite schedule, but believe all of Jesse staff will be out of Ellis Library by Summer 2015.

-600 people need to be relocated across campus due to Jesse closure.

-Rooms 114 and 202 Ellis Library will be open for student study from May 5-May 16 but will be closed afterwards for moving.

-Room 202 will house the Financial Aid department , Cashiers,  and the section of Registrars that deals directly with students.

-Room 114 will house all of Admissions.  A presentation room has been added to 114 which will stay in Ellis Library when Jesse staff has moved.  The room will accommodate 80 people and include an overhead projector and windows that look out to the rest of room 114.

-Data ports and added power have been installed in rooms 114 and 202.  Both rooms will close at the end of the work day and not be available for study space.

-Concerns over staff lounge- how will this impact Ellis Employees with the added use of materials (napkins, silverware, etc.)?  Heiddi Davis says there are small areas on both the 1st and 2nd floors that include microwaves and full size refrigerators.  There will also be a break room on the 2nd floor (room 205) for Jesse employees.   Some concern remained citing, “This will alleviate some but not all of the stress on the ground floor staff room, which will be the only space with vending and ice machines.”

-Jim will meet soon with Jesse staff and discuss operational details–how to share and utilize space.

-Over the summer, Space Planning will be looking into alternative study spaces across campus.  The MSA senate stated that seating was there #1 concern regarding the loss of space in Ellis library. Security was also a concern.

-Space Planning currently working on signage to direct students/parents to the Library for Jesse services.  LA members noted the importance of signage at both the North and West doors.

-Our IT group will not work on Jesse staff, they have their own IT support.

-Mizzou Weekly will publish an updated map regarding dept. moves in the May 9th issue.

-Turner Avenue garage will be getting a new elevator.  There will be an occasional closing of some stairwells.  Details to come.

-Mizzou North Cast Gallery is up and looks great.  Busses are coming through with students already.

Review of Guidelines

Currently posted on the web page-will discuss next week when more time allows.

Director Announcements

MOLD update

-Belfor  Property Restoration company is beginning work on the moldy books.  The company is sending trucks to take books for treatment to their facility in Texas. By the end of this week 75,000 books will have arrived in Texas.  Library staff will begin to pull more books after the current books have been transported.


-New Clean/Dirty space has been rented.  The library will lease the old Rust and Martin furniture store building located at the I-70 Midway Exit.  The company leasing the warehouse (D and D Leasing) are preparing the warehouse for the book arrivals.  The warehouse has excellent HVAC and humidity control and there will be a wall constructed to separate clean/dirty books to ensure no cross contamination.

-LMT retreat will be June 19 and 20th.  LMT will meet with the MULAC executive Committee prior to the event.

Department Announcements


Librarian Search Progress:

In the midst of phone interviews, on-campus interviews for May, strong pools for social science and science librarians.


-Marie Concannon received the 2014 Bernadine Abbott Hoduski Founders Award from the ALA Government Documents Roundtable (GODORT). This award recognizes documents librarians who may not be known at the national level but who have made significant contributions to the field of state, international, local or federal documents http://wikis.ala.org/godort/index.php/Announcing_the_2014_GODORT_Awards_Winners

-Goodie Bhullar was the first librarian ever to win the Writing Intensive Teaching Excellence Award from MU's Campus Writing Program http://cwp.missouri.edu/awards/WI_Excellence.php

Conferences attended:

-Marie Concannon and Rachel Brekhus attended the 2-day Center for Research Libraries conference on government information in Chicago last week. Marie was able to make connections there, and Rachel took good notes on the talks and panel discussions and attended a tour of the Center for Research Libraries, a very important interlibrary loan provider for the MU Libraries.


-“Ignite Your Teaching with MU Libraries’ Resources” will be presented by Rebecca Graves, Judy Maseles, Nancy Messina, and Navadeep Khanal at the Celebration of Teaching conference.  The session will be held from 11:00-11:50 in 211 Cornell Hall.

-Nursing student orientation – Goodie Bhullar, Rachel Brekhus, Rhonda Whithaus, Angie Sample, Ashley Nelson, Janice Dysart, Rebecca Graves, Kate Anderson, Julie Arndt, and Christina Virden -mid-April

Teaching and Consultations:

-Teaching winding down except Endnote/Zotero; consultations and reference desk a little heavier

-New version of Instruction website nearly ready for rollout

Digital Services Department

-Records for 1,184 electronic theses and dissertations from 2010-2013 were harvested from MOspace and added to WorldCat and MERLIN, so that they can now be found in the Libraries catalog. The ETDs for fall 2013 have been received, and will be added to MOspace when we get paperwork from the Grad School. 

-Mat Miller is out on paternity leave until mid-May, He has a new daughter names Vivian Frances, born April 16.

-The majority of our department attended the retirement party for June DeWeese and a great time was had by all.

-Digital Services will begin interviewing for our new SLS this week and next.

-We continue to digitize materials for Special Collections, UMPress, and the Clark gift hymnals.

-Felicity attended a webinar series on institutional repository-related research data.

-Felicity also spoke to Dr. Moulaison’s metadata class on PREMIS (preservation metadata).

Special Collections Department

-Alla Barabtarlo, Kelli Hansen, and Karen Witt will co-present a session titled “Get Real! Teaching with Library and Museum Collections on Campus” at the Celebration of Teaching Conference on May 21st.  The presentation will include representatives from the MU Museums and the State Historical Society. The session will be in held in 219 Cornell Hall from 2:00-2:50.

-Special Collections has made an effort to increase its visibility via social media.  Special Collections can now be found on Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook.  The Tumblr account has reached nearly 4,500 followers and Facebook and Twitter each have around 500 followers.

Tumblr: MUSpecColl.tumblr.com

Twitter: @MuSpecColl

Facebook: www.facebook.com/Mizzou.SCARAB

Administration Department

Questions are being asked about the changes in job titles.  For the time being, it is best to see Cheryl Cullina about it.  Further information may also be found at the UM Human Resource Services website: http://hrs.missouri.edu/policies-and-procedures/pay-and-compensation/compensation-and-classification/staff-job-title-and-salary-study/index.php.

Library Branches

-HSL: We are reviewing applications for the open position in the HSL Circulation Department, vacated by Shelly McDavid. Shelly has moved to the Veterinary Medical Library, and is currently on maternity leave.

Just this week we put three rolling white boards into service on the first floor of HSL. One more is on back-order. These were purchased from HSL and MUL gift funds.

Ellis Library Cataloging and Metadata

Nothing to report

Library Technology Services

Nothing to report

Ellis Library Acquisitions and Collection Development

Nothing to report


Nothing to report


Nothing to report

Healthy for Life Update

Need a 5k to start the summer off right?

Run or walk the Hallsville Optimist Club 5k on Saturday, June 14. This is one of their major annual fundraisers. Funds support annual high school scholarships and numerous youth leadership and development opportunities such as Boys and Girls State, Missouri Leadership Seminar, Parents as Teachers, and the Hallsville Buddy Pack Program. See attached flyer for details.

Interested in learning how to cook heart-healthy Moroccan cuisine?

Lunch and Learn series presents: New Lean Me, Moroccan Food, at Campus Facilities, Tuesday, May 13, at noon in room 185, General Services Building. This class is taught by Paula Vandelicht, a registered dietician with Hy-Vee. We will taste Moroccan-style vegetables, chicken and grains. Care will be taken for those with special diets. If interested in attending, please contact Kate Walker at WalkerJa@Missouri.edu.

