Information/Action Items from LMT 9/12/13

Attending: Jim Cogswell, Jeannette Pierce, Ann Riley, Mike Holland, Deb Ward.  Support: Mark Ellis

INFORMATION ITEM: Follow-up discussions regarding Archives move to Ellis 202:  Storage space for collections is being sought by Heiddi Davis. There is a possibility that the University could rent another section of Subterra underground storage (next to UMLD2).

INFORMATION ITEM: Assessment Report: Jeannette Pierce has been charged with revising the current Assessment Report. The report will be turned in to the Strategic Planning and Allocation Committee (SPRAC) – which is the group responsible for the MU Strategic Plan.
o    The recommendations section of the report will suggest that the Libraries will:
–Revise and Enhance statistical report and tracking to establish benchmarks.
–Endorse LibQUAL Lite as official Library survey.
•    To be used on a three year cycle.
–Establish a permanent Assessment Committee.
•    The charge of which Jeannette distributed a draft based on discussions with current members of the Assessment Advisory Committee (Shannon Cary, Gwen Gray and Caryn Scoville).

INFORMATION ITEM:  RAIS Transitions –Permission has been granted from Jim Cogswell to extend the temporary Librarian positions in Ellis Reference to two years if necessary.  This may be useful to fully develop a replacement strategy and to have more time to complete the (multiple) searches that would be required.

INFORMATION ITEM: Sheryl Cullina created a revised Org Chart.  It will be posted soon on the staff web page. She plans to make more detailed versions with names.

INFORMATION ITEM: Renew Mizzou preparation: A series of meetings will be planned with the assistance of Dr. James Hunter of the Employee Assistance Program for those concerned about the changes brought about due to temporary relocation of Jesse Hall personnel in Ellis Library. They will include division/department level meetings and possibly (at some point) meetings between Jesse Hall employees and library staff. Jim would like to ask Dr. Hunter to an October LMT meeting to discuss.