Tim Perry published “Facsimiles of Dante’s Commedia in Canadian Libraries: a Descriptive Catalogue,” in the journal Italica 93:3, fall 2016, pp.405-432.
This descriptive catalogue identifies the twelve mss of the Commedia of which facsimiles can be found in Canadian libraries. It provides details about each ms and the facsimile that reproduces it, including: the date and location of the original ms; the names of the sponsor, scribe, and illustrator; the extent of the text of the Commedia that it preserves; other texts that it preserves; the arrangement and decoration of the text; any digital versions that are available; the Canadian libraries that own a copy of the facsimile; and the nature of the facsimile’s reproduction of the original ms, especially when the facsimile fails to reproduce the original accurately.
Congratulations to Tim!