Information and Action items out of the Library Management Team MEETING 8/21/12

Action Item: Policy 33: Ellis Library Exhibits is approved by LMT as of 8/21/12 (Policy was vetted to Library Assembly and will now be posted on policy website.)

Action item: Policy on Telefacsimile is officially rescinded and will be removed from the policy website.

Action item: Rooms Reservation System – LMT request Mark send out information again in an all staff email (providing  an opportunity for feedback).

Information Item: Goals and Objectives accomplishments “forum” – discussion ensued about an open meeting to specifically discuss the MU Libraries accomplishments and how they relate to the strategic direction of the Library as set out in the Goals and Objectives document created by LMT in 2010. The list of accomplishments originally collected by division prior to the August All-Staff Meeting will now be consolidated into a single report for discussion and eventually dissemination.

United Way: Aaaaaand the Winner is…..




The winner of the first MU Libraries United Way participation drawing is Diane Johnson.

Congratulations!  Diane just won a pair of tickets to the Concert Series performance: Matt Haimovitz, Cellist.  That show will take place at Jesse Hall Auditorium on October 18th.

We will be drawing more names for concert series tickets at 11:00 a.m., Thursday, October 11th.

All Library participants will also be eligible for the following prizes which will be drawn at the end of the MU Libraries United Way campaign.

  • $25 Bookmark Café gift Card
  • $25 University Bookstore Gift Card
  • $30 Target Gift Card
  • $100 cash (cash equivalent) to be used anywhere

If you haven’t pledged yet, please go to

Participants will also be eligible for the campus-wide “30 for 30” prize drawings.

If you would like to pledge by using a paper United Way form, you may print one from the United Way website and send it to Mark Ellis, 104 Ellis Library.

~  MU Libraries United Way Tri-Chairs Paula Roper, Mary Hainen and Ann Riley.

Better Choices Better Health Workshop Co-Led by Darell Schmick, Starts Oct. 16

Learning how to manage chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and fibromyalgia is the focus of a new six-week workshop from Healthy for Life, the T.E. Atkins University of Missouri Wellness Program.

The Better Choices Better Health workshop will be offered from 6 to 8:00 p.m. on Tuesdays, from October 16 through November 20, at University Hospital, Room GL-11.

The course is open to persons living with chronic conditions, as well as their caregivers. It will teach participants how to take small steps toward positive changes and healthier living. It also is designed to build participants’ confidence in their ability to manage day-to-day life. Topics will include pain and fatigue, exercise, nutrition, treatment decisions and communication.

University of Missouri employees, retirees and benefit-eligible family members are encouraged to attend. Participants may be eligible to receive an incentive for participating in a health assessment.

For more information or to register, please contact Amber Phelps, health program specialist, at (573) 882-8097 or

Library Assembly August 28, 2012

Ellis Library Rm 4F51A
1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.

Attending:  Rhonda Whitaus, Jack Batterson, Rachel Brekhus, Laura Buck (chair), Jim Cogswell, June Deweese, Dana Houston, PT Martin, Libby Myre, Ashley Nelson, Ann Riley, Sheena Waggoner (vice chair), Deb Ward, Rachel Brekhus and Karen Witt, Mike Holland

  • Laura Buck called to order at 1 pm
  • The Library Assembly Guidelines were approved.
  • Laura asked about where LSO falls organizationally.  Jim clarified they report now thru various departments.  The current organizational chart will be updated to include LSO.  Laura had received a suggestion that for assembly purposes the chart could be color coded.
  • Concern was expressed about the lack of volunteers for recorder.  Deb volunteered to be the back-up for Ann.
  • Volunteers were needed to help June keep track of the staff web page, to help with maintenance, broken links, etc.  A question was asked if the person has any control over design etc of the page.  Sheena volunteered.
  • Library Policy #41, Confidentiality of Library Records was presented by Mike Holland. Any changes came from Nancie Hawke in Univ. Counsel’s office.  The policy deals with patron records and what information cannot be shared.  It incorporates Missouri law and the ALA Code of Ethics.
  • Ann shared about the demand driven acquisition program starting this fall.  The DDA is a pilot program which will start in the fall in some subject areas and will last 6 months.   Bibliographic records are loaded according to the library’s approval profile.  The patrons will use their pawprint & password and request that the library acquire the book.  If it is available as an e-book they will have immediate access.
  • Announcements: Director
  1. Jim announced he will be gone to the Deans retreat in St Louis, e-learning is on the agenda and also the Missouri College Advising Corps, which takes recent grads and sends them to areas with low percentages of college grads and encourages them to attend college They will also meet new development chief Tom Hiles & he will be giving the capital campaign update during the retreat.  This will be the first retreat outside Columbia.
  2. Tomorrow there will be an internal and external SWOT analysis done on campus and a report is likely later.
  3. The University of Missouri Press will have a new advisory committee with representatives from all campuses.  It will advise the new press, which has been transferred to the MU campus.  See the news release for more details issued August 28th 2012.
  4. Jim also reported on his meeting with campus administration on the library fee and there is no new information.


  • Staff Announcements:
  1. Ashley reported Engineering has extended Friday hours to 6 pm. Math is 7-5, Journalism will be closed on Saturdays in the fall semester due to security concerns.
  2. Reference has been giving many tours and orientations including one for new graduate students. They are also doing English 1000 orientations and other specialized orientations.  They will have a Blackboard training scheduled to learn to offer graduate student workshops online. Many students are asking at reference desk about textbooks, and are told that the library in general will not supply them, although they can requested through Mobius. June reported some textbooks are on reserve.
  3. At HSL they are also having numerous training sessions. They are close to a final plan on the renovation.  Deb reported so far in HR managers search there are 36 applications.
  4. The Vet Med rare book collection is in the process of being moved to HSL.  Trenton’s new office will be located in HSL.  The new blinds have been installed and all are invited to see the new look.
  5. Ann reported that Brian Cain is the new Digital Resources Catalog Librarian.  Felicity Dykas is working with SISLT on the ORCID project.  The purpose of the project is to create a registry of unique identifiers for researchers.
  6. Sheena reported students need to do the new online application. Sheena also pointed out preliminary paperwork needs to go to admin before sending them to CAP center.  Students must go thru orientation before hire is finalized and student can be paid.  Ellen has hired Steven Hammer as her assistant and he will do the student wage budget.
  7. MULAC will review lib policy 21 on hiring and sent a statement thru Rachel to Faculty Council in support of a peer reviewed university press.
  8. June announced Access is finally fully staffed and Tammy Green ‘s uncle died.
  9. Deb announced welcome video will soon be posted online.

Submit Your United Way Pledge Today




Dear Colleagues,

The MU Libraries’ Heart of Missouri United Way 2012 Campaign got off to a great start. Let’s take advantage of the momentum and go to to pledge or just look over the information provided. Remember that you don’t have to commit a huge sum of money to help our community. Even a few dollars utilized efficiently—as the United Way is known to do–can make a significant difference for someone in need.

Additionally,  pledging gives you the opportunity to do something for yourself–other than just feeling good about doing the right thing. By pledging or just acknowledging a visit to the online site, you become eligible for prizes, big prizes. At the URL indicated you can read about some of the really nice dividends the MU United Way Campaign is awarding over the next month. Additionally, the MU Libraries has some really wonderful prizes for pledging as well, including a $100 cashier’s check, gift cards from Target, the bookstore, and the Bookmark, plus university concert tickets.

If you would prefer good old fashioned paper as the medium for your pledge, please print the online form and send it to Mark Ellis, 104 Ellis Library, 882-9169, If you have any questions/comments about the campaign, please contact Mark or one of the Tri-Chairs (Mary Hainen, 52 Ellis. 882-4814,; Ann Riley, 52 Ellis,  882-1685; Paula Roper, 168 Ellis, 8823326,

Additionally your gift helps demonstrate to the entire campus community the incredible commitment to philanthropic action that so characterizes the team of the MU Libraries.

Thank you,

Mary Hainen, Ann Riley, and Paula Roper  – MU Libraries United Way Campaign Committee

HR Manager Search Committee

HR Manager Search Committee

The Search Committee for the HR Manager position is comprised of  Deb Ward, Chair, and Jackie Blonigen, Cindy Cotner, Gary Cox, Karen Eubanks, Rebecca Graves, Michael Hopkins, and PT Martin.

The job announcement was posted on the University HR web page in August, and several candidates have been identified from the initial posting. This week the vacancy was extended till October 15th to broaden the search with the Missouri Library Association and the AMIGOS Library Consortium.

You are able to view the job description at MU Libraries Employment Opportunities web page then click on HR Manager.

The Search Committee has met several times, and the next meeting is scheduled for October 17. The Search Committee will schedule interviews to begin in either late October or early November, and hopes to wrap up the interviews by the end of November.

2012-2014 MU Libraries Committee Assignments

I am pleased to announce the following committee assignments for the 12-14 year:

Diversity Action Committee

  • TBD, Coordinator
  • Abbie Brown (11-13)
  • Stephen Clayton (12-14)
  • Darell Schmick (11-13)
  • Sheena Waggoner (12-14)
  • Karen Witt (11-13)
  • Sean Witzman (11-13)
  • contact:

Ellis Exhibits Committee

Faculty Lecture Series

  • Brenda Graves-Blevins, Chair(11-13)
  • Suzy Bent (12-14)
  • Goodie Bhullar (12-14)
  • Jackie Blonigen (11-13)
  • Brian Cain (12-14)
  • Shannon Cary (ex officio)
  • Paula Roper (11-13)
  • Sandy Schiefer (12-14)
  • Ernest Shaw (11-13)
  • Deb Ward (11-13)
  • contact:

Library Assembly

  • Laura Buck, Chair (2010-13)
  • Sheena Waggoner, Vice-chair (2012-14)
  • Anselm Huelsbergen, Recorder (2012-14)
  • Jack Batterson (2011-14)
  • Rachel Brekhus (2012-14)
  • June DeWeese (2010-13)
  • Dana Houston (2010-13)
  • PT Martin (2010-13)
  • Libby Myre (2011-14)
  • Ashley Nelson (2012-14)
  • Rhonda Whithaus (2012-14)
  • Karen Witt (2011-14)
  • Kate Anderson (ex officio/MULAC Chair)
  • Jim Cogswell (ex officio/LMT)
  • Anne Barker (ex officio/MULAC Chair)
  • Michael Holland (ex officio/LMT)
  • Ann Riley (ex officio/LMT) (co-Recorder)
  • Deb Ward (ex officio/LMT)

Preservation Committee

  • Michaelle Dorsey (ex officio)
  • Michael Holland (ex officio)
  • Ann Riley (ex-officio)
  • Anne Barker (11-13)
  • Jackie Blonigen (11-13)
  • Dorothy Carner (11-13)
  • Sharon Gaughan (11-13)
  • Ruthe Morse (11-13)
  • Libby Myre (11-13)
  • Kathy Peters (12-14)
  • David Walsh (12-14)
  • contact:

Staff Development Committee

  • TBD, Coordinator
  • Michael Muchow (12-14)
  • Colleen Smith (11-13)
  • Stephen Stanton (12-14) Acting Coordinator
  • Bette Stuart (12-14)

Undergraduate Research Paper Contest Committee

  • Anne Barker, Chair (term ends 8/31/13)
  • Gwen Gray (term ends 8/31/13)
  • Alla Barabtarlo (11-13)
  • Goodie Bhullar (11-13)
  • Rachel Brekhus (11-13)
  • Paula Roper (11-13)

I wish to thank each outgoing committee member for contributing their time and for jobs well done.  I also wish to acknowledge the willingness of the new or reappointed members of each committee to step forward.  The MU Libraries rely on volunteers like these to do important work.


Jim Cogswell

Director of Libraries