When you submit your travel expense form to Admin, please be sure to note any meals that must be excluded from your travel per diem. Any meals that are included in conference registrations or paid by others (such as a continental breakfast provided by your hotel) must be deducted from meal per diem.
The link to meal allowances in-state, domestic outside of Missouri, and foreign trips can be found at:
Excluded Meal Allowances (excerpt from BPM-505 Allowable Expenses)
“If meals are included in conference registrations, covered by other University payments, or paid by others, the traveler is responsible for making appropriate deductions to the per diem amount when submitting their reimbursement request.”
The full text from BPM-505 can be found at: https://www.umsystem.edu/ums/rules/bpm/bpm500/manual_505.
Thank you for your cooperation and patience as we revise our forms and review University policies and practices. Accounting Services is currently reviewing our forms. We should have new forms available on the library website soon.