Special Collections Participates in Inter-Campus Multispectral Analysis Project

MU Special Collections and UMKC are involved in the Inter-Campus Research Program grant project named “Multispectral Analysis of Missouri’s Cultural Resources.”

The project has two primary aims:

1) to study rare manuscripts held by the MU Special Collections and in UMKC, using techniques of multispectral analysis, and

2) to develop an affordable mechanical apparatus and technology for its use that other libraries can adopt in order to advance the study of their own collections.

Multispectral analysis allows for the examination of ink application and prior removal of the text, of the compositional layering, and of “dirty” fingerprints in rare books that may reveal patterns of usage. Using the results gained from multispectral analysis, researchers and students can decipher a book’s production and reception history.

This past Friday the first meeting of both teams took place at UMKC, at which goals and plans were discussed, and the prototype of the apparatus viewed.

Flu Shots in Ellis Library on Nov 4

There will be a flu shot clinic at Ellis Library on Nov. 4 from 9 am to 3 pm. Additional information, including a flu shot consent form, can be found online at  http://www.umsystem.edu/curators/wellness/2014_flu_shots.

Any University of Missouri faculty or staff member, dependent, or retiree may get a flu shot at one of the campus clinics.  If you are enrolled in the myOptions Health Plan (to be renamed the Healthy Savings Plan for 2015), the myChoice Health Plan (to be renamed the PPO Plan for 2015), or the myRetiree Health Plan, you are eligible for a FREE vaccine. If you are not enrolled in a University of Missouri (UM) medical plan, there will be a $20.00 fee for the vaccine.

Annual Enrollment

Open Enrollment for faculty and staff begins on October 20, 2014.  All benefit-eligible employees must select and submit a medical plan choice or waive coverage in myHR.  If you take no action by October 31, you and your currently enrolled family members will be defaulted to the Healthy Savings Plan on an after-tax basis effective January 1, 2015.  Please visit http://www.umsystem.edu/totalrewards/2015_annual_enrollment for information on the available benefit plans and the Annual Enrollment Decision Guide.

HRS Training Conference

Human Resource Services will be hosting their annual training conference on November 5 and 6 at Memorial Union.  Chancellor Loftin will kick off the conference with a welcome to all attendees at 8:30am on November 5 in Stotler Lounge.  There will be over 40 sessions to choose from, with subjects ranging from benefits and wellness to IT skills and personal finance.  For more information, and to sign up for sessions, please visit http://hrs.missouri.edu/training/all-employees/hrs-training-conference/index.php.