Student Fee Update

  • It's official! The student library fee will be on the ballot in November.
  • Matt Gaunt has been meeting with student organizations and various leadership boards both individually and together.

    • The outcome will hopefully be a better vision of the open forums planned in April.
    • Based on feedback from students, the forums will likely number 2-3 on specific topics with one large general town hall type meeting which we hope can be attended by the Chancellor.  
  • The Student Fee Working Group will be working with a newly formed MSA ambassador group, a team from a Strategic Communications class, and the Libraries Amassadors Communications Committee to create and implement a promotional campaign for the student fee.

Renew Mizzou Update

The work on Jesse Hall is due to be complete on Friday, May 15, and the projected date for beginning the move of our guests out of Ellis is July 13, starting with the Registrar’s Office. Financial Aid is due to move out the following week, so that Room 202 will be mostly clear aound July 27. The Admissions Office is due to vacate Room 114 during the week of July 27, so we will not be able to relocate into there before the week of August 3.