Events Team Is Here to Help You With Your MU Libraries Event

This is a reminder about the Events Team that was formed in 2012.

  • In order to formalize and better organize the processes and procedures of putting on external events at MU Libraries, the Events Team has been formed.

  • The Events Team will meet on the 3rd Thursday of every month. If your group is interested in putting on a Libraries-sponsored event, please contact Shannon Cary about attending an Events Team meeting to discuss the event. 

​Mission: The purpose of the team is to assist staff with planning library-related events and to create a continuing long-range plan of events and exhibitions that emphasizes its position as the heart of the campus. The objectives are to facilitate the production of events and development of a schedule that provides time to effectively promote and seek funding as needed, as well as oversee other budget and security concerns. A standing committee of those people directly connected to events and exhibits planning will meet initially once a month with the possibility of meeting less frequently once long-range planning is in place. Other members of the Library staff and those connected to singular events occurring in or sponsored by the Library will be asked to present an event/exhibit plan to the team. The team will offer suggestions and discuss any potential problems or areas of concern, but will not act as an approval board. The Director of the Libraries has ultimate approval of all events. 

Communications: Shannon Cary
Travel/hotel arrangements: Mark Ellis
Security and facilities: Pat Jones
IT and AV: PT
Event planning: Sheila Voss

Budgeting: Ellen Blair
Exhibits: Current Exhibits Committee chair
Additional members: Current Faculty Lecture Series Committee Chair and Diversity Action Committee Chair
Temporary member: Ashley Mitchell is currently serving as a liaison from Admissions

Library Assembly January 2015 (January 27, 2015 Meeting cancelled)

Departmental Announcements; in lieu of the regular January 2015 meeting

These minutes are also available at:

Director’s Announcements: Jim Cogswell
•    Link to All-Staff Meeting Notes and Presentation –

  • Look for this link in upcoming editions of Library News Notes also. 

Jack Batterson, Cataloging and Metadata:

•    Alan Jones's retirement party was on January 22, 2015 at 12:30 pm, and Jerri Eldridge's retirement party will be on Friday, Feb. 6, 2015 from 1 pm-2:30 pm in Cataloging & Metadata.

•    Planning is underway for the transfer of 16,000 volumes from ENGR to U1

•    The RDA remastering project that has been updating the catalog records to include RDA fields is expected to be completed by Feb. 13, 2015.

Mold project- Catalog management:
•    We are still working on replacement and discards of Y 4 government documents.

•    As materials are reprocessed into UMLD2, the status will become "available" in MERLIN. We are running Merlin lists three times per day.

•    We are also in the process of suppressing "disposed" items from the MERLIN catalog. This is temporary prior to discards and this will help patrons.

•    We are cataloging Y 4 Documents that came as gifts with the Y 4 replacements. These titles are "new to us."

Mat Miller, Digital Services:
•    We have two new people in the department: a new Graduate Library Assistant who will be working on institutional repository submissions and cataloging, and a library science practicum student who will also work in Special Collections.  The student will be working on selecting material for digitization, digitizing the material, adding it to our digital library, and writing commentary for each item.  One of our student assistants resigned in December 2014 and we will also be replacing her.  

•    Journalism Masters Projects through Fall 2014 are now available in the MOspace Institutional Repository.

Shelly McDavid, Veterinary Medical Library:

•    We’ve opened up more study space in the library, as well as more natural light.  Over Christmas Break 2014, 3 stacks came down!

Vet Med Library

•    Gate counts continue to rise. For FY15, we’re up 3,000 patrons over the same time last year; an increase of over 15%.
o    July – December 2014: 20,582
o    July – December 2013: 17,137

Deb Ward, Health Sciences Library:
•    We’re still reeling from the news that Darell Schmick is leaving us.  
•    The reference librarians are involved in the ACT quality improvement project teams made up of clinicians, hospital personnel and students to identify and test ways to improve patient care. 
•    We’ve discovered that people like coming to workshops over intersession.  Have already had several this year which have been well attended.
•    We’re offering a new class this semester on Mendeley reference management software
•    Several of our patrons are very excited about our new subscription to Cell Host and Microbe, made possible by a collaboration among several of the science selectors and through cancellation of some low use titles.  Received several comments, including this: “Outstanding.  Metagenomics is the "HOT" new science and this journal is a popular vehicle for publication. Our current NIH grant uses this technology.”
•    We recently added charging stations on the 2nd & 3rd floors of the library. 
•    Amanda discovered an interesting connection between one of the most famous physicians of all time, William Osler, and MU:  
•    Deb Ward and Terri Hall are working on a display featuring the conceptual drawings for the renovation of 2nd and 3rd floor. 
•    New HSL 2nd Floor Art Exhibit by graduate student Kyle Bader, he is exhibiting his paintings of baseball trading cards.
•    Mike updated and expanded  the Scopus cited reference search tool, where you can plug in a PubMed ID or an article DOI and get a count and list of cited references.  
•    The School of Medicine accreditation review is underway, with a site visit expected in January, 2016. Deb Ward is on one of the review committees, and is responsible for answering the questions that relate to the library.
•    Plans for updating the Health Sciences Library facility will be presented at the HSL exit soon. This will be done by displaying a poster about the plans, and by presenting three large renderings of the second floor spaces.  The large renderings include a view of the new service desk and entry area, a view of the proposed coffee shop, and a large-scale lay-out will help users to see the proposed changes realistically. Information Services staff are working on getting the same content up on the HSL web site. There is a comments page set up, with links from the poster, a QR code, and the web page on which the content will be found. We hope to gather some feedback from users regarding the proposed plans while there is still plenty of time for us to make some changes. Thanks to Shannon Cary for getting the large renderings made. Thanks to Mike Spears, Caryn Scoville, and Diane Johnson for the web work, and to Terri Hall for helping me (Deb) create the poster about the Library Redesign Project. Here is a link to view the proposed 2nd floor changes:

Electronic Resources & Libraries 2015 Online Conference Schedule

The MU Libraries have registered for the Electronic Resources & Libraries 2015 online conference for February 23-25. They will be broadcasting sessions from multiple tracks simultaneously, so several rooms within Ellis Library have been reserved. In addition, they are taping the sessions that are not being streamed live and making those available the next day.  

Electronic Resources & Libraries 2015 Conference Schedule

Amigos Update


Last week’s edition, dated February 5, contained a number of incorrect links. Listed here are the affected articles with correct links. We apologize for any inconvenience these errors may have caused.
Computers in Libraries 2015 offers discount to Amigos members

Receive significant savings on one-time purchase of OUP online products

Ambrose announces 2015 Whole Catalog promo

IGI Global offers free access to “Cross-Genre Study of Online Gaming: Player Demographics, Motivation for Play, and Social Interactions among Players”

ABC-CLIO Recently Launches New Titles

Reminder: RDA Toolkit first-user subscriptions are free to Amigos members

OCLC and the British Library offer new option for fast, flexible document delivery

Access to Web of Science

Access is now turned on for Web of Science for the 4 UM System campuses. This is early activation. The three-year contract will have a start date of March 1, 2015. The main URL for Web of Science is

Access to Web of Science is due to UM System funding, but the UM Libraries will likely need to provide future funding at some point.

Contact Abbie Brown if you have any questions.

Content Details:

This is the Web of Science Citation Connection Package.  Content coverage is below.  This product was, at one point, called Web of Knowledge, but is not anymore. 

We have purchased the backfiles for our gap years of 2008 – 2014, which along with previously subscribed content, brings us up to date. 

Access to Zoological Record and our coverage years of BIOSIS (that are consistent with our Biological Abstracts subscription on Ovid) are included with no obligation to migrate or subscribe to that content.


Web of Science Citation Connection Package


WOS Core Collection – Science Citation Index Expanded

1990 – Present

WOS Core Collection – Social Sciences Citation Index

1990 – Present

WOS Core Collection – Arts & Humanities Citation Index

1990 – Present

WOS Core Collection –  Conference Proceedings Citation Index

1990 – Present

WOS Core Collection –  Book Citation Index 

2005 – Present

Data Citation Index  

1990 – Present

BIOSIS Citation Index 

1969 – 2014

Zoological Record 

1985 – Present

Derwent Innovations Index (Patent) 

1993 – Present

Current Chemical Reactions  

1985 – Present

Index Chemicus 

1993 – Present

Current Contents Connect  

1998 – Present