Inclement Weather – Campus Closure Policies

In anticipation of winter weather and in preparation for any other campus emergencies, the Business Policy and Procedure Manual 1:010 and UM Human Resources Policy Manual HR217 outline campus closure and pay procedures for University of Missouri.  These policies permit two types of campus closures:  full closure or partial closure.

The policies can be accessed by following the below links:

(Please note: These policies do not apply to staff at MU Health Care)

As a major research campus that has extensive 24/7 operations, MU will not typically close.  Should the Chancellor designate a partial campus closure (e.g., classes are cancelled but many operations remain open), the following pay procedures for staff employees will apply:

  • Employees who do not report to work may cover the absence(s) with paid time off (vacation or personal days) as appropriate.
  • Employees who are able to report to work will receive straight pay. Employees arriving late may use paid time off for the tardiness/absence (lost work time), request a flexible work schedule (if available) or request leave without pay, all with supervisory approval.

While unlikely, a full campus closure could occur in the event of a major disaster or other catastrophic event and the campus would be closed, classes cancelled and administrative and academic operations suspended. Certain continuous operations would be maintained even in the event of a full campus closure. Employees (except those deemed situationally critical) would be directed not to report to work.  In the event of a full campus closure the following pay procedures will apply:

  • Regular employees who are not required to report to work will receive regular pay for up to five days with no reduction to the employee’s paid time off balances.  If the closure continues for more than five days, employees could choose to cover the time off with vacation, personal days or sick leave, as appropriate, based on the situation causing the closure.
  • Regular non-exempt employees (i.e., hourly paid) who are required to report to work during a full campus closure will receive time and a half for all hours actually worked.

Because of the nature of our campus and the need to maintain critical 24/7 operations, the MU campus would designate a full closure only in extreme circumstances.

Departments should designate those positions considered situationally critical and inform employees in advance, if possible, in preparation for a partial or full campus closure.  The designation of situationally critical may differ based on the nature of the situation.

HathiTrust Update

The Update on September 2012 Activities is now available:

There is late breaking news this month on the decision to dismiss the lawsuit brought by the Authors Guild and others against HathiTrust. Top news items for September include the recent HathiTrust Research Center UnCamp, a new initiative to form a comprehensive registry of government documents, and infrastructure changes related to handling of works in HathiTