Update from Division of Inclusion, Diversity and Equity

As many of you know we had a big announcement this week about the structure of the Division of Inclusion, Diversity and Equity and the departments that will be joining our family. Read more here!

Also as you are planning all upcoming events and programming, it’s a great time to check out our Division’s Guide to Religions. There is information on religious holiday dates and accommodations. Also please pass this along to students who may need accommodations for classes as the form can be found on the site.


July 28 – MU Family Impact Center’s Hot Salsa Night

As a community outreach center, we offer a unique breadth of programming by utilizing University of Missouri students. Programs include MedZou, a primary care clinic run by medical students; Integrative Behavioral Health Clinic led by students in the School of Social Work; and financial counseling and tax services provided by students in the Personal Financial Planning Department.  In addition, Family Impact Center hosts specialty programs such as youth camps, parenting classes, nutrition classes, and housing. July 28, 2016 is the second annual Hot Salsa Night, a fundraiser that will benefit Family Impact Center’s programming. Our goals with Hot Salsa Night are to increase awareness of Family Impact Center’s programs and raise money for the 2016-2017 Academic Year. 

August 8 – 2016 Rainbow House Golf Classic

Rainbow House is excited to host its 26th annual Golf Classic. Stan Utley had the vision twenty-six years ago of giving back to the community in a truly unique way. This vision became an annual tradition for Rainbow House and a partnership with PGA golfers. Participate as a sponsor for Rainbow House Golf Classic and help us provide services to children, youth, and families in our community. Your contribution to our organization helps to ensure that our programs remain strong. Missouri State Tax Credits (50%) are available for all sponsorship packages. For more information about registration or sponsorship, please contact April Barnett at 573-819-1203 or email at abarnett@rainbowhousecolumbia.org.

August 31  – 2016 Queer Fall Fling

Come to the 2016 Queer Fall Fling hosted by the MU LGBTQ Resource Center! Come by for some community, resources, fun, games, and free food! Free and open to Tigers of All Stripes. Come to the largest welcome event for LGBTQ and Ally students. Guest list will be set to private. All are welcome! We are committed to ensuring all of our events are accessible and inclusive to all. Please contact us at lgbtq@missouri.edu if you anticipate any barriers to your participation. Please send this to students you work with!

September 27  – Harriet’s Return theatrical production

Karen Jones Meadows’ Harriet’s Return: Based Upon the Legendary Life of Harriet Tubman brings into full light why Mother Tubman still influences the consciousness and actions of people throughout the world. This unique, award-winning, crowd pleasing theatrical production delves so deeply into the private and public life of Harriet Tubman that audiences believe and behave as though they are experiencing everything with her.  Harriet Tubman’s non-stop high energy portrayals of 31 riveting characters living through humorous and wrenching moments begins in a contemporary restaurant and ends nine decades later as she passes into her afterlife.  From childhood innocence to teenage rebel, romantic hopeful to heartbroken pragmatist, she evolves into famed Underground Railroad conductor, spiritual icon, revolutionary, and sage.



MU’s black studies department hosts open mic night

Marching Mizzou appoints first female band director



MUPD, CPD to address reported robberies targeting college students

Paul Pepper: MU Theatre’s “Adventures of Tom Sawyer” & Integrative Behavioral Health Clinic

Paul Pepper: Ashley Guillemette of the MU Family Impact Center



Finding a ‘healthy weight’ in lesbian and bisexual communities

Research highlights the legal issues of certifying emotional support animals

Mindfulness key to eating what you want while preventing overeating



MU’s diversity division begins to take shape

New University of Missouri division pulls together student centers, civil rights office

UM review commission to look at governance, diversity, distance learning, academic programs

Pat Okker will become dean of Arts and Science – temporarily


Library Management Action and Information Items, 7/19/16

Present:  Ellen Blair, Shannon Cary, Sheryl Cullina, Michael Holland, Corrie Hutchinson, Pat Jones, Kathy Peters, Jeannette Pierce, Ann Riley, Ernest Shaw, Deb Ward

Food and Drink Policy
INFORMATION: LMT members discussed the next steps for the newly approved food and drink policy. They agreed the policy will be implemented beginning August 1. It was also stated that staff needed to be made aware the policy affects them when they are in public areas. If they are taking food from public area to private office, they should be discreet.

ACTION: New food and drink policy will be communicated to users and staff by Public Relations and Marketing Committee and through News Notes.

ACTION: Pat will train Security staff on the new policy.

Goals Process
INFORMATION: Ann stated now that the staff had given input on the mission, vision and goals, objectives needed to be written.

ACTION: Ann will distribute revised Mission, Vision and Goals document.

