Healthy for Life Update

Due to popular demand, we have extended the Wellness Incentive deadline until May 25th for in person screenings and May 31st for individual screening submissions (you can use our online Doctor Screening Form). Thousands of employees have completed the program and time is running out, don’t miss out on your $100. Simply complete a personal health assessment (15 minutes) and a FREE health screening. Primary subscribers to the UM Medical plans will receive $100 in a tax-favored account to use for medical expenses in 2012 Benefit Plan year.

Get started now:

1.     Create your Cerner Health account by visiting
2.     Enter your email address and join the program.
3.     Complete your personal health assessment – an online questionnaire that helps you understand your health risks and provides you with resources to improve your well-being.
4.     Schedule your FREE health screening at a convenient time and location on campus. Your health screening provide you a look at your cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure, height and weight. If your screening is before noon, fasting for 9 hours is recommended, but not required (6 hours if pregnant) and drinking 64 ounces of water the day before is suggested.

Upcoming Screenings
Date    Time    Location
May 25    8-11 a.m.    University Hospital, GL-17, Hallway
Questions? Email Blaine Snow at

Wellness Office seeks a Business Administrator
The University of Missouri System employee wellness program seeks a career-minded professional to manage fiscal, database administrative and human resource functions. Bachelor’s or masters degree and 3-5 years’ experience preferred. Proficiency in Excel, MS Office, data analytics, budgeting, and general office support is needed. Columbia-based position serves staff in a four campus system. Competitive salary and benefits. Apply at

Seeking a Wellness Ambassador for volunteer event

Healthy for Life’s Program Coordinator Blaine Snow is looking for one or two Wellness Ambassadors to staff an event on June 1, 2012 from 1-4 p.m. It can be one Ambassador for the entire shift or two can split the time. You will be asked to provide wellness information at the CAFNR Staff Appreciation Day held at South Farm. It’s a great opportunity to get out and see another part of campus while helping your colleagues to learn about becoming healthy. Please respond directly to Blaine at if you can help.

Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction Program (MBSR)– REGISTER NOW!
Learn new ways of responding to the stresses of life with skill and creativity in this eight week program.  Classes provide information about relating to stress, effective communication, and wellness tips as well as instruction in mindfulness (sitting meditation, body scan, yoga, and walking meditation).  MBSR compliments the medical management of a wide variety of mental and physical health challenges.
Orientation: Thursday, May 31 (5 p.m.)

Class:  Thursdays, June 7-July 26 (5-7 p.m.)

Full day retreat: Saturday, July 14 (9 a.m.-4 p.m.)

Cost: $40 ($20 refunded if you attend 7 of 8 classes).

For more information go to or to register, contact Dr. Lynn Rossy.

Eat for Life now enrolling
Discover the benefits of this innovative approach to weight management.  This ten week program uses mind-body practices (meditations and yoga), the principles of mindful and intuitive eating, skills training, and group support to guide you in making lifestyle changes that will help you create a healthier relationship to your food, mind, and body. If you have a history of chronic dieting, have rigid “healthy” rules about eating, or find yourself eating when you’re stressed, bored, or unhappy, this may be the program for you.  This non-judgmental, non-diet approach helps you use your internal physical cues to guide what and when you eat. Books and recordings are provided with the course.

Online Course:

Orientation: Week of June 1
Classes:  Week of June 8 through August 10
Cost:  $50, $25 to be refunded with full participation in discussion board

There are two ways to enroll:
1.    Register with credit card by calling the Healthy for Life office at (573) 884-1312 by May 23 so we have time to send you your books.

2.    Send $50 check made payable to Healthy for Life to Lynn Rossy, 205 Heinkel Building by May 23 so we have time to send you your books. Please send the registration form at the end of this email with your payment.

Healthy for Life’s regular 10 week program on creating a healthy relationship with your food, body, and mind is now a course you can take online in your own home.  Video and audio components teach you the foundational mindfulness practices (meditation and yoga) and the BASICS of Mindful Eating.

