Next Meeting: February 21, 2017
Attendees: Ann Riley, Deb Ward, Kathy Peters, Ernest Shaw, Sheryl Cullina, Pat Jones, Jacqueline Rash, Jeannette Pierce, Shannon Cary
Agenda Items:
MSA Activity Fee vote results
- Student Service Enhancement Fee referendum will be placed on the ballot for spring elections on March 6th – 8th.
- MSA would like to request that tables and chairs be placed in Ellis for voting.Table placement near Bookmark Cafe, north doors and the reference desk was given general acceptance by LMT.
- The Marketing group, made up of 14 students, will handle the communication strategy for this vote.
- A question was brought up as to whether or not students would protest to being carded after 12:00 a.m. Grace thought that would not be a problem.
Student Fee Capital Improvement Committee: SFCIC
- The Student Fee Capital Improvement Request through the Parent Leadership Council Grant Program was denied.We hope to apply again in fall 2017.
Sign Project
- Reviewed handouts, color scheme, types of signs and locations for signs.
- Discussion about how ground floor repurposing will affect usage of North East stairwell and consequently how that will affect the current plan for signs.
- The question arose of whether we will be able to get signs in the future that look the same and be from the same company. It was confirmed that this company is often used across campus like in the hospital and it is expected that their signs will be available in the far future.
- Many LMT members wanted to add signs directing patrons to elevators and the information / reference desk. Discussion ensued on placement and appropriate type of the elevator signs.
- It was confirmed that there is a little money we can add to the noted $17,877.27 budget for these additional signs.
- We hope for installation to commence by fall 2017.
Action: Shannon will ask about the cost of these additional signs.
Instructional Committee becoming a Standing Committee
- LMT reviewed the committee proposals
- It was discussed that we want to get some clarification before we bring in candidate for Head of Instruction position interviews
- Discussion ensued about role of Head of Instruction in relation to this committee
- It was determined that more conversations need to occur in the adjustment and meaning for moving this to a standing committee,
- The question was brought up about what members we need on the committee
Action: Jeannette will meet with the group to discuss feedback from LMT
Borrower Card procedures
- Everyone thinks borrower cards through Friends of the Library is a good idea.
- Need to continue to flush out the details about procedures. We want it to be an easy process where someone can become a friend and check out books in the same day.
- There was a little problem that the customer’s receipt does not say “Friend’s Membership,” which causes the circulation desk to question if it is applicable to use for book checkout.
Action: Matt will follow up with Advancement to get this fixed.
Master Goals and Objectives
- The document is now added to the website: Staff site> Reports, Minutes, Statistics tab > top right column under Plans, Reports and Surveys:MU Libraries-Master Goals & Objectives FY17-FY18
- Discussion ensued about the content of the document needing to reflect just the Mission, Vision and Goals so that we can leave the creation and implementation of objectives up to each department.
Action: Deb will contact Judy to take down objectives but keep up Mission and Vision.
Human Resources Policy Reviews
Members discussed the relevance of the following policies:
- Policy #2 – Staff Representative Committee
Action: Sheryl will ask for website deletion of policy, as it does not apply to anything right now.
- Policy #19 – Mission Vision, Values and Strategies for the MU
Action: Sheryl will ask for website deletion of document so as not to duplicate with aforementioned Goals and Objectives.
Capital equipment project
- We need a more sustainable replacement cycle for capital equipment like printers/copiers.
- Kathy is working to get an accurate comprehensive list of machines and life cycle of these machines.
Action: Kathy will get lists that are more detailed and bring this to LMT in the future.
- Kathy and Michaelle Dorsey were working on identifying appropriate humidifiers for Special Collections.After learning, more from Northeast Document Conservation Center they learned the humidifiers they were considering will not be appropriate, as they do not disperse evenly throughout the area.
Action: Kathy and Michaelle will continue to work to find an appropriate solution.
Doughty Birds
Ann met with Alex Barker, Director of Museum of Art and Archaeology.The museum is in agreement with selling the birds.Alex gave us the following recommendations:
- get an official recommendation for repurposing the display cases.
- work with specialized art shippers.
- put out a statement to the press.
- contact descendants of the donor so they are aware of our decision to sell the birds.
- communicate that the proceeds will be put in the endowment so proceeds can be used for a long time, be unrestricted and can be named after the donor.
- LMT discussed what to do with the cases. Some suggestions were to put in lighting and climate controlled attributes for future displays.
- We will want to let University Libraries staff also know when the auction is available.
New Items:
Provost request
- Provost is asking for any ideas employees may have to address $20 million dollar cut for FY 2018.
- It was determined that $145 thousand additional dollars will be requested from University Libraries.
Job Description
- Head of Special Collections job description update will be sent to Provost Office by end of the week.
Eating Disorder Awareness Week
- The proposed book cards for Eating Disorder Awareness Week through Student Health Services and Counseling Department was discussed.
Decision: We can allow sticky notes in bathrooms or placing cards on departmental desks, but we would not be able to allow cards to be randomly placed in library books.