Healthy for Life Update

Financial Wellness Seminar
Cultivating financial wellness can be as easy as completing a few steps annually. Check out the financial wellness webpage to register for a workshop and access your one-stop-shop for financial information, tools, and events.

Budgeting for WEALTH

When: May 2, 2017

Time: 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm             

Location: Ellis Library 106A and UM University Hall (Telepresence) 

Registration: Online

Invest Confidently in your Future

When: May 9, 2017

Time: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm             

Location: Ellis Library 106A and UM University Hall (Telepresence) 

Registration: Online

As a Healthy for Life sponsored workshop, eligible employees may earn 25 points for participation in the Financial Wellness Workshops. There are a maximum of 100 points possible for this category.

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction is an in-person 8-week program that helps participants learn to manage today’s busy lifestyles in a healthy way. Click here to learn more or contact David Burks at

As a Healthy for Life sponsored workshop, first time participants may earn 100 points towards Tier 2. Contact for questions.

Enhance Your Relationships with FREE Classes!
ShowMe Healthy Relationships offers classes for couples and singles. Learn ways to choose a great partner when you’re ready or strengthen your current committed relationship. Sign up for 5-week classes starting in June!

  • For Couples: Seven Principles for a Healthy Relationship helps you and your partner enrich your relationship by practicing ways to build your friendship, manage conflict, and work as a team. Class will meet 5:30-7:30pm on Thursdays, June 1- June 29 and again Tuesdays, July 11- Aug. 8.
  • For Singles: PICK a Partner helps you be more mindful in choosing a good partner when you are ready for a happy, stable relationship. You will learn five key things to look for as you explore potential relationships, and how to pace your relationship to avoid “blind love.” Class will meet 5:30-7:30pm, Mondays, June 12- July 10.   

Click here or call Miriam Cullimore at (573) 882-4325 or Emily Logan at 882-3013 for more info!


LMT Information and Action Items, 4/25/17

Next Meeting: Tuesday 5/09/17 2:00-3:30pm Ellis 159

Attendees: Ann Riley, Deb Ward, Corrie Hutchinson, Sheryl Cullina, Kathy Peters, Jeannette Pierce, Pat Jones, Shannon Cary, Tom Barnes, Anselm Huelsbergen

Agenda Items:

LMT retreat: 5/10 is the first choice, 6/13 is the 2nd choice for dates for the LMT retreat.

Library Society: This Friday and Saturday will be the Donor Recognition Weekend.

                -Friday: Loading dock will be in use from about 8:15am onwards on Friday, and most of the day on Saturday. Please avoid the loading dock during these times.

                -Saturday: The room should be back in order by 5:00pm Saturday.

                -Sunday: The area will be in normal use.

                ACTION: All staff email to be sent Thursday informing everyone of the schedule, and to avoid the loading dock areas.

                ACTION: Shannon will make sure Special Collections knows about their display in 213, not 201.

Dehumidifiers for 2E: A dehumidifier is needed in 2E. Specs and placement need to be decided.

                ACTION: More HOBO sensors will be placed in that area to gather better data to help decide placement.

                ACTION: Ann will discuss several items, including this, with Heiddi Davis in a meeting on Thursday 4/27/17.

System Library heads meeting with President Choi: This telepresence meeting included the heads of all UM System Libraries, and several UM System administrators. Ann reported on what was discussed.

FY18 Budget: The FY 18 budget was discussed, continuing on from the 4/20/17 LMT meeting discussion, and will continue into the next meeting.

                -A formal System-wide announcement is expected to be made 6/3.

CSC Updates: Ongoing projects were discussed, particularly relating to FY18 budget concerns.

                ACTION: current budget model effects are to be written up for presentation outside the university Libraries.

MyVITA: The University is moving forward with this for the evaluation system. It requires some MULAC involvement, and actions by Librarians and Archivists.

New Furniture: In times of budget constraints, new furniture has historically caused bad feelings among the University Community. In light of this, we need to push out the story of how (and why) we have funded the new furniture purchases.

                ACTION: A historical list of SFCIC and Student Enhancement Fee projects and how they were paid for should be created and posted on the website.

                ACTION: Notices thanking the students and donors for the new furniture, with before and after photos, should be created and posted in the areas of the new furniture.

                ACTION: Messages in media/on social media about the new furniture and why/how should be pushed out, in an effort to forestall ill will.