30th Anniversary Show-Me State Games & 20th Anniversary Senior Games

The 2014 Show-Me State Games is set for June 20–22, July 18–20, and July 25–27. The 30th annual games will offer more than 40 sports for all ages and ability levels in Columbia, Mo. Additionally, the Show-Me Senior Games will take place June 19-22. For more information, visit the Show-Me State Games website.

Interested in participating in a Healthy Lifestyle Change research project?

Have you made a change toward a healthier lifestyle in the past two years? Are you willing to share your story to help researchers understand how people make healthy changes? Aaron Bonsall, Ph.D., is currently researching how family affects lifestyle changes. See the attached flyer for more information or contact Dr. Bonsall at bonsalla@health.missouri.edu.

DIY corporate yoga program—Enroll now!

Be a cool breeze of calm, maintaining your personal peace and your wellness, and avoiding or minimizing pain and repetitive stress in the workplace. Enroll in this new yoga program held on the University of Missouri-Columbia campus.

When: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. May 27 – July 31. No classes June 24 – July 3; classes resume July 8.

Time: 12:10 – 12:50 p.m.

Location: Memorial Union

Registration: Go to the DIY Corporate Yoga Program webpage. Space is limited. Registration closes May 20, 2014 at 5:00pm.

Coursework will cover over thirty postures, twelve breathing techniques and 8 aspects to engaging a personal or shared yoga program that tackles the sneakiest sabotaging patterns in your work environment. Reclaim satisfaction in your personal and professional life. Class is taught by Ashley Jenkins. For more information, visit Element Yoga’s DIY Corporate Yoga Program webpage. Evening classes are available; contact Ashley Jenkins for more information.

May is Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month

If you’re among the millions of people who suffer from seasonal allergies, you’ll be greeting spring with an itchy nose and watery eyes. For those who also suffer from asthma, seasonal allergies can affect the airways in the lungs with symptoms ranging from mild to serious or even life threatening. The good news is that it can be controlled and you can find relief See the attached flyer for tips on how to breathe easier as the spring turns into summer.

Barabtarlo Nominated for Excellence in Education Award and Selected as Global Scholar

Alla Barabtarlo was nominated for the 2014 Excellence in Education Awards, and was recognized for outstanding accomplishments and contributions to the enhancement of student learning at the University of Missouri by the Division of Student Affairs. She has also been selected as a participant in the University’s Global Scholars Seminar, “Turkey at the Crossroads: Culture, Identity and Community.”  More information: http://international.missouri.edu/get-involved/faculty-development/global-scholars-program.php.

HSL Presents Poster at MU Health’s Sharing Days Event


We presented a poster at the 2nd Annual MU Health Sharing Days Event last week. This is an event that highlights innovations in quality improvement at the hospital.

Our poster presentation was “Eliminating Document Delivery Fees from the Health Sciences Library” with the following employees contributing: Information Services—Darell Schmick, Caryn Scoville, E. Diane Johnson

Interlibrary Loan—Ivy Hui, Caroline James, and Yasuyo Knoll. Special thanks to Graduate Library Assistant Sarah Norris for assistance with poster design!

A little more about Sharing Days:

Innovations now on display during Sharing Days

Employees are invited to view more than 100 posters created for the second annual University of Missouri Health System Innovation and Improvement Sharing Days today, Tuesday, April 29, through Thursday, May 1. In each poster, the creators shine a spotlight on the completed or ongoing improvements and innovations in their areas of work or research.

Posters are on display at the following locations.

•             Main lobby of the School of Health Professions' Lewis and Clark halls

•             School of Medicine's atrium

•             Sinclair School of Nursing second floor

•             University Hospital's main lobby and mezzanine

•             Women's and Children's Hospital Conference Center

•             Quarterdeck

The poster locations will be rotated, and each poster will appear at each location for one day.

For a schedule of where the posters will be placed each day, please visit https://mymuhealth.org/documents_02/PR/SharingDays2014.pdf  and click "OK" to open. This "poster of posters" will also be displayed at each location to serve as a key.

–Darell Schmick