Welcome Waldemar Bartikowski, Tom Barnes, and Ryan Tiefenthaler

Please welcome the following new employees:

  • Waldemar Bartikowski – LTS.  Waldemar started as a Programmer/Analyst in LTS on Thursday, June, 1.
  • Tom Barnes – ACTS Accounting.  Tom will be starting as a Business Support Specialist II in ACTS Accounting on Monday, June 5.
  • Ryan Tiefenthaler – Health Sciences Library.  Ryan will be starting as a Library Information Assistant in Health Sciences Library Circulation on Monday, June 12.

Wellness Update

Stay Strong, Stay Healthy – Level 2
This eight week advanced strength training program is for those who want to challenge themselves a bit more! In order to enroll in the Level 2 program, you must have completed the basic Stay Strong, Stay Healthy program at least twice and/or have approval from the instructor. All equipment provided. For more information contact Sydney White at ssecm3@mail.missouri.edu or 573-882-2799.

When: June 12, 2017 – August 8, 2017

Time: Options

  • Monday and Wednesday, 12:00 – 1:00 pm at Mckee Gymnasium
  • Tuesday and Thursday 5:15 – 6-15 pm at Women’s and Children’s Hospital South Pavilion
  • Tuesday and Thursday 12:00 – 1:00 pm at Mckee Gymnasium
  • Tues and Thursday 5:30 – 6:30 pm at McKee Gymnasium

Registration: http://extension.missouri.edu/hes/wellnessclasses.htm

Cost: $50.00

As a Healthy for Life sponsored program, eligible employees can earn 100 points for attending a minimum of 14 of the 16 sessions offered during the 8-week Stay Strong, Stay Healthy program.

Financial Wellness Seminars


Cultivating financial wellness can be as easy as completing a few steps annually. Check out the financial wellness webpage to register for a workshop and access your one-stop-shop for financial information, tools, and events.


Healthy Numbers: Integrating healthcare into your retirement plan

When: June 6, 2017

Time: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm             

Location: Please register for either Ellis Library 106A OR UM University Hall (Telepresence) 

Registration: Online



As a Healthy for Life sponsored workshop, eligible employees may earn 25 points for participation in the Financial Wellness Workshops. There are a maximum of 100 points possible for this category.

Women in Leadership Conference

The 2017 Women in Leadership Conference is meant to help all participants develop new skills so they can lead where they are. All are welcome to register for the event, but venue space is limited.

Interested in a conference sneak-peek? Women in Leadership Conference attendees will:

  • start the day off with a keynote by UM System Interim Vice President for Human Resources, E. Jill Pollock;
  • learn to thrive with Kim Becking;
  • explore Imposter Syndrome with Diana Alt;
  • uncover their blind spots with Carolyn Paris;
  • get a glimpse at the status of women in Missouri with Wendy Doyle;
  • engage in an in-depth panel discussion with women leaders across the UM System; and
  • much more!

When: June 15, 2017, an optional networking social will be held Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Time: 7:30 am – 4:00 pm

Location: Inn at Grand Glaize, Osage Beach, MO 

Cost: $25

Registration: Online

If you have questions about the conference, contact the Careers & Cultures Department at umhrcareersandculture@umsystem.edu.

As a Healthy for Life sponsored workshop, eligible employees may earn 25 points for participation in the conference. There are a maximum of 100 points possible for this category. Contact wellness@umsystem.edu with questions.

Enhance your Relationships with FREE Classes

ShowMe Healthy Relationships offers classes for couples and singles. Learn ways to choose a great partner when you’re ready or strengthen your current committed relationship. Sign up for 5-week classes starting in June!

  • For Couples: Seven Principles for a Healthy Relationship helps you and your partner enrich your relationship by practicing ways to build your friendship, manage conflict, and work as a team. Class will meet 5:30-7:30pm on Thursdays, June 1- June 29 and again Tuesdays, July 11- Aug. 8.
  • For Singles: PICK a Partner helps you be more mindful in choosing a good partner when you are ready for a happy, stable relationship. You will learn five key things to look for as you explore potential relationships, and how to pace your relationship to avoid “blind love.” Class will meet 5:30-7:30pm, Mondays, June 12- July 10.   

Click here or call Miriam Cullimore at (573) 882-4325 or Emily Logan at 882-3013 for more info!

United Healthcare’s Green Tips to Make Fleas and Ticks Take Off

How do you get rid of fleas and ticks without harming your pet, your family or the planet? Here are some tips:

  • Most commercial flea and tick sprays contain carbaryl, which works by attacking pests' nervous systems. But carbaryl also can harm developing fetuses in both animals and humans.
  • Prevention first: remember to wear long sleeves, pants and socks when hiking or gardening and do a "tick check" after to make sure you haven't picked up any unwanted stowaways.
  • Take a shower after spending time outdoors to wash off any un-embedded ticks and use only unscented deodorant, soap and shampoo.  
  • To keep fleas off pets, add garlic and brewer's yeast to pets' meals, which makes pets taste bad to bugs. Many such products are sold in pet supply stores. But pets may need to take these remedies for several weeks before they work.
  • Don't overlook the basics. Keep your pet clean. Use a fine-toothed flea comb or lint-roller on your pet to remove existing fleas. And don't forget to dust and vacuum regularly. Fleas simply hate clean homes.

Library Management Team Meeting and Action Items, 5/23/17

Attendees:  Anslem Huelsbergen, Corrie Hutchinson, Ernest Shaw, Jeannette Pierce, Pat Jones, Shannon Cary, Kathy Peters, Ann Campion Riley, Deb Ward

Next Meeting: June 20, 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Room 159

LMT Retreat: June 21, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.  Room 159

Agenda Items:


  • Committees were formed late this year. Committees start July 1. Call for committee members will go out soon in hopes to form them by the end of July. The Faculty Lecture Series Committee will also be revisited.

