Present: Jim Cogswell, Mike Holland, Ann Riley, Deb Ward
Guest: Kate Anderson
Support: Mark Ellis
INFORMATION ITEM: LMT discussed the Mizzou Advantage All-staff Open Meeting which was scheduled for the following day, May 19th, 1-2:30 pm. Kate Anderson, the Mizzou Advantage Libraries Liaison will facilitate the meeting. She had distributed a draft agenda for the open meeting and a PowerPoint to LMT members prior to the meeting.
INFORMATION ITEM: LMT decided to expand the Donor/Honoree Index in MERLIN to include individual book donations, material bought by endowment and any material for which a bookplate (physical or electronic) would be attached.
- The decision will impact indexing from this point forward.
- Retro indexing will only be considered for special circumstances.
- Progress will be monitored and the subject will be revisited if the practice becomes a significant burden or time factor.
ACTION ITEM: Ann will draft an introduction to the Donor/Honoree Index that will outline what material will be included. She will send a draft to LMT and to Gena Scott, MU Libraries Director of Development.
INFORMATION ITEM: LMT was pleased to notice that in the recently distributed initial budget allotment for FY2011, the MU Libraries Acquisitions budget was not reduced.
ACTION ITEM: Jim Cogswell will write and send a note to the Provost thanking him for the preservation of the Acquisitions budget. He will copy the note to the Library Committee.
In the case of large e-book packages funded by gift funds, if the packages include individual catalog records, will these e-books be given donor information as well?