This is an exciting opportunity to take a class in the comfort of your own home.  All you need is a computer and, of course, the time to commit to taking the class.  Everyone that signs up will be going through the class at the same time.  You will have a week to complete each section.  There are practice exercises to complete each day.  All is completely explained on Blackboard once you get signed in.

Curious about the class? Check out our video: and testimonials:

Read what participants have to say about the class:

“EFL has been a transformational experience…my relationship to food has changed dramatically.  I actually think about food much less than before — now it’s rarely on my mind until I begin to experience hunger.  And I am savoring my food infinitely more…EFL embodies an intuitive, gracious approach to living, and I am captivated by the gentleness and kindness inherent in the process.”
–Linda Dyer
“It is amazing that 10 weeks have gone past…I will use the “make peace with food” for a long time to come, that has been the most successful tip. I don’t have forbidden food, or food that is “bad”. I can have it just in the quantity that will satisfy…I thank you for the insight and the motivation.  You have made this a successful experience that has changed my life.”

–Amy Hampton

Eat for Life Registration Questionnaire for Online Course
Name:   ________________________________________
Pawprint/USER ID:  ________________________________________

Please check your location:
______ Columbia campus
______ UMKC campus
______ Rolla campus
______ UMSL campus
______ University Hospitals and Clinics
______Other (please indicate __________________________________________________)

Mail my books to the following campus mailing address:
For community members only, my home mailing address is:

Participation ( CHECK ONE)
______ I am new to the Eat for Life course (send $50 check made payable to Healthy for Life at address below, or call 884-1312 to give credit card information)
______ I have previously completed the Eat for Life course and am retaking it. (no payment necessary)
______ I have previously taken a portion of the Eat for Life course but dropped out and am now retaking it. (no payment necessary

University of Missouri – Columbia
Healthy for Life
Attn:  Lynn Rossy
205 Heinkel Building
Columbia, MO  65210

Healthy for Life and PedNet partner for class
Bike Education – City Cycling class empowers students with the tools to commute safely and legally by bike. You’ll learn traffic laws and concepts, practice handling skills and take an educational bike ride through the city. If you want to feel better about biking then this is the class for you. First class will be held on June 16, 2012.
Class covers:
•         Laws regarding biking and rules of the road.
•         Skill drills to build bike-handling abilities, improve safety and avoid crashes.
•         Guided road ride around Columbia to put new knowledge into practice and to familiarize students with bike friendly routes.
Tuition: $50/student (Six student minimum) Healthy for Life will provide a $25 rebate for ALL faculty and staff
Basic Class info:
•         5 hours – Format is flexible and can be adapted to fit schedules as needed.
•         Lecture and on-bike instruction
•         Bike & Helmet required
Register:  Contact Gina Overshiner –  OR 573.303.1033. More information:

Take a break from your hectic schedule and de-stress with meditation. No experience or registration is necessary for any of the meditation sessions. Classes do not meet on holidays or holiday weeks. If you have questions, please contact Lynn Rossy, Ph.D. at
Heinkel Building, Room 10
12:15–12:45 p.m.

Hulston Hall, Room 332A
4:15–4:45 p.m

Follow us on Twitter and Facebook
Keep up to date with all the latest Healthy for Life events and classes!
Twitter: @Healthy4LifeMU
Facebook: Healthy For Life

Current MUSE Posts

Celebration of Service 2012:

Web tip of the week, May 7, 2012-  FreeConferenceCall:

Web tip of the week, May 14, 2012- Time and Date:

Web tip of the week, May 21, 2012- Drug Information:

Libraries Appointed Committees – Reminder

A reminder that self-nominations are due by Friday, May 25, for membership on several library committees.  As of today, we are very short on self-nominations for all committees. See details below.

Nomination Form
All interested employees are encouraged to apply. Committee members whose terms are ending may apply to be reappointed. If you are interested in more than one committee, please prioritize your selection. Check with your supervisor before volunteering your services for a committee(s).

