Healthy for Life Update

Get Caught in the Act! Promote Random acts of wellness!
Got a passion for health and fitness? Consider becoming a Wellness Ambassador!* Spread a culture of health. Attend special events. And promote Healthy for Life initiatives like Caught in the Act! 

Caught in the Act ( rewards faculty and staff for random acts of wellness. As a Wellness Ambassador, you’ll honor colleagues for embracing wellbeing.

Dates: Jan. 18 – Feb. 29

What are random acts of wellness? Things like …

  • Leading a walking challenge
  • Walking with a coworker
  • Hosting a healthy potluck
  • Supporting standing/walking meetings
  • Taking the stairs instead of the elevator

Learn more about Wellness Ambassadors:

*We welcome multiple ambassadors per department.

Weight Watchers Informational Sessions
Enroll now for Weight Watchers at Work! Enjoy the convenience of meeting on campus at midday. Eligible employees can earn 100 points toward Tier 2 of the 2016 Wellness Incentive for attending three months of classes.

When: January 13, 2016

Time: 11:45a.m. -12:30p.m.           

Location: Quarterdeck, QD162a

Contact: Sarah Ellis at to register for informational session

When: January 14, 2016

Time: 11:45a.m. -12:30p.m.           

Location: University Hospital, N522 (by the purple elevators)

Contact: Sarah Ellis at to register for informational session

Faculty/Staff Small Group Training at MizzouRec
Reach all of your New Year fitness goals by joining in a Faculty/Staff Small Group Training program at MizzouRec today! Beginning the week of February 15th you will meet twice a week for five weeks at your selected time slot. Sign up ahead of time by visiting zouLIFE or the membership desk at MizzouRec!


Date: First round begins the week of February 15th.

Time: M/W at 6:30am or T/Th at 12pm.

Where: Meet at zouLIFE in MizzouRec

Cost: $59 for 10 sessions.

For more information please contact Derik Kincaid at

New Year BOGO Bod Pod
The Bod Pod is a quick and accurate means of measuring your Body Composition. zouLIFe at MizzouRec will be offering a BOGO Bod Pod deal for the month of February in order to help establish a baseline for all of your New Year resolutions. Go to to book your appointment today!

For more information please contact Derik Kincaid at

MU Extension Offers Incentive Eligible Classes
University of Missouri Extension will add to the menu of classes that earn you points toward your Wellness Incentive starting in January. Classes scheduled on campus include Taking Care of You, Powerful Tools for Caregivers, Stay Strong Stay Healthy and Youth Mental Health First Aid.

For more information please contact

Virtual Symposium on Research Data Management: Jan. 19 and 21

The ALA Association for Library Collections and Technical Services will present a two-part virtual symposium on library research data management services on January 19 and 21.  Attendees will be introduced to the primary activities and importance of data management across the scholarly lifecycle; the policies, trends, and technologies affecting researchers and the organizations that support them; and, the expertise, staffing, and resources libraries must consider when building successful and sustainable services.  Both sessions are presented by Jennifer Doty, research data librarian, Emory University; Christopher Eaker, data curation librarian, University of Tennessee; Jackie Wirz, biomedical research specialist, Oregon Health & Science University and Robin Champieux, scholarly communication librarian, Oregon Health & Science University.

Session 1: The Data Life Cycle and the Landscape of Library LED Services
Tuesday, January 19, 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.

Ellis Library, Room 159

Focuses on understanding the principles and activities of research data management across the scholarly life cycle.

Session 2:  Research Data Management Services: Assessing the Needs of Your Environment and Building a Sustainable Program
Thursday, January 21, 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.

Ellis Library, Room 4F51A

Provides an introductory understanding of the expertise, staffing, and resources libraries must consider when building sustainable RDM services.

Sponsored by the MU Libraries Data Management Education Working Group: Kate Anderson (chair), Felicity Dykas, Janice Dysart, Jill Ferguson, Noel Kopriva, Judy Maseles, Tim Middelkoop, Jeannette Pierce, Sandy Schiefer, and Deb Ward.

You Are Invited to Attend the Ellis Library Centennial Rededication

Join us on Friday, Jan. 15 from 3 to 5 pm in the Ellis Library Grand Reading Room for a rededication of the Ellis Library building in honor of its centennial. There will be music from the time period, remarks from campus officials, and a ribbon cutting hosted by members of Columbia’s Chamber of Commerce. Steve Weinberg, professor emeritus of journalism,  will give a sneak peak into his forthcoming book on the history of MU Libraries. Participants will have the opportunity to take part in historical building tours led by library staff. We hope you will come celebrate this special day with us!

Healthy for Life Caught in the Act Program

Are you in the mood to make someone’s day? Healthy for Life is looking for Wellness Ambassadors to champion the new “Caught in the Act” program ( Caught in the Act is a program that awards faculty and staff for demonstrating random acts of wellness. These employees exemplify what it means to embrace a culture of health at work.

Caught in the Act supports the University of Missouri System Culture of Health, which makes it a priority for faculty and staff to be active, eat and work healthy, find work-life fit, and empower and appreciate each other. Awardees will receive a certificate from Healthy for Life and be automatically entered into a prize drawing.

Your role, as a Caught in the Act Champion, is to share the flyer and submit colleagues’ names to Healthy for Life. January 18 – February 29 you will be able to submit colleagues’ names via the Caught in the Act form. Resources are available in the Wellness Ambassador Portal.

I encourage anyone to sign up to be a Wellness Ambassador in order to champion the Caught in the Act Program. Multiple Wellness Ambassadors in a department is always encouraged! An updated list of Wellness Ambassadors and their locations will be posted later this week. I will send out another email once these are available.

Please contact me or your campus coordinator ( if you have any questions.

Dates to identify Caught in the Act awardees: January 18 – February 29, 2016

What are random acts of wellness? Things like …

  • Heading up a department walking challenge
  • Encouraging a coworker to walk with you
  • Hosting a healthy potluck
  • Supporting standing or walking meetings
  • Taking the stairs instead of the elevator

For other ideas on how to make the UM Culture of Health a part of your healthy lifestyle, check out our online lists of easy action steps for each priority area (