Present: Ellen Blair, Shannon Cary, Michael Holland, Corrie Hutchinson, Pat Jones, Kathy Peters, Jeannette Pierce, Ann Riley, Ernest Shaw, Deb Ward
Travel Budget and Policy
INFORMATION: Kathy sent out a draft 2017 travel budget to the members of LMT. The spreadsheet included FY2016 details. The projections for this year were based on last year’s travel, but budget is $18,000 less. LMT members had a discussion about how this money would be allocated.
ACTION: Ann and Kathy will work on final numbers and a travel policy based on LMT discussion to present at All-Staff Meeting.
Development Update
INFORMATION: Ann talked to LMT about some changes that she and Matt have discussed regarding development for the Libraries. Library Society event will be held April 28 to coincide with campaign cabinet meeting. It will be a cocktail buffet followed by a special event open only to Library Society members. We are working on possible speakers for this event. Please send any ideas to Ann or Matt.
Purchasing Cards
INFORMATION: Kathy reported that as the Admin Office transitions fiscal operations due to Ellen and Steve’s retirements, we are going to try reconciling Purchasing Cards a little differently. Ellen and Steve did an amazing job behind the scenes due to their vast wealth of knowledge and experience. But Kathy will need to have employees provide more information about purchases in the future.
ACTION: Kathy will hold a training session in August for all cardholders to review purchasing guidelines.
Fall and Winter Break Hours
INFORMATION: Jeannette sent the proposed Fall and Winter Break hours for Ellis Library to LMT members. Ellis Library hours have to be reduced due to budget cuts and the failed student fee proposal. She pointed out the following changes:
- Library closing at 7:00 on Fridays and 6:00 on Saturdays.
- Slightly reduced weekend hours on holiday weekends.
- 24/7 week prior and week of finals.
- Extended Circulation Hours on Sunday mornings for week prior to finals and finals week. However, not extended for Friday and Saturday night of those two weeks.
- Reference Desk closing at 10:00 instead of 11:00.
ACTION: LMT members suggested a few days on the proposed fall and winter break hours where hours should be expanded. Shannon will make changes and get them distributed. Pat and Jeannette will work on getting appropriate staffing to cover the extra hours.
Graduate Study Carrel Fee Proposal
INFORMATION: A proposal to increase the fees for the graduate study carrels was submitted to LMT. The proposal was to increase the fees by four times the current amount because they had not been increased in over ten years. It was suggested that this discussion be tabled until Noah Hartsfield brings his Graduate Study Carrel policy proposal to LMT.
United Way
INFORMATION: Deb stated that Sheila Voss has been recruited to be the United Way district ambassador for the Libraries. Cindy Cotner, Karen Eubanks and Deb will continue to serve on the United Way Committee. They will hold a chili kick-off again this year.