Present: Wendy Batson, Jack Batterson, Abbie Brown, Tammie Busch, Dorothy Carner, Sheryl Cullina, Ruth Feldkamp, Tammy Green, Terri Hall, Mike Holland, Steven Hammer, Jeannette Pierce, Ann Riley, Marcia Strong, Bette Stuart, & Deb Ward
- Discussion:
- Public Relations and Outreach (Dorothy Carner)
- Committee created by LMT
- Charges
- To create a framework for external communicating with our users
- To actively disseminate library information
- To insure consistency and quality of information campus wide
- There is an ERES reading list available; please check with Dorothy Carner for access
- Policies Review (Mike Holland)
- Time to review current library policies
- Many needing to be updated
- Looking to reduce the number of polices for better efficiency either by merging policies or eliminating some
- Started with Policy #3 & #7
- Policy #3 – Reclassification of library material
- Policy #7 – Cataloging & classification of serials
- Recommendation to eliminate both brought up questions
- What criteria would be used in downsizing policies
- Wanting to separate departmental procedure from the polices
- Wanting to maintain procedural information in a separate file
- Updating terminology
- How would the decision process proceed
- Suggestion to identify those departments affected by a policy
- Allowing those affected to form committees to evaluate & to update
- Then bring back to Library Assembly for approval
- Results of discussion
- Further discussion needed on how to proceed
- Mike will continue to put the policies in a more readable form
- What criteria would be used in downsizing policies
- Time to review current library policies
- Director Announcements (Ann Riley, Acting Director):
- Discussion with the Provost
- Libraries’ budget
- Plans for new depository
- Long range communication planning to start up later
- Student Library Fee
- Gearing up for promotional material on the fee
- Campaign tag line is “I’m in”
- Signs about the Centennial Celebration are being put up around Ellis Library
- Departmental Reports:
Library Administration Report presented by Steven Hammer
There will be a gift announcement in Ellis Library Colonnade on September 11, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. announcing the establishment of the Trogdon library endowment for the purchase of Special Collections materials. All library employees are invited to attend.
Digital Services Report presented by Tammie Busch
Digital Services continues to make progress in all our work. Felicity commends the department for their extra efforts in filling gaps left by unfilled positions in the department. We are all working on the legacy digital library site migration which currently has utmost priority. Our goal for completion of the migration is end of fiscal year 2016. We have also managed to complete some special project requests including uploading the Interdisciplinary Innovation Fund proposals and final reports into our institutional repository. Adding to our challenge is the fact that our institutional repository recently ran out of space and we have been experiencing frequent errors while uploading in our digital library. A new MOspace IR release is scheduled for today. Felicity has put in extra hours to get this ready for today’s release. We had a summer student working on digitization of the Columbia Missourian. He made great progress in testing different scanning and image specifications to maximize the final quality. Our GLA is continuing with this project and we hope to be posting final products to the Digital Library soon.
This past Saturday, Felicity and Trenton Boyd met to continue work on the rare veterinary books bibliography that is being compiled for the library’s centennial celebration.
The Digital Services staff have been attending FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records) and RDA (Resource Description & Access) training produced by the Library of Congress. RDA is the content standard we are using in our institutional repository and digital library.
In order for progress to continue with our electronic resources, our GLA is helping with e-book cataloging.
Access Services Report presented by Tammy Green
Reserve has already processed 38 class lists.
The recent discovery of bug infested books at Univ of MO Kansas City has resulted in finding a few more damaged ones at Engineering Library. No one is sure when this happened to the latest finds. However, these books have been promptly dealt with by Michaelle Dorsey & her crew. Replacements will be sought.
HSL & Vet Library Report presented by Terri Hall
Reference had a surge of online consultations with our distance learning students last month.
Over 60 new medical students opted to attend our library orientation sessions.
The med students’ libguide was completely revamped this year.
We continue to work with the new E-Reserves systems, establishing new guidelines, educating faculty and requesting system modifications.
Cataloging Report presented by Jack Batterson
Catalog & Metadata department has an opening for a Sr. Library Information Specialist. The application deadline is August 28, 2015.
For additional information, including salary, work hours, and how to apply, please visit the MU Libraries webpage at
HSL Report presented by Deb Ward
We are working on a water fountain upgrade for our main service floor, replacing the existing water cooler with one that includes a water bottle filler. It will be the same model as was installed in Ellis Library recently on the ground floor. Thanks to Pat Jones for sharing information on the process, contacts, and the model selection.
In cooperation with the LTS digital signage pilot, we will be installing a large screen monitor just inside the Health Sciences Library entrance. Thanks to Brycee McDonald, Mike Spears and Ernest Shaw for assisting with this. Terri Hall will be our content coordinator. We will relocate Dr. Lottes’ portrait to another area on first floor in order to make room for the monitor.
Acquisitions & Collection Development, Accounting, Consortial Resources presented by Bette Stuart
- We received a large donation of journals, mostly related to social work and gerontology. Of the 477 items received by our department, 374 were offered to other libraries through backserv (only 1 was claimed – the rest are being recycled), 81 have been/will be added to the collection, 9 were monographs and sent through the monographs gifts process , 12 were sent to HSL, and 1 was sent to Law.
- Serials acquisitions staff are working on serial renewals for 2016.
- We are in the process of adding LSO (Consortial Resources) records in MERLIN, and testing the LSO feeder.