ACTION: Ann asked each division head to meet with their staff before August 9 to write one or two objectives per goal. Goals should be for this fiscal year.

All-Staff Meeting
INFORMATION: There was a discussion about possible agenda items for the August All-Staff Meeting. Agenda items will include low waste implementation, benefits, food and drink policy, the cycle of success campaign and a budget update.

Cycle of Success Marketing Campaign
INFORMATION: LMT had a brief discussion about the Cycle of Success campaign proposal and budget that was submitted by the Public Relations and Marketing Committee.

ACTION: LMT approved the implementation of the Cycle of Success campaign but is currently unable to commit significant funds. They recommend that the PR & Marketing Committee should still go forward with the social media components and other less expensive activities outlined in the campaign.

Emergency Task Force Proposal
INFORMATION: There was a follow-up discussion on the proposal to create an Emergency Task Force that was presented by Edwin Davis at the last LMT meeting.

ACTION: LMT members will send recommendations for members to the task force to Pat by July 25.

Annual Report
INFORMATION: Ann talked to LMT about preparing for the Annual Report. She said a lot of the content would come from the Annual Statistical Report. She would like LMT members to be thinking about a summary of the year for their division or department.

Student Fee Strategy
INFORMATION: LMT members discussed a survey that Ann received from the Division of Student Affairs. The survey’s purpose was to assess the student body’s appetite for an increase to student fees.  Ann has been invited to meet with Jeff Zeilenga, assistant vice chancellor for student auxiliary services, and Alysha O’Neil, director of budget and fiscal operations for student affairs, to discuss the results of the survey as it relates to the Libraries and to develop an initial strategy and target amount for a referendum.  Ann explained the proposal meant the Libraries could receive a portion of the student activities fee if they were able to get an increase.

ACTION: LMT agreed to work with Student Affairs on this proposal.

Committee Charges
INFORMATION: There was a brief discussion about committee charges.

ACTION: LMT will have Whitney, the Administrative temporary office assistant, work on getting the current committee charges on the staff website.

Travel Policy
INFORMATION: Ann stated the Libraries had their own travel rules that had been imposed on top of the MU travel policies to try to spread the money out to more employees. She would like to consider following the MU travel guidelines with some exceptions.

ACTION: Ann and Kathy will work on a travel policy proposal based on the LMT discussion.

Notes from the Director, 7/20/16

Hello everyone,

Despite the hot weather and vacations, all of us are carrying on this summer, getting ready for the fall semester to begin as we finish up the current session next week.  It does seem to me like Columbia is getting emptier by the day now,  but of course we know it will soon start filling up again.

LMT has been meeting and making some progress on decisions related to our budget situation.  Most of you know that Ellis Library will be closing most days at midnight starting in the fall semester.   I know students will not be happy, but we have to cut back.  Ellis will also be imposing a food and drink policy again, banning open containers and all but dry snack food throughout the building.  Details will be shared more widely soon, along with copies of the new policy. Thanks to all who worked on it.

Thanks also to all who worked on moving materials out of Ellis 304 due to humidity issues. Alla, Tim, Kelly, Suzy, Dan and others all get kudos for their quick work.

Committees also change over the summer, and Sheryl is working on finishing volunteer and other committee assignments.  These should be finalized by the first week of August. One committee undergoing change is the CSC, Collection Steering Committee.  Deb Ward and Mike Holland are coming on the committee, and Anne Barker and Dianne Johnson are going off.  The current Library Assembly structure has been under discussion and may well be going away, with possibly another communication and advisory group in its place.  Watch for your chance to have input on the options in the next few weeks.  The library administration established the group some years ago now, and most people wanted to end it last year. The communications audit indicated it be abolished then, too. Last July  I asked the elected leaders to try for one more year, but I will not do that again.

Our handyman Al is also leaving the Libraries next week.  LMT will be discussing how to handle the work he did. I hear the temporary reference librarian search is ongoing, and the search for the new library business officer closes Aug. 8.  Ellen Blair’s last day is July 27.

The MERLIN Libraries now have a task force on issues related to moving to being a stand-alone customer for our ILS.  Ernest and Corrie are on from MU.  No word yet from MOBIUS on what their plans are but we continue to stay in touch with them on it.  Once again, we do not anticipate this being a significant change for most functions as we will still be on Sierra.

In more cheerful news, Campus Facilities will be putting a new white ceiling, new paint on the walls, and new window blinds in Ellis 114, along with new paint and new blinds in Ellis 202.  We are not sure of the timing of the work yet but will of course avoid busy study times.  The Bookmark Café will be getting new, replaced chairs and additional outlets probably over Thanksgiving Break, funded from the Student Fee Capital Improvement Committee.

