Present: Adrienne Arden, Wendy Batson, Jack Batterson, Sheryl Cullina, Karla Geerlings, Tammy Green, Terri Hall, Dustin Hoffmann, Mike Holland, Corrie Hutchinson, Jeanette Pierce, Ann Riley, Sandy Schiefer, Marcia Strong, Bette Stuart, & Deb Ward
Decision to continue using Ellis Room 4F51A for future meetings
Collection Steering Committee (CSC) – Presented by Corrie Hutchinson
Formerly known as Collection Development Committee
Purpose is to review collection policies and guidelines; examples–
Allocation of reserve funds now open to all library branches
Demand Driven Acquisitions
Budget Model
Space evaluation
Streaming videos
Continue with the discussion of Policies #1, #3, #7 & #25
Policy #1 – the making of polices
Policies #3 & 7
Both cataloging policies used by all branches
More procedural than policy for internal use only
Would like to remove it, but keep it in a separate file for procedures
Suggestion made to keep old policies in an archival file instead of deleting them
Policy #25
Policy granting staff the opportunity to make suggestions to benefit libraries
Never fully implemented
Suggested directing staff to the suggestion site on the staff web page
To remove or to revise
Library Assembly may make recommendations
Library Management Team has the final say in any decision
An ad hoc committee of approximately six people will be set up to look at policies
Director Announcements:
Student Fee slogan “I’m In”
New flyer release
Has basic information about what the libraries want to do for our users
Compares MU Libraries’ funding with two peer institutions
Univ of Kansas
Univ of Florida
Another student forum to be held for the resident halls this evening
Room 114 & 202
Room 114 almost ready for use
Room 202 needs another week or so before carpeting is completed
US Census Bureau Research Data
Housed in Ellis Room 205
Soon to open for business
Open house on Sept 21, 9-11:00
Centennial Kick off to happen next week Sept 23
Departmental Reports:
Digital Services Report presented by Adrienne Arden
In the last two weeks we have received an unusual number of requests (four) for permission to use digital images from material in the digital library. Most have been for personal use; one for use in an upcoming Vox article. We are very pleased to see this concrete example of the value of our work.
We are making great progress in the migration of material from the Legacy Digital Library to the MU Digital Library. Our current projects are the Savitar, the Mizzou alumni magazine, Agricultural Experiment Station publications, and the St. Louis World’s Fair collection.
Our SISLT practicum student and English intern are working on digitizing and adding “Pages from the Past” to the Digital Library. This item from Special Collections is a collection of leaves that date from the 1500s to the 1800s. Other libraries hold other versions of Pages from the Past. We researched other such collections and ours will be one of only a few that have been digitized and made available online.
The Department played a role in helping Trenton format and publish his book, Rare Books in MU Libraries Special Collections. It might be considered our first publication. It is now available in the MU Digital Library.
MOspace recently received an upgrade and new look. We are still working out some indexing issues that occurred with the change. New additions to MOspace are final reports and proposals from the MU Interdisciplinary Innovations Fund, 2008-2014.
Digital Services personnel use several different systems and tools and seem to push the capacities of the systems we use. Felicity thanks everyone in the department for their ongoing patience when faced with the weekly occurrences of slowness, crashes, and/or unexpected glitches.
Links to material discussed:
Administration Report presented by Steven Hammer
Ellen Blair, Fiscal Officer, will be working with various staff in the annual project of collecting ARL statistics. The deadline for submitting ARL statistics is Oct 15, 2015.
RAIS Division Update presented by Wendy Batson
Government Information/Data Archives Service
Sandy is planning a Tumblr page for Gov Info to be online by the end of the semester
Marie is planning and helping with Centennial events, exhibits, entertainment and promotions
Have been getting several referrals from the Census Research Data Center, making more students aware of the service provided by Gov Info.Marie sends out messages on the new DATA-ARCHIVES-L listerv weekly.They have a handful of subscribers and would appreciate support in getting the word out.
Working on overhauling the Govt Info website this semester
Journalism & Missourian Libraries
Lots of instruction sessions (have had one for every entering undergraduate and graduate student)
Photojournalism classes using photo book collections
12 iMacs replaced. New software: Adobe Premiere Pro
Worked with alum and Ohio State University Emeritus professor on Stephenson gift of issues of the Operant Objectivity journal to fill the gaps. We will be only the third library to have a complete run of the journal.
Online Information Services Department
GRAs divided into two groups to create and conduct two workshops in the International Students’ Workshop series
Working to complete FY15 electronic resources usage report
Graduate assistants received training for virtual reference services
Implementing Summon 2.0
Next few months will work on metadata on LibGuides to make them findable in Summon
Finalizing details for BrowZine web implementation
Working to arrange Scopus and Mendeley demonstrations this fall.
Access Services
Reference service – 4 Access Services staff with or working on a Library Sciences Degree completed the Reference Training. They are covering one hour per week each. Opportunity is helping on closing the gap between the two Ellis frontline desks.
Receipt printers in Ellis Library Circulation – Worked with LTS and received receipt printers. In process to order BPA free paper. Patrons will have option to request printed and email receipts or no receipts. Printed receipts will include messages about how to renew books online. Tentative implementation date October 5.
LibAnalytics in Ellis Library Circulation – Working with Rhonda to create a circulation data collecting page to be used at the circulation desk at the Ellis Library. Implementation date not yet decided.
Searching for new LIS Senior for ILL – Desirable date to complete process Friday September 11. Selected candidate tentative starting date is October 5. (This position has since been filled.)
Access Services information/library webpages – Department working on identifying and updating information for pages referring to Circulation, Reserves, ILL, and Shelving. In progress.
Library fines and Bursars – Freddy will take over processing Bursars. Training in progress.
Recorded Sound collection – Plans for Recorded Sound collection are to house it behind the Ellis Library Circulation Desk. Logistics about circulation is being discussed.
Instructional Services and Instruction Committee
Scavenger Hunt going well, and continually being tweaked based on comments and suggestions
Planning faculty lightning rounds in October on topics of interest to faculty
Received 45 instruction requests from English 1000 classes so far
Good turnout for Fridays @ the Library Workshops
Research workshops for International Students start this Saturday
Science Branches and Web Development
Engineering placed 115 books on print reserve for 90 courses
Introduced the circulation of 5 board games and two card games to the Engineering Library
New members were added to the Math library committee and are interested in identifying journals that may be sent to the depository as space is extremely tight.
Created new headers for the library websites using the Webcom Unit signatures to comply with the new guidelines
Updated Sharepoint sites
Rolled out E-Reserves and working on improving faculty use of the system
User Engagement Department
Mike is working on LibGuide on the history of Ellis library with lots of photographs, Grace is working on creating videos
Library Ambassadors continue to work on promoting the student fee.There are 70+ ambassadors
No more FIG tours, but drop-in tours were offered the first week of classes
Health Sciences Report presented by Terri Hall
Construction has started on the Patient Centered Care Learning Center.
Rebecca has been teaching a ton of classes, and the librarians have been doing 1 on 1 research consultations with our students.
Diane has been helping the residents prepare their posters for the American College of Physicians Missouri chapter meeting next Saturday.
Soon we will be migrating our chat service from snapengage to Springshare.
Caryn & Taira prepared some citation reports for the provost’s office on an extremely tight deadline.
Taira has set up a twitter account for our library.
We have begun conversations with our librarian colleagues in Springfield about the satellite clinical campus for the school of medicine.
Quiet Study hours begin Sunday, September 17. Between 6pm – 9pm, entry to the library is restricted to just those students enrolled in Health Programs, IDs required. Quiet Study hours will continue through Thursday, October 1.