Black History Month Trivia Night Will Become a Tradition!

A week or so before the February 25 5:30 p.m. trivia night, organizers Paula Roper and Rachel Brekhus were worried that only two people had registered for the competition. The weather forecast involved increasing chances of snow, and we wondered if we’d have to cancel. We publicized relentlessly – mostly by email, phone, Twitter and Facebook – to MU people, friends from the community, and even City Council candidates. Registrations finally began to come in, until by Wednesday morning, 15 people had registered. By 5:40, at least 18 had arrived and had commenced friendly socializing. Around 6:00 the competition began. The format of play was a website that worked like a “Jeopardy” board – there was even an item with an audio clue!  Players formed three race- and age-diverse teams, and the evening was one by the formidable Team Two, which included a couple of “ringers,” history graduate students. We had a few rules questions and technology elements that we want to tweak for next year, but we got good feedback from our participants, who also made off with many fabulous prizes.  Thanks are due to MU Libraries Administration and the Black History Month Planning Committee, for their financial support (for the sandwiches and other food), to our RAIS Division colleagues, who tweeted about it and helped Rachel create the audio clip for the Audio Daily Double, to the Events Team and Ellis Library Security, who provided logistical support and to the many individuals and campus entities who donated prizes. We hope this will become an annual MU Libraries Black History Month offering.

Active Shooter Training

MUPD will be delivering Active Shooter Training for MU Library staff on Wednesday, March 25, from 6-10pm. There will be both a classroom and an active part to the training. This session is limited to 25 people. Please contact Sheryl Cullina if you are interested in attending.

Information and Action Items from LMT 2/17/15

INFORMATION ITEM: LMT discussed the current open positions in each division and the status of each search:

  • ACTS – Ann Riley

    • Library Specialist in Monograph, Approval, & Fast Cat.:

      • They are in the process of getting the position posted at HR.

        • (Update as of 2/26/15 – no longer accepting applications)
  • HSL openings – Deb Ward

    • Library Information Assistant in the Veterinary Medical Library

      • The position was posted.  Applications are being reviewed.
    • Health Sciences Information Services Librarian.

      • Job description has been reviewed and the position has been sent to Provost’s office for approval to post.
      • Search committee members have been identified.
  • Research and Information Services opening – Jeannette Pierce

    • Student Success Librarian (new concept for RAIS).

      • Have a higher level of instruction and reference desk coverage than a typical subject specialist.

        • Will allow the subject specialists to work more closely with departments and their research.
      • Will report to Cindy Cotner, RAIS Head of User Engagement.
      • They are identifying potential search committee members.
  • SCARaB – Mike Holland.

    • Special Collections Reference Librarian.

      • A position Description has been revised.

        • Mike will share with the rest of LMT.
        • The revised position includes a lot more programing and outreach than former position.
      • Most members of the search committee have been identified.

        • Mike would also like to include an MU Faculty member.

INFORMATION ITEM: March 13, 2015 Library Committee Meeting report: Brian Cain was present to provide details and information regarding the mold remediation and the challenges of getting the books back into active circulation. The committee would like to write a letter to the new Provost proposing the campus administration allocate funds to expedite the process.

INFORMATION ITEM: Kemper Award display in the library – Jim Cogswell approached Ellen de Graffenreid, of the Chancellor’s Staff,  about possibly having a Kemper Award display somewhere within MU Libraries. There is no place on campus where they are currently assembled. More news to follow.

INFORMATION ITEM: Preparing for Fiscal Year 2017 – Ann Riley reports that the Collection Steering Committee is looking ahead to FY2017. Although we have two proposals submitted for additional funding for MU Libraries CSC feels it needs to start preparing for the worse-case scenario. Without additional funding from some source, MU Libraries will have to make a significant serials cut for FY17. The discussion and selection of what must be cut needs to take place in FY16. 

Congratulations to Victoria Yu, One of the Mizzou 39 Outstanding Seniors

Victoria Yu, a student worker in the HSL interlibrary loan department, has been named one of the Mizzou 39 most outstanding seniors by the Mizzou Alumni Association Student Board.

A Columbia native, Victoria’s major is Human Development and Family Studies.

Her activities and honors include: Missouri Students Association – Chief Diversity Officer, Phi Upsilon Omicron Honor Society – Treasurer, Asian American Association – President, Midwest Asian American Students Union – Chairwoman, Griffiths Leadership Society. She is the daughter or Jay-Yu and Shan-Yu Ho.

Congratulations, Victoria!