United Way: The Winner Is…..

The winner of the first MU Libraries United Way participation drawing is Sheryl Cullina.

Congratulations!  Sheryl won a pair of tickets to a Concert Series performance (to be selected from a list of shows available next week).

We will be drawing more names for concert series tickets on Thursday, November 14th

All Library participants will also be eligible for the following prizes which will be drawn at the end of the MU Libraries United Way campaign.

  • $25 Bookmark Café gift Card
  • $25 University Bookstore Gift Card
  • $25 Target Gift Card
  • $100 cash (cash equivalent) to be used anywhere

If you haven’t pledged yet, please go to www.unitedway.missouri.edu

Participants will also be eligible for the campus-wide “30 for 30” prize drawings.

If you would like to pledge by using a paper United Way form, you may print one from the United Way website and send it to Mark Ellis, 104 Ellis Library. 

~  MU Libraries United Way Tri-Chairs Paula Roper, Mary Hainen and Ann Riley

Director’s Calendar November 4-8th, 2013

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Tuesday, November 5th  

2:00-4:00 p.m. – Library Management Team, Ellis Library

5:00 p.m. – Divided Loyalty Event and Closing reception, Missouri State Historical Society

Wednesday, November 6th

6:00 p.m. – Faculty Recognition Award Ceremony, Reynolds Alumni Center

Thursday, November 7th    

10:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. – MOBIUS Executive Board Meeting, Columbia

2:00 p.m. – Faculty Lecture Series, Dr. Fred Hawthorne, Ellis Library Colonnade

6:00 p.m. – Jefferson Club St. Louis Event, St. Louis, MO

Friday, November 8th   

10:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. – MOBIUS Membership Meeting, Columbia

United Way Pledge Reminder

Dear Colleagues,

The MU Libraries’ 2013 United Way Campaign is underway.  This is an opportunity for all of us to make a positive difference in our community.  Even a small donation is magnified substantially by the efficiency of United Way agencies.  This link will take you to stories illustrating the impact of the United Way on our area https://www.uwheartmo.org/stories-community-impact.

You can go to the United Way link to pledge online www.unitedway.missouri.edu.   Or if you prefer, contact Mark Ellis (104 Ellis Library), Mary Hainen, Ann Riley or Paula Roper.   Anyone of these individuals would be delighted to assist.   

Also don’t forget that participation in the campaign makes you eligible for prizes made available through the university-wide effort. Moreover employees of the MU Libraries who participate in the campaign will have their names entered in a drawing for these gifts as well:

  • A $10 Bookmark Café gift certificate
  • Concert series tickets
  • A $25 campus bookstore gift certificate
  • A $25 Target gift certificate
  • $100

Thanks to everyone who has pledged and those of you who will pledge.  

Yours united,

Mary Hainen              Anne Riley                             Paula Roper

Copyright Law Update for Librarians, Faculty and Academic Administrators: The Courts Have Spoken

When:    Tuesday, November 5, 2013, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Central Time
Where:  Ellis Library, Room 4F51A
Format:  Group Webinar

Copyright issues have become increasingly visible in recent years. What do University faculty and staff need to know to access, create and share intellectual property? Join Joseph Storch, Associate Counsel in the State University of New York Office of General Counsel and the Chair of the Student Affairs Practice Group for a presentation and discussion about copyright as it applies to academia, including Fair Use, First Sale, and the Teach Act. Storch will share his analysis of recent court cases and discuss how they apply to our decisions about use of copyrighted material on our campuses.

This Webinar is open to all interested faculty and staff at MU. The Webinar is sponsored by ET@MO, MU Libraries and MizzouOnline.



Renovations to Ellis Library

  • Rooms 4D11 and 4D12 will be under construction starting Oct. 28. There will be painting and electrical work done during this time. The work should be completed in approximately two weeks.
  • Also on Oct. 28, work will be done to the ceiling on the ground floor by the reference elevator and the Security office. The ground floor restrooms will remain open but that area may be congested. This work is expected to last three to four days.

Director’s Calendar October 28th – November 1, 2013

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Monday, October 28th
3:00-5:00 p.m. – Council of Deans, Memorial Union

Tuesday, October 29th
2:00-4:00 p.m. – Library Management Team, Ellis Library
4:00-5:00 p.m. – Library Committee Meeting, Ellis Library

Thursday, October 31st  
10:00 a.m.- 12:00 Noon – Mizzou Advantage Advisory Board Meeting, TBD

NDSA Update

  • Are you or your employer involved in archiving web content? If so, you may be interested in the National Digital Stewardship Alliance's (NDSA) 2nd biannual survey of U.S. organizations that are actively involved or planning to archive web content. The goal of the survey is to better understand the U.S. web archiving landscape: similarities and differences in programmatic approaches, types of content being archived, tools and services being used, access modes being provided, and emerging best practices and challenges.

         The aggregate responses will be reported to NDSA members and summary results will be shared publicly, as was the case with the previous survey (see the final report here:      


         Any U.S. organization currently engaged in web archiving or in the process of planning a web archive is invited to take the survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ndsawebarchiving.

         The survey will close on November 30, 2013.

  • The following Coordinating Committee members' terms of service are drawing to a close: Micah Altman, Blane Dessy, and Tyler Walters. We are all very grateful for their dedication and leadership since 2010.

    This leaves open three (3) Coordinating Committee positions for 3-year terms from December 2013  through December 2016. A description of the Coordinating Committee is available from the NDSA wiki, http://www.loc.gov/extranet/wiki/osi/ndiip/ndsa/index.php?title=Principles_of_Collaboration

    The Secretariat is now accepting nominations for these positions. If you have an interest in representing the NDSA community and serving on the Coordinating Committee, or would like to nominate someone you know who would be interested in serving, please send the following information listed below to ndsa@loc.gov<mailto:ndsa@loc.gov> by close of business Friday, November 8, 2013.

    All interested in serving are welcome to stand for election and current Coordinating Committee members are welcome to stand for re-election.



    Organization and Program Representative:

    Brief biography (200 words):

    Interest in serving on the Coordinating Committee (200 words):

    Communities you represent:

  • Register now for the Best Practices Exchange, being held November 13-15, 2013 in Salt Lake City, Utah! See www.bpexchange.org for details.

    The hotel deadline for conference rates is October 19th. You may book your room at http://www.radisson.com/saltlakecity/BPE. Please register for the conference itself by November 1st to help us with our planning. The registration form can be found here: http://archives.utah.gov/bpe-registration.html.

    We have a full schedule of presentations related to the preservation and access of electronic records. See the full schedule at Some adjustments to this schedule have been made over the last few days, so if you haven't checked recently, you will want to know when to catch your favorite speakers.

    Highlights of the Conference:

    *             Former U.S. Senator Bob Bennett will open the conference and help us understand how we can influence the powers that be to financially support archives.

    *             Milt Shefter, from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences will be our keynote speaker, as well as provide a seminar for students and independent filmmakers.

    *             The Sundance Institute will screen one of its films, These Amazing Shadows.

    *             Experts in digitization with HUGE collections (FamilySearch and Ancestry.com) will be giving presentations as well as offering tours of their facilities.

    *             Updates will be given from the National Archives and Library of Congress about their initiatives

    *             Lots of tools, techniques, and collaboration/sustainability ideas will be offered.