Ellis Phones

  • If there are additional phone changes that need to be made, contact Kathy or Ernest before July 25. The phones will be set up and arranged in Ellis 114 on July 25 starting at 5:00 p.m.


  • Discussion: included how to distribute the reduced travel funds of $25,000. Proposals for funding of Librarians I, required travel, MLA/ALA presenters, travel as part of current agreements and Admin travel were considered. 
  • Decision: travel will be limited to Librarian I and required administrative travel.

Special Collections Policy

  • Discussion: Discussion about the proposed collection transfer policy for materials moving into Special Collections. Jeannette asked LMT to review drafted selection criteria and think about who needs to have authority on decision about what is moved into special collections. Initiating communication on these decisions between selectors, special collections and acquisitions as well as differentiating between Special Collections and Library Use Only viewing options were also discussed. The financial component incudes what needs separate insurance.


  • President Choi requested reformatting budget plans for submission. This plan presented the 12% cut in what is permanent and not permanent; with the goal being that we have a plan to make the 12% cut permanent. That would then allow for a pool of money that the University could use at its discretion. Ann has requested that the Libraries receive some of these reinvestment funds.
  • Budget measures include staffing considerations, Student Enhancement Fee component and more cuts to collections.
  • Ann reviewed the Priorities in Budget Planning attachment that was submitted to the Provost Office.

New Items:

HSL Furniture

  • HSL furniture was delivered yesterday, and Deb passed around photos of the new items.

Notes from the Director 5/25/17

Hello everyone,

This afternoon I have a few bits of news to report.

Most of you know that our combination administrative and fiscal staff person in Ellis 104, Jacqueline Rash, is back from her maternity leave. (Her son Anderson was born April 1).  We are delighted to have her back.

With her return, our temporary staffer, Tom Barnes, is moving.  Fortunately, he has accepted the position formerly occupied  by Kathy Peters as the accounting person in Technical Services, so he will be moving to Ellis 56 in June.

In other news,  Freddy Martinez-Garcia has accepted a new position at the University of Colorado in Colorado Springs, and will be leaving us at the end of June.  I know you all join me in wishing him well in his work there.  Cindy Cotner will be helping out in supervising Access Services for the immediate future.  Thanks to her for her flexibility.

We are getting a new librarian as well.  Joseph Askins, currently of the University of South Carolina, will join us in early August as the new Head of Instruction in RAIS.   Searches are ongoing for the Engineering Librarian and Asst./Assoc. Director for SCaRaB, and I hope to have good news to report on those searches this fall.

Many of us were able to see Michaelle Dorsey receive her Chancellor’s Award for Excellence on Monday.  She spoke well, and made the Libraries look good at the ceremony!  I hope we can have a library staff member nominated every year, and win again, but it will be very difficult to exceed Michaelle’s excellence.  Congratulations to her again, and thanks to all who participated.

You may have seen the invitation to the Friends of the Libraries event on June 16.  It’s a fundraiser of course; all are welcome to buy a ticket and attend.  Contact Sheila Voss with questions.

The Libraries seem to have made it through the budget process, as we have discussed earlier, and I’m still hopeful we’ll get a little increase to offset the huge cuts to collections funds.

In good news, the Health Sciences Library’s new furniture is here, and the new chairs for the Info Commons in Ellis will be coming early June.

Some of you know that I will be on vacation for the next two weeks.  Acting Director will move between Deb Ward and Jeannette Pierce primarily, but in general call the office (2-9161) if there’s a need and Jacqueline will sort it out.

Happy Memorial Day weekend to all as we honor those who have served our country.

Thanks to all for what you do, as usual,





Healthy for Life Update

Financial Wellness Seminars
Cultivating financial wellness can be as easy as completing a few steps annually. Check out the financial wellness webpage to register for a workshop and access your one-stop-shop for financial information, tools, and events.

Healthy Numbers: Integrating healthcare into your retirement plan
When: June 6, 2017
Time: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm            
Location: Please register for either Ellis Library 106A OR UM University Hall (Telepresence)
Registration: Online

As a Healthy for Life sponsored workshop, eligible employees may earn 25 points for participation in the Financial Wellness Workshops. There are a maximum of 100 points possible for this category.

Women in Leadership Conference
The 2017 Women in Leadership Conference is meant to help all participants develop new skills so they can lead where they are. All are welcome to register for the event, but venue space is limited.

Interested in a conference sneak-peek? Women in Leadership Conference attendees will:

  • start the day off with a keynote by UM System Interim Vice President for Human Resources, E. Jill Pollock;
  • learn to thrive with Kim Becking;
  • explore Imposter Syndrome with Diana Alt;
  • uncover their blind spots with Carolyn Paris;
  • get a glimpse at the status of women in Missouri with Wendy Doyle;
  • engage in an in-depth panel discussion with women leaders across the UM System; and
  • much more!

When: June 15, 2017, an optional networking social will be held Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Time: 7:30 am – 4:00 pm
Location: Inn at Grand Glaize, Osage Beach, MO
Cost: $25
Registration: Online

If you have questions about the conference, contact the Careers & Cultures Department at umhrcareersandculture@umsystem.edu.

As a Healthy for Life sponsored workshop, eligible employees may earn 25 points for participation in the conference. There are a maximum of 100 points possible for this category. Contact wellness@umsystem.edu with questions.