Attending: Shannon Cary, Sheila Voss, John Budd, Marie Concannon, Jim Cogswell, Gary Cox, Rebecca Graves
Library Society Dinner on April 15, 2016
- Jim announced that David Ferriero, Archivist of the United States, has agreed to make an additional public presentation as well as serve as keynote speaker at the annual Library Society Dinner on April 15th. The committee recommended that we reserve Room 114A for the whole day and choose a time for the event that is convenient with Mr. Ferriero’s schedule. Jim recommended that we advertise with various University departments – history, political science, journalism, library school, etc. – for the public event.
Centennial Kickoff Celebration on September 23, 2015
- Shannon announced that all the Kickoff giveaways have been ordered and the proofs approved. The t-shirts should be arriving any day.
- Marie Concannon created the red star currently attached to the Libraries’ centennial poster advertising the Centennial Kickoff on September 23rd. Shannon will have more stars made to advertise other centennial events for the centennial posters.
- Sheila announced that she, Jim and Pat Jones met last week to discuss the layout of Lowry Mall for the Kickoff celebration. Room 114 Ellis Library will be the fallback location if it rains. The carpet in Room 114 should be laid by that date.
- Last week, the committee chose the bean bag toss, library trivia, and a cartoon caption contest for the kickoff games. Rebecca has been emailing people to find an artist for the cartoon captioning contest but has not received any responses yet. She would like three different cartoons for the contest. Rebecca also asked the committee to send her any library trivia questions for that game. Lastly, the committee approved the purchase of a bean bag toss game for the kickoff. The committee will donate the game to MULSA after the kickoff.
Centennial Art Contest
- Jim and Gary met with Jo Stealey, head of the MU Art department, to discuss the centennial art contest. He and Gary still need to finalize the prospectus for the contest. Jim asked the committee for names of people who might be willing to serve as judges for the contest. The committee recommended asking Bill Bondeson, Lawrence Rugolo, Anne Stanton, Joan Stack and Ruth Tofle to be judges. Jim inquired if the art submissions could be submitted via the MU Libraries website for judging purposes.
- The MU Libraries would purchase and display the winning artwork from the centennial art contest. We would like all of the art submissions on display in Ellis Library sometime in the centennial year.
MU Libraries Gateway Website
- Shannon announced that a centennial page has been created on the Libraries’ gateway website. Information about the centennial events is displayed but the centennial poster graphic has not been added yet. The page can be found here: