Director’s Calendar April 7th – April 12th, 2014

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Monday, April 7th – Tuesday, April 8th  
Greater Western Library Alliance (GWLA) Directors Meeting, Phoenix, AZ

Thursday, April 10th       
8:00-10:00 a.m. – Council of Deans, Student Center

Friday, April 11th  
3:00 p.m. – MU Remembers, Memorial Union

6:00 p.m. – Library Society Reception and Dinner, Ellis Library

Saturday, April 12th  
8:00 a.m. – Friends of the Library Executive Board Meeting, Memorial Union.

10:30 a.m. – MU Libraries Donor Appreciation Ceremony, Ellis Library

12:00 Noon – Friends of the Library Annual Luncheon

Denim Day is April 24

Denim Day is Thursday, April 24.  In 1999, an Italian Supreme Court decision overturned a rape conviction because the survivor wore jeans, reasoning she must have helped her attacker remove them. People all over the world were outraged. Wearing jeans became an international symbol of protest against victim-blaming. Join MU faculty, staff and students to continue the protest and raise awareness about this issue by wearing jeans and/or a Denim Day pin on this day.  Denim Day serves as a reminder that there is never an excuse for rape or sexual assault.  If you would like a denim day pin please contact Sheryl Cullina.

Thomas Hart Benton Birthday Bash

April 12, 2014
Research Center-Columbia

Join SHSMO and the Museum of Art and Archaeology (MAA) for an afternoon of activities celebrating the 125th birthday of Thomas Hart Benton, including a chance to “meet” him as MAA docent Gary Beahan answers questions in costume!

1 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. – Inspired by Benton: Kids Create and Curate! – At this fun family event kids ages five to twelve will create a special exhibition of cards celebrating Benton’s birthday. Dr. Joan Stack, SHSMO’s art curator, will provide a short tour of the new American Mythologies exhibit. Children will then make birthday cards inspired by the pieces on display. When finished, the kids will help design a temporary panel exhibit showcasing them in the Society’s Corridor Gallery. The event is free, but space is limited. Register by contacting SHSMO at 573.882.7083 or

3 p.m. – 4 p.m. – Happy Birthday Mr. Benton! – Join in the celebration of this Missouri artist’s life and work by learning more about his impact on the history of American art. Curator Dr. Joan Stack will enlighten us with the stories behind the new exhibition American Mythologies. Attendees can wish “Benton” a happy 125th birthday while sharing cake and viewing the new temporary exhibit of cards inspired by Benton (see above).

Library Assembly Committee Meeting, March 25, 2014

Present: Adrienne Arden, Anne Barker, Wendy Batson, Jack Batterson, Jim Cogswell, Rebecca Graves, Tammy Green, Dustin Hoffman, Shelly McDavid, Libby Myre, Ann Riley, Marcia Strong, Sheena Waggoner, Karen Witt

1.Welcome Tammy Green:

·         Vice-Chair of Library Assembly

o   Due to Sara Bryant resigning from MU Libraries, effective March 12, 2014; Tammy Green is taking her place as Vice-Chair for the Library Assembly committee

·         Anniversary Dates to be printed in News Notes

o   MU Libraries employees can opt out of having their anniversary date published in News Notes

§  To opt out email Sheryl Cullina

2.Review correction to Guidelines:

·         Guidelines Revised January 28, 2014 at the Library Assembly meeting

o   Guidelines now show the breakdown of the current MU Libraries Organizational Chart

§  Implemented additional changes as of March 25, 2014

·         Section 2, number 5 – changing wording from “department” to representative

·         Appendix A: Cut the language of the document up to “Representation”, the document now starts with “Representation”

·         Clarification:

o   E-Learning Department, office housed in Ellis Reference, however this department reports to the RAIS Head and falls under this group.

3.Discuss Staff Webpage Subcommittee:

·         Rachel Brekhus is the current representative for the Webpage Committee for the Staff Webpage

·         Webpage correction(s): Who is responsible to make changes?

o   How will it flow? i.e., does the Chair make changes, or does the Recorder, or does the Webpage Subcommittee person make the changes? Then post to LA webpage.

§  Changes made to any of the documents on the LA committee webpage are to be made by the Recorder of Library Assembly

·         Representative to volunteer along with Rachel:

o   Does volunteer have to be from LA or can any staff member volunteer?

§  Jack Batterson volunteered to be the representative

·         He stated he would be able to verify links are functioning properly, then report any that are broken

§  Library Assembly determined that the volunteer should be from the Library Assembly Committee

4.Need Volunteer for Recorder in Shelly’s absence:

·         Karen Witt volunteered to be acting Recorder during Shelly McDavid’s maternity leave

o   Shelly McDavid volunteered to upload the minutes to the Library Assembly webpage, if the document could be emailed to her upon edits and verification by the committee.

5.Director Announcements:

·         Mold Update

o   Grant proposal submitted to a major grant foundation a little over a week ago

§  The grant foundation acknowledged receipt of the proposal and is recommending that it be accepted by the board

·         They stated it is a strong proposal

·         The grant request was made for $395,000

o   No guarantee we will get this in entirety or in partial or at all

o   Storage Space

§  Lease in the Subtera Caverns runs out the end of June 2014

§  Hope to be signing a new lease at a new location early next week or the following week

·         The location will be disclosed once the lease has been signed

o   Contractor Bids Submitted for Mold Remediation

§  8 total bids from contractors all over, not just here in Missouri

§  Procurement Services helping with the bidding process

§  Hopeful to sign a bid within a matter of days, not weeks

o   Faculty Council

§  Created an ad hoc committee to begin exploring issues around the mold remediation

·         Wanting a calendar year list of major events surrounding the mold remediation

·         Asked for a list of items in mold remediation to supply to the faculty

·         Faculty Council is committed to communicating, however we do not know their Chain of Command for communicating to the faculty

o   Collection Enhancement Fund

§  Roughly $3000 has currently been donated to the fund

·         A challenge donor has stated they will match $5000, if we reach this amount

o   Our goal for this fund is $50,000

§  To donate go to:

o   Mold Remediation

§  Still planning to remediate more than half of the affected materials, over 300,000 volumes

·         Need money to:

o   Remediate moldy materials

o   Move materials

o   Sign New Lease for Storage of Materials now housed in Subtera

o   Pay personnel to create lists of materials

o   Approaching Additional Funding Sources

§  Faculty are going to be approached about making a pledge to the mold remediation fund

·         It is not their charge to pledge, but we are still going to ask

·         Renew Mizzou

o   Ellis Library Room 202

§  Plan for starting modifications to this room was previously set for March 20th – 21st, 2014

·         Currently no moving or construction noises thus far

o   Asked why we closed the place off a few days early?

§  Informed waiting on diagrams/floor plans

·         Previously informed they were going to use x-rays for modifications

§  Open question for when they are going to get started

o   Where to find information on Renew Mizzou

§  Posted on the Calendar of Events, the Website and in News Notes

·         Celebration of Service

o   In need of nominations for the “Top 10 List”

§  Staff Members with notable achievements, strange and wonderful endeavors

·         Top 10 list unveiled at Celebration of Service

·         Send your nominations to Jim Cogswell today

6.Department announcements:

·         Libby Myre: Serials Acquisitions and Collection Development

o   The Serials Unit, last week completed three interviews for the LIS I position in Serials Acquisitions

o   Electronic Resources Unit

§  Entering data for a statistics analysis tool for the libraries, 360 Counter, that reports title usage and cost data for collection development analysis.

·         Coordinating the effort are Dave Walsh and Stara Herron, comprising the Electronic Resources Unit, and Rhonda Whithaus and Angela Sample, Rhonda’s assistant.

·         Tammy Green: ILL Lending

o   June DeWeese retiring, been an educational experience learning what she does

§  June’s Job Duties are an extensive list

·         Several people will be sharing supervisor duties in Access Services

o   Many of them are out of the building this week for Spring Break

·         Adrienne Arden: Digital Services

o   There will be an Islandora training retreat April 7, 2014 that will be held on the MU campus.

§  Mat Miller is coordinating this for MU so contact him if you want to attend. 

o   Our two new student assistants are doing a great job digitizing UM Press books and the Clark gift hymnals.

o   Our Institutional Repository, MOspace, recently received three submissions that supplement faculty publications. 

§  Two were from the Division of Biological Sciences and one was from Agriculture Biochemistry. 

§  We recently received a request from an author to make his theses open access.  After receiving the license form we made that change in MOspace. 

o   On March 6, most members of Digital Services attended Felicity Dykas’ hour-long presentation on the functions of the Digital Services Department to graduate student assistants who work in our library. 

§  By the students’ reactions, they were quite impressed by not only the quantity of work performed, but also by the technological level.

·         This engaged group asked many questions, which Felicity nimbly fielded with her in-depth knowledge and quick wit.

o   Following up on last month’s report regarding MUtation yearbooks.

§  Diane Johnson has been instrumental in our obtaining past yearbooks.  There are no gaps remaining in our digitized holdings. 

·         Marcia Strong: Security

o   Recycling problem

§  People have been throwing whole boxes, not broken down in the dumpsters for boxes and newspapers

·         One dumpster marked “Fiber Dumpster” is for newspapers and cardboard

o   People are placing boxes with plastic in and on them in this dumpster

§  Plastic should be placed in the trash dumpster

§  Please bring this dilemma to the attention of your department members and ask them to pay better attention, adhering to throwing the proper material in the proper dumpster

·         There are 3 trash dumpsters

·         1 dumpster just for boxes

·         1 dumpster specifically for newspapers and cardboard (Fiber Dumpster)

§  All other recycling is going well: plastic bottles and aluminum

o   Shelly McDavid: Health Sciences Library

§  Accepted a new position at the Veterinary Medical Library

·         No more late nights till 1:00am

·         Weekends off with family

·         Rebecca Graves: MULAC

o   The School of Medicine is going to be expanding, looking to put the expansion on the west side of the Health Sciences Library. There is a parking lot currently where the new building is slotted to be built; it has always been marked as a potential building space.  The parking lot has been used the past few years as a construction staging area.

§  Expected to build a 5-6 story building that will house lab space, office space and lounge space for medical students to utilize in-between classes.

§  West entrance of the School of Medicine is expected to be effected by changing this to a 2nd Floor entrance. Campus side will remain unaffected.

§  Expected completion of the building is approximately 2 years.

·         Needed expansion due to the Springfield expansion that is increasing medical student class size this coming fall semester.

·         For more information visit:

·         Jack Batterson: Cataloging and Metadata

o   Nothing to report

·         Wendy Batson: Engineering Library

o   Nothing to report

·         Anne Barker: Ellis Reference

o   Getting over the hump of instruction

·         Dustin Hoffman: LTS

o   Announces the retirement of Windows XP

§  Microsoft is pulling all technical support and so is the MU DoIT on April 8th, 2014

·         For more information go to:

·         XP is being replaced with Windows 7

o   Not replacing with Windows 8

§  Windows 8 does not save files to your hardrive, they get saved to your Skydrive account

·         This is not a safe repository for confidential files

·         Karen Witt: Special Collections

o   Nothing to report

·         Ann Riley: Access, Collections and Technical Services

o   Nothing to report

·         Sheena Waggoner: Administration

o   Students on Spring Break and it is very quiet

·         Jim Cogswell: Director of MU Libraries

o   Needs nominations for the “Top 10 List”

§  Notable achievements, strange and wonderful things

·         Top 10 list unveiled at Celebration of Service

·         Send your nominations to Jim Cogswell today



·         Library Society Dinner

o   Held April 11th, 2014 in the Ellis Library Grand Reading Room, 201 Ellis Library

o   Chancellor Loftin and Mrs. Loftin are guests

o   Featured Speaker Marilynne Robinson, novelist, essayist and Pulitzer Prize winner