Name:______________________________________      Phone:________________      E-mail:__________________________

Place a 1 next to your first choice and a 2 next to your second choice (if you have one). Return this form to Leo Agnew, 104 Ellis Library. The preferred return deadline date is Friday, May 25, 2011, but self-nominations will be accepted until all positions are filled.

_____    Diversity Action Committee

_____    Exhibits Committee

_____    Faculty Lecture Series Committee

_____    Preservation Committee

_____    Research Paper Contest Committee

_____    Staff Development Committee


Check one if you indicated multiple committee choices:

____       I am available to serve on one committee only

____       I am available to serve on multiple committees


Diversity Action Committee – Need 2 replacements; we received one self-nomination.

Staff Development Committee – A total of 4 new members are needed – 2 from the academic ranks and 2 from the classified staff ranks. We received one self-nomination.

MU Libraries Research Paper Contest – Two new members are requested. This will allow the committee to have staggered terms of appointment which helps with continuity. We received one self-nomination.

Preservation Committee – Two new members are requested. This will allow the committee to have staggered terms of appointment which helps with continuity. We received one self-nomination.

Ellis Exhibits Committee – Need 2 replacements.

Faculty Lecture Series Committee – Need 1 replacement.

Competency Level Increase Recognition

Congratulations to the following individuals for successfully qualifying for competency level increases:

Kris Anstine, SCARaB-Archives, LIS I, Level 2

Adrienne Arden, ACTS-Acquisitions, LIS I, Level 3

Jack Batterson, ACTS-Cataloging, LIS 1, Level 2

Daniel Dodd, ACTS-Cataloging, LIS I, Level 3

Karen Eubanks, ACTS-Circulation, LIA, Level 3

Ruth Feldkamp, ACTS-Physical Processing, LIA, Level 3

Sharon Gaughan, ACTS-Physical Processing, LIA, Level 4

Stara Herron, ACTS-Acquisition, LIS I, Level 2

Oi-chi (Ivy) Hui, HSL-ILL, LIS II, Level 4

Yasuyo Knoll, HSL-Circulation, LIA, Level 4

Amy Lana, ACTS-Acquisitions, LIS II, Level 4

Mat Miller, ACTS-Acquisitions, LIS I, Level 4

Ruthe Morse, ACTS-Cataloging, LIS I, Level 4

Hayden Murphey, ACTS-Circulation/Shelving/Reserve, LIA, Level 3

Libby Myre, ACTS-Acquisitions, LIS I, Level 4

Renita Richmond, HSL-Technical Services, LIA, Level 4

Frances Rouse, HSL-Circulation, LIA, Level 3

Esther Schnase, ACTS-Circulation, LIA, Level 3

Bette Stuart, ACTS-Acquisitions/Cataloging, LIS II, Level 4

Geoffrey Stumbaugh, ACTS-ILL, LIA, Level 3
To qualify, each individual demonstrated a level of consistency and quality in their work that met the criteria for advancement. Fifty-seven library employees have now realized a competency level increase since implementation of the program. To learn more about the MU Libraries’ LIA/LIS Classification/Compensation/ Competency plans, go to

DAC Announcement – Save the date for a luncheon

The MU Libraries’ Diversity Action Committee and MULSA invite you to participate in the Fourth Annual Diversity Luncheon on July 10 that will feature ethnic food. Here are the details in Q&A format:

  • When/where will it be held?  July 10, in the Ellis Library Staff Lounge; lunch runs 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
  • Who is providing the food? You, if you are willing to do so.
  • What type of food should I bring? Anything that represents any part of your heritage.
  • Can I attend the event even if I don’t bring food to share? Yes! This is open to all library employees, including students.
  • How much food should I bring? That is up to you.
  • Should I let DAC know if I’m bringing food? Yes, please contact Sheena at and provide the name or type of dish and the estimated number of people it will serve.
  • Where will the luncheon take place? In the Ellis Library Staff Lounge. There are plenty of outlets for slow cookers and a couple of microwave ovens.
  • Do I need to do anything after I drop off my dish? Yes. We ask that you take responsibility for setting up the dish prior to the lunch period.
  • Would it be okay for me to talk about my dish as people pass through the food line? Absolutely. In fact, we encourage it for anyone so inclined.
  • Is this a legitimate DAC activity? Yes. One goal is to highlight the cultural diversity embodied by library employees.
  • Does attendance during lunch count as release time? No, since this is a volunteer luncheon versus a workshop or program.
  • But what about the food prep time? Yes, with supervisor approval.
  • If possible, bring your own plates and flatware for a green and diverse lunch.

