Staff Advisory Group 7/13/17

1.) General announcements & introductions: Kevin McFillen

  • Guest Speaker: Dr. Angela Speck, unable to attend due to sickness.

2.) Director’s report: Ann Campion Riley

  • Ann has been working with donors for new digital media commons.
  • James Keyzer-Andre managed the depositories and recently passed.
  • James B. Nutter recently passed; Matt Gaunt represented University Libraries at his funeral in Kansas City yesterday.
  • Ann hopes her new title reflects an understanding on behalf of the campus of the importance of the role that the Libraries provide for campus support.Library director and dean positions are still the titles used for our other system campus libraries.
  • We will be looking at updating titles for LMT members as a result and these title adjustments will be more in line with our ARL status.
  • Ann’s new title allows her to represent the libraries at Vice Provost meetings.
  • We do have a small raise pool to work with salary equities. We are waiting to hear from HR, concerning their salary and wage guidelines, if we are able to give raises.
  • New Chancellor Alexander Cartwright starts August 1st.President Choi’s family is moving to Providence Point this month as well.
  • Thank you to Nöel for being our acting engineering librarian and Cindy for being our acting head of access services.
  • Library Committees hope to be approved at LMT on Friday.
  • Information Commons has new furniture in the Gov. Docs area.Chairs with arms will be replaced with additional chairs with no arms allowing them to slide under the new tables easily.
  • Please feel free to make the following considerations for working on Monday, August 21st, the day of the Eclipse and first day of the fall session: travel to and from work expecting heavier than normal traffic, working from home with the approval of your supervisor or taking personal days, if desired.

3.) Update on Lewis Hall water damage:

  • Anselm explained the water damage, showed pictures of the extent of flooding and answered questions about the situation.A power outage caused the expansion joint to bust when the power came back on.Flooding extended through 8 floors in Lewis Hall.The rooms in the basement remained at 67 degrees and 45% humidity and allowed us to move some items therein.If possible, record boxes were returned to the Records Center. Those boxes with water damage were evaluated and either placed in the Ellis Library 3rd floor freezer or sent for confidential destruction. Those records which were destroyed had been previously appraised and been determined to not be of archival value. The records that were placed in the freezer will be vacuum freeze-dried at a later date.They estimate a 10-14 day drying period so we will look to middle of next week when employees can move back into the building.Thank you to Michaelle Dorsey for her ample assistance to manage and preserve materials.We are currently taking patron requests and reference questions at this time through normal channels.It may take one additional day to retrieve materials for patrons but requests are still being filled.Thank you for everyone across campus who has offered help in dealing with this situation.Risk management came in on Saturday to assess the damage. Freeze drying work will be done with our insurance reserve and the insurance company will reimburse us for those expenditures later in the year.Anselm considers the possibility for moving Archives permanently out of Lewis Hall only if the collection will be housed in a better more secure environment.There is an idea that when the State Historical Society moves out of Ellis, that Archives would get some of that space.Then the question would be if that space meets archival standards and what it would take to bring the space up to these standards.Although Lewis and Clark is on Campus Operations’ list for re-evaluation, despite the flooding, other buildings on campus are in worse shape.

4.) HR Updates, upcoming events: Sheryl Cullina

  • Engineering Librarian phone interviews started yesterday.
  • Library Info Assistant Circulation and Reserves position is accepting applications until 7/21/17.
  • Two evening Library Info Assistant positions are open in HSL.
  • The Staff Development Incentive Program is up and running.If you do professional development activities found on lib guide, staff employee website, please email Sheryl for a raffle ticket.
  • Please attend the upcoming HR peoplesoft 9.2 training sessions.Contact Noah if you can’t make the training.

5.) Chair closing remarks: Kevin McFillen

All Staff Meeting: August 17 at 2:00 p.m.

Staff Advisory Group: September 7 at 10:00 a.m.

Kate Wright is new Vice Chair for Staff Advisory Committee.