·         Friends of the MU Libraries Annual Luncheon Meeting

o   Speaker Father Eric Hollas, talking about the St. John’s Bible

§  April 12th, 2014 at 12pm in Stotler Lounge

·         June DeWeese’s Retirement Party

o   April 22nd, 2014 from 2:00-5:00pm in Stotler Lounge

Meeting adjourned 1:57pm

Healthy for Life Update

Improve Your Relationship with Your Food and Your Body – Register for Eat for Life NOW!
Discover the benefits of Eat for Life—an innovative approach to weight management. This 10-week program uses mind-body practices (meditations and yoga), the principles of mindful and intuitive eating, skills training, and group support to guide you in making lifestyle changes that will help create a healthier relationship to your food, mind and body. If you have a history of chronic dieting, have rigid “healthy” rules about eating, or find yourself eating when you’re stressed, bored, or unhappy, this may be the program for you. 

·         In-person course: Orientation: May 27 | Classes: June 3 – Aug 5 (12 – 1 p.m.)

·         Online course: Orientation: starting May 30 | Classes: week of June 6 – week of Aug 8.

·         Cost:

o   $50 for faculty, staff and family ($25 refunded with full participation).

o   $180 for community.

·         Register: Email Craig Deken at

Program taught by Dr. Lynn Rossy, health psychologist. For more information: watch informational videos or find more details online.

Be Healthier, More Energized, More Productive – Sign Up for Stress Reduction Classes
Helping employees manage stress effectively is a key goal of Healthy for Life. Join this summer’s eight-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction classes and learn to manage your busy lifestyles in a healthy way. You will learn mindfulness meditation, yoga and body scan as well as important information about stress, communication and wellness. Taught by Dr. Lynn Rossy.

Orientation: Tuesday, June 3, 5:15 p.m.

Classes: Tuesdays, June 10-July 29, 5:15 – 7:15 p.m.

Retreat: Saturday, July 12, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Cost: $40 includes all events, a manual, DVD and CD. $20 refunded if you attend 7 of 8 classes. Spouses or partners can join with you free of charge if they use the same materials.

For more information or to register for the orientation meeting, please contact Craig Deken at

Sign-Up Now for One of the New Fitness Classes Being Offered
With nicer weather just around the corner, now is a great opportunity to get up and start moving. Listed below are just a few of the new fitness classes and walking groups offered to faculty and staff. These walking groups/ fitness classes are being offered at little to no cost. Please visit Healthy for Life’s MU Classes webpage for a list of other classes and information. If you have any questions, please email Sarah Ellis at

·         Mar. 17-May 19 (Mondays): Pilates. Townsend, Room 223. Class meets every Monday from 12:10-12:50p.m. Class is taught by Tina Price. No registration is needed. Fee: $3 per class. If you have questions, email Tina at

·         Mar. 19-May 21 (Wednesdays): Pilates. Townsend, Room 223; the following dates will be in Townsend Rm. 222: 4/2, 4/16, 4/30. Class meets every Wednesday from 12:10-12:50p.m. Class is taught by Tina Price. No registration is needed. Fee: $3 per class. If you have questions, email Tina at

·         Apr. 2 – 30 (Wednesdays): Walking Group. With spring just around the corner, take on this great opportunity to get up and get moving on your lunch break with a 30-minute walk. Meet at Woodrail Building 7 (by the flag pole) for a short walk from 12:30-1:00 p.m. Walking group led by Emily. No registration is needed. Just show up and cost is free! For questions please email Sarah at

·         Apr. 3 – May 22 (Thursdays): Zumba. Quarterdeck, Room QD251. Class meets every Tuesday from 5:00-6:00 p.m. Register in advance for $24 for the entire series. Drop-in fee is $5 per class. Class is taught by Megan Jones. For questions and to register, please email Megan at

·         Apr. 4 – 25 (Fridays): Walking Group. Meet at Peace Park from 12:30-1:00 p.m. Walking group led by Kailey. No registration is needed just show up and cost is free!  For questions please email Sarah at


Getting and Staying Motivated to Change Health Habits
Whether you are trying to control your blood sugar, lose a few pounds or lower your cholesterol, here are some tips that Lynda Johnson, nutrition and health education specialist with University of Missouri Extension, says can help you stay motivated toward your goal.

1.    Cherish yourself and your health.    

2.    Commit to change. Be willing to move in a new direction.

3.    Have confidence. Believe in yourself and your ability to change. Have a “can do” attitude.

4.    Chart your course. Begin by keeping track of your activity and what you eat for a week    

5.    Be creative

6.    Find a cheerleader.    

7.    Celebrate your progress.

There is much more to read on this topic published by Missouri Extension. Read the article “Getting and staying motivated to change health habits.”

Keeping Your Memory Sharp
Research has been growing in the areas of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in the last 10 to 15 years. Alzheimer’s may have some of the same risk factors as heart disease, but this is an area that needs more research to determine the facts. For recommendations on keeping your memory sharp, read the article “Keeping your memory sharp,” published by Missouri Extension.

Join the Governor's 100 Missouri Miles Challenge
Whether you run, walk, ride, swim or roll, there is a trail or other outdoor venue that can help you meet the 100 Missouri Miles Challenge. Join Governor Nixon in the second year of the challenge, and enjoy the benefits of physical activity and Missouri's award-winning trails.

Even if it's just one or two miles to begin with, it doesn't matter how small you start as long as you’re participating. From the paved trails that make a great spot for a sunset stroll to a challenging hike through the wilderness, from paddling on Missouri's water trails to a bike ride along the Katy Trail, there are options for all ages and activity levels.

Last year’s challenge was a huge success. Missourians completed over one million miles of physical activity—activity that triggers endorphins, promotes relaxation, prevents anxiety and depression, improves muscle mass, and improves your balance. Visit the 100 Missouri Miles website to find a trail, find an event and more.

April is Alcohol Awareness Month
April is Alcohol Awareness Month. Drinking too much alcohol increases people’s risk of injuries, violence, drowning, liver disease and some types of cancer (CDC, 2013). This April, during Alcohol Awareness Month, Healthy for Life encourages you to educate yourself and your loved ones about the dangers of drinking too much. We can use this month to raise awareness about alcohol abuse and take action to prevent it, both at home and in the community.  

If you are drinking too much, you can improve your health by cutting back or quitting. Here are some strategies to help you cut back or stop drinking:

·         Limit your drinking to no more than 1 drink a day for women or 2 drinks a day for men.

·         Keep track of how much you drink.

·         Don’t drink when you are upset.

·         Avoid places where people drink a lot.

·         Make a list of reasons not to drink.

Check out the resources below for more information provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.  

·         Drinking less alcohol can help you lose weight and save money. Learn more about how drinking less can help you:

·         Go for a walk or catch up with an old friend instead of drinking alcohol. Learn more tips here:

·         Have questions about alcohol? You are not alone. The CDC’s Alcohol and Public Health FAQs webpage shares answers:

Concannon Receives GODORT Award

Bernadine Abbott Hoduski Founders Award

Marie Concannon, Regional Librarian for Missouri, is the recipient of the 2014 Bernadine Abbott Hoduski Founders Award. This award recognizes documents librarians who may not be known at the national level but who have made significant contributions to the field of state, international, local or federal documents.

This award is presented to Marie for her talent for turning challenges into win-win opportunities that have directly benefitted libraries throughout the state of Missouri. Her leadership and creative collaboration with selective depositories resulted in a distributed Regional and Sub-Regional model whereby other institutions accept regional responsibilities for housing collections and providing service and training. This partnership with six Missouri depository libraries is a key example of how she has worked to strengthen the Missouri depository network, increase public access to collections and ease space concerns at the Regional library.

Her thoughtful, inclusive leadership and vision has engaged and invigorated the depository libraries of Missouri. Multiple letters of support commented on her commitment to providing regular conferences and training along with her gift for making librarians and staff at all experience levels feel supported and their input valued. To quote from one letter “She has a very nice way of being persistent about the value of libraries and library services. She works well with others, and she knows how to focus attention on the right kinds of things.” Marie’s effectiveness as a champion of government information as well as her implementation of an innovative collaborative model of depository partnerships are illustrative of the broad professional contributions that embody the principles of the Hoduski award.