MU Policies on Political Activity and Voting

As we head into the last few months of this election cycle, I know that many of our Library staff are engaged and passionate about the political candidates and issues.  Remember to be respectful of viewpoints that may differ from yours, and considerate of all of our staff and patrons. 

The University policy on political activity (HR-509) allows University employees to engage in lawful political activities, and also states that such activity must be done on the individual’s own time and should not interfere with University duties.

The HR policy on voting (HR 411) states that all University employees may receive time off with pay for the purpose of voting.  Any employee who may need time off for voting must request the time off prior to election day, and should work with their supervisor to determine the best time to be away from work.

If you have any questions about either of these policies, please contact Sheryl Cullina at 882-9166 or