Ellis Library Sign Task Force Update

The Library Management Team recently created the Ellis Library Sign Task Force, which has been tasked with analyzing the current directional signs in the library and making recommendations for consistent, library-wide way-finding signs and directories.

The task force consists of Shannon Cary (chair), Grace Atkins, Ryan Bish, Cindy Cotner, Edwin Davis, Tim Perry, Sean Witzman and Kate Wright. The group has done research on best practices for signs in libraries and other public buildings. One of the first tasks of the group will be to create guidelines for signage that will be informed by the research. Next steps include determining areas of the library that need to be listed on directories, analyzing existing maps of the library, and acquiring adequate graphic design services for prelimary work.

If you have any questions about the work of the task force, please contact Shannon Cary (carysn@missouri.edu) or any member of the task force.