I hope you all have your calendars marked for 2 pm on Thursday August 18 for the all staff meeting in Ellis Auditorium.  We will have several guest speakers, a budget report, and discussion of the revised mission, goals and objectives.  I’ve asked the division heads to submit objectives developed with discussions by the week before.  I hope all of you will participate in the objective formation.  Thanks to all who came to the open forums!  Don’t forget to email me if you have additional comments.


Library Management Team Action and Information Items, 7/12/16

Present:  Ellen Blair, Shannon Cary, Sheryl Cullina, Michael Holland, Corrie Hutchinson, Pat Jones, Kathy Peters, Jeannette Pierce, Ann Riley, Ernest Shaw, Deb Ward

Food and Drink Policy
INFORMATION: Jeannette Pierce, Pat Jones and Deb Ward worked on a new food and drink policy for Ellis Library. Jeannette stated that a new policy needed to be created because there was currently no policy that was being enforced. She said that the group looked at policies at other academic libraries, and the suggested policy follows general practices at other libraries. She stated that one of the main changes she wanted to point out was that food would not be allowed in the reading rooms due to possible noise disruption from having and eating food.

ACTION: Jeannette will incorporate suggestions that were made by LMT during this discussion and send out a new version for LMT to vote on. 

Humidity in 3 Central
INFORMATION: Corrie stated that the Library is getting HOBO reports that show high levels of humidity in 3 Central. She was interested in knowing what was being done and if more should be done to correct this problem.

ACTION: Pat will keep the doors to 3 Central open to allow for more air circulation and see if that affects the humidity levels. She will also see if Energy Management will caulk the windows.

Emergency Operations Task Force
INFORMATION: Edwin Davis from Security presented a proposal to LMT about creating a Library Emergency Operations Task Force so that staff members are thoroughly equipped to act upon an emergency. The Task Force would organize informational emergency seminars for staff, so they can be informed of emergency procedures.

ACTION: LMT members will think about emergency procedures as they relate to their areas and who they might want to appoint to the Task Force. LMT will discuss this again at an upcoming meeting.

Change in Custodial Service

INFORMATION: Pat reminded LMT members that the low waste program was going to be implemented by MU Operations over the next few months. Ellis Library is scheduled to get new recycling and waste bins between Aug. 29 and Sept. 2. She shared a map with LMT of the public areas in Ellis Library that would still be maintained by Operations and the private offices that would not.

ACTION: The Libraries will purchase vacuum cleaners for each floor of Ellis Library that has private offices and for the branch libraries. Cleaning supplies will also be provided and kept in a central location.

ACTION: Shannon and Pat will work on announcement for News Notes and handout for staff. Issue will be discussed at All-Staff meeting, with possible guest speaker from MU Operations.

FLSA Update
INFORMATION: Sheryl stated that she was supposed to attend an HR meeting about FLSA, but it was rescheduled and will be at the beginning of August. The FLSA guidelines will need to be enacted by December 1. Job classifications 10 and above will be exempt. Classifications 9 and below will be non-exempt.

ESFAC Empty Walls Ideas
INFORMATION: Pat said that the Ellis Library Space and  Facilities Committee had been discussing what to do with blank walls in the library. Possible ideas included working with student organizations, such as fraternities and sororities, to see if they would be interested in putting up art work or posters to promote their organizations. They also talked to Special Collections about providing some of the posters from their collection. The Libraries could also work with outside groups, such as the Art department.

ACTION: ESFAC will continue to pursue getting art from the following groups: Special Collections, MU Art Department, MU Museums and Columbia Art League.

ACTION: Shannon and Pat will work on plaque for MLK, Jr. replica that will honor Ty Christian and replace current photo.

Fall Hours
INFORMATION: Jeannette stated that she has been talking with Cindy Cotner, Freddy Martinez, and Pat Jones about Fall hours for Ellis Library. She asked LMT if Ellis Library would be open 24 hours during finals and the week before finals. It was agreed that Ellis should remain open during that time if there is a way to find enough staff to work the extra hours.

ACTION: Pat will check with MUPD to see if they have Events Staff who could be hired to cover evening hours during finals and the week before.

Room Reservation System
INFORMATION: Jeannette asked LMT if they wanted to move ahead with implementing the LibCal calendar system for meeting room reservations in Ellis Library. LMT agreed to move forward with this idea. They agreed that if it doesn’t work effectively for staff they can revisit the system and possibly move to an Outlook-based solution.

ACTION: Jeannette and Shannon will work with Judy on creating a training session and handout for the new meeting room reservation system, which will be adopted before the fall semester begins.

Miscellaneous Discussion

  • It was asked when the student worker budgets would be distributed. Kathy and Ellen said that there would be a 5% reduction to the budget, but they were wondering if there should be some reallocation of the funds by department, since some areas underspent and some overspent last year. LMT asked them to create a re-allocation proposal for the next LMT meeting.
  • There was a question about when committee assignments would be completed. It was stated that more volunteers are needed. Sheryl and Ann will look at this and possibly invite staff directly to serve on specific committees.
  • There was a question about the progress of moving shelving to room 202. Pat is meeting with Cyndi Curnutte next week, and she will discuss the project with her and report back to LMT.

Addressing Safety Concerns

MUPD is committed to the safety of our campus community which includes our students, faculty, staff and visitors. Below are actions that MUPD is involved throughout the entire year to prevent crimes from occurring on campus:

  • The Citizen’s Response to Active Threat training program that deals with active threat/shooter type situations continues to teach many classes throughout the year. Further information on threat training can be found here: http://mupolice.com/mupd/training/ 
  • To help address concerns about the potential for an active threat on the University of Missouri Campus, The University of Missouri Police Department created an educational video called, “Surviving an Active Shooter.”  In the unlikely event of a threat on campus, this video provides information on what individuals should do to keep themselves, and others, safe. It can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELBEOgqWZYo
  • Additional education for students and staff regarding personal safety and security, especially during the overnight hours is offered yearly by our crime prevention unit.  Further information can be found here: http://mupolice.com/mupd/cp
  • Currently the department has 42 sworn officers.The department is recruiting for a total of 50 officers to be filled by 2019. http://mupolice.com/mupd/units
  • The MUPD Communications Center, located inside the police department, is staffed 24/7, 365 days a year. There are currently 9 full-time communications operators. The department is recruiting for a total of 12 Communications Operators to be filled by 2019. Communications operators are responsible for a variety of tasks. One of the most important tasks is alerting our community of crime that is on or near our campus through the MU Emergency Alert system. Further information on MU Emergency Alert system can be found here: http://mualert.missouri.edu/
  • Statistical information and suggestions for facilities and lighting improvements were shared during annual safety walks sponsored by MSA.  Patrol was also reminded to continue to report broken or nonfunctioning lights on campus.
  • The Crime Prevention Unit has been working closely with the Off-Campus Housing Office to educate students living off campus on the topics of theft prevention and personal safety.
  • Alcohol awareness presentations were modified to include information about the Downtown Enforcement Unit as well as the Community Action Team. 

MUPD also works with the following groups to reduce or eliminate crimes on or near campus:

  • Safe Mizzou Coalition
  • Access to Alcohol Action Team
  • MU Council on Violence Against Women
  • Fan Behavior Task Force
  • Partners in Prevention
  • Men 4 Men Program (Department of Athletics)
  • RSVP Center Green Dot Team
  • Department Greek Life (Stakeholder)
  • Residential Life (Stakeholder)
  • Department of Student Life (Stakeholder)
  • LGBTQ Resource Center (Stakeholder)
  • Women’s Center
  • Wellness Resource Center
  • ROTC
  • Mizzou Student Suicide Prevention Coalition
  • ParentLink
  • MU Resilience Task Force
  • Missouri Students Association (MSA)
  • Ellis Library Security Staff
  • University Hospital Security Staff
  • Gaines/Oldham Black Culture Center
  • Mizzou Store Staff and Administration
  • Summer Welcome

    • Summer Welcome Leaders
    • Incoming Freshman
    • Transfer Students
    • Parents
  • Campus Facilities
  • Campus Dining Services
  • Student Health Center
  • Mizzou Student Suicide Prevention Coalition
  • Office of Civil Rights and Title IX
  • Law Enforcement Training Institute (LETI)
  • Division of IT
  • Child Development Lab
  • True North Shelter
  • Boone County Sheriff’s Department

Inclusion Events and News

Fall Sessions – Diversity 101 Course

Diversity 101, our four-week online diversity course, was developed so that MU faculty and staff from across departments and units can learn together, in order to help create a culture where everyone feels welcome to contribute and strive to reach their potential.



Students have new sobriety housing option at Mizzou

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ESPN to honor Missouri football team for 2015 boycott amid campus unrest


Low enrollment opens campus housing for MU graduate students


Preliminary findings show gender, not race, a factor in college students dropping out of engineering fields


MU Interim Chancellor Foley calls for moment of silence

When does a student-affairs official cross the line?


Columbians demonstrate against black deaths at hands of police

Columbia Muslims celebrate Ramadan’s end, feel sorrow over violence

After national trauma, Columbians use Grieve-In to focus on hope, local community building

At joint press conference, Columbia police and NAACP encourage conversation, healing in light of nationwide violence

The Center Project could get a larger space to expand outreach

On World Refugee Day, Columbia organization helps refugees settle in