Public Relations & Marketing Committee Meeting, 8/3/15

Present: Dorothy Carner, Jeannette Pierce, Sandy Schiefer, Terri Hall , Shannon Cary, Goodie Bhullar

AdZou: It is late for fall semester but if we get our project in by September we can qualify for Spring 2016.  For this project, the target audience will be faculty—creating collaborative partnerships and communicating about our resources and services.

Formats and style guide for communication:  Shannon indicated that we use AP style.   Logo has to be compliant with MU guidelines.  More information is available at  It was suggested that we put updated information regarding formats, style guides, logos, etc. on Sharepoint.  Ask Shannon if you have questions.  She has the print guidebook in her office.

Action Items:

Dorothy will fill out AdZou form and send it to committee members for their comments and suggestions.  She will send the final form to John Stemmle.

Dorothy will use Box to set up a SWOT grid that will also include a column for stakeholders.  The committee members will fill out the SWOT information.