New Posts, May 14-18

  1. Celebration of Service Invitation
  2. MU Libraries in the News
  3. Healthy for Life Update
  4. Schmick Presents at Health Literacy Conference
  5. Leo Agnew Farewell Open House
  6. Director’s Calendar: May 21-25
  7. Help Needed With Celebration of Service Cleanup
  8. Barb Jones’ Library Calculator Mentioned in Medical Newsletter
  9. HathiTrust Update
  10. Summer Hours for Ellis and Branches Now Available
  11. LIA/LIS Competency Review Update
  12. CARE Program at the MU Libraries
  13. Libraries Appointed Committees – Reminder
  14. Goodbye to Aaron Wynn

MU Libraries in the News

“MU hauls off damaged ‘Tiger Spot'”
Columbia Daily Tribune, May 14, 2012

“Tiger-themed mosaic removed from Missouri campus”, May 14, 2012

“Tiger mosaic is gone from MU campus”
The Kansas City Star, May 14, 2012

“MU’s Tiger Spot gone”
KBIA, May 14, 2012

“Tiger Spot mosaic removed from Lowry Mall”
Missourian, May 14, 2012

“MU staff members have week in spotlight”
Columbia Daily Tribune, May 15, 2012

Healthy for Life Update

Due to popular demand, we have extended the Wellness Incentive deadline until May 25th for in person screenings and May 31st for individual screening submissions (you can use our online Doctor Screening Form). Thousands of employees have completed the program and time is running out, don’t miss out on your $100. Simply complete a personal health assessment (15 minutes) and a FREE health screening. Primary subscribers to the UM Medical plans will receive $100 in a tax-favored account to use for medical expenses in 2012 Benefit Plan year.

Get started now:

1.    Create your Cerner Health account by visiting
2.    Enter your email address and join the program.
3.    Complete your personal health assessment – an online questionnaire that helps you understand your health risks and provides you with resources to improve your well-being.
4.    Schedule your FREE health screening at a convenient time and location on campus. Your health screening provide you a look at your cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure, height and weight. If your screening is before noon, fasting for 9 hours is recommended, but not required (6 hours if pregnant) and drinking 64 ounces of water the day before is suggested.

Upcoming Screenings
Date    Time    Location
May 18    8-11 a.m.    University Hospital, GL-17, Hallway
May 23    8-11 a.m.    MU Student Center, Room G-118
May 24    1-4 p.m.    University Hospital, GL-17, Hallway
May 25    8-11 a.m.    University Hospital, GL-17, Hallway
Questions? Email Blaine Snow at

Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction Program (MBSR)– REGISTER NOW!
Learn new ways of responding to the stresses of life with skill and creativity in this 8 week program.  Classes provide information about relating to stress, effective communication, and wellness tips as well as instruction in mindfulness (sitting meditation, body scan, yoga, and walking meditation).  MBSR compliments the medical management of a wide variety of mental and physical health challenges.
Orientation: Thursday, May 31 (5 p.m.)

Class:  Thursdays, June 7-July 26 (5-7 p.m.)

Full day retreat: Saturday, July 14 (9 a.m.-4 p.m.)

Cost: $40($20 refunded if you attend 7 of 8 classes).

For more information go to or to register, contact Dr. Lynn Rossy.

Eat for Life now enrolling
Discover the benefits of this innovative approach to weight management.  This ten week program uses mind-body practices (meditations and yoga), the principles of mindful and intuitive eating, skills training, and group support to guide you in making lifestyle changes that will help you create a healthier relationship to your food, mind, and body. If you have a history of chronic dieting, have rigid “healthy” rules about eating, or find yourself eating when you’re stressed, bored, or unhappy, this may be the program for you.  This non-judgmental, non-diet approach helps you use your internal physical cues to guide what and when you eat. Books and recordings are provided with the course.

Online Course:

Orientation: Week of June 1
Classes:  Week of June 8 through August 10
Cost:  $50, $25 to be refunded with full participation in discussion board

There are two ways to enroll:
1.    Register with credit card by calling the Healthy for Life office at (573) 884-1312 by May 23 so we have time to send you your books.

2.    Send $50 check made payable to Healthy for Life to Lynn Rossy, 205 Heinkel Building by May 23 so we have time to send you your books. Please send the registration form at the end of this email with your payment.

Healthy for Life’s regular 10 week program on creating a healthy relationship with your food, body, and mind is now a course you can take online in your own home.  Video and audio components teach you the foundational mindfulness practices (meditation and yoga) and the BASICS of Mindful Eating.

This is an exciting opportunity to take a class in the comfort of your own home.  All you need is a computer and, of course, the time to commit to taking the class.  Everyone that signs up will be going through the class at the same time.  You will have a week to complete each section.  There are practice exercises to complete each day.  All is completely explained on Blackboard once you get signed in.

Curious about the class? Check out our video: and testimonials:

Read what participants have to say about the class:

“EFL has been a transformational experience…my relationship to food has changed dramatically.  I actually think about food much less than before — now it’s rarely on my mind until I begin to experience hunger.  And I am savoring my food infinitely more…EFL embodies an intuitive, gracious approach to living, and I am captivated by the gentleness and kindness inherent in the process.”
–Linda Dyer
“It is amazing that 10 weeks have gone past…I will use the “make peace with food” for a long time to come, that has been the most successful tip. I don’t have forbidden food, or food that is “bad”. I can have it just in the quantity that will satisfy…I thank you for the insight and the motivation.  You have made this a successful experience that has changed my life.”

–Amy Hampton

Eat for Life Registration Questionnaire for Online Course
Name:   ________________________________________
Pawprint/USER ID:  ________________________________________

Please check your location:
______ Columbia campus
______ UMKC campus
______ Rolla campus
______ UMSL campus
______ University Hospitals and Clinics
______Other (please indicate __________________________________________________)

Mail my books to the following campus mailing address:
For community members only, my home mailing address is:

Participation ( CHECK ONE)
______ I am new to the Eat for Life course (send $50 check made payable to Healthy for Life at address below, or call 884-1312 to give credit card information)
______ I have previously completed the Eat for Life course and am retaking it. (no payment necessary)
______ I have previously taken a portion of the Eat for Life course but dropped out and am now retaking it. (no payment necessary

University of Missouri – Columbia
Healthy for Life
Attn:  Lynn Rossy
205 Heinkel Building
Columbia, MO  65210

Healthy for Life and PedNet partner for class
Bike Education – City Cycling class empowers students with the tools to commute safely and legally by bike. You’ll learn traffic laws and concepts, practice handling skills and take an educational bike ride through the city. If you want to feel better about biking then this is the class for you. First class will be held on June 16, 2012.
Class covers:
•    Laws regarding biking and rules of the road.
•    Skill drills to build bike-handling abilities, improve safety and avoid crashes.
•    Guided road ride around Columbia to put new knowledge into practice and to familiarize students with bike friendly routes.
Tuition: $50/student (Six student minimum) Healthy for Life will provide a $25 rebate for ALL faculty and staff
Basic Class info:
•    5 hours – Format is flexible and can be adapted to fit schedules as needed.
•    Lecture and on-bike instruction
•    Bike & Helmet required
Register:  Contact Gina Overshiner –  OR 573.303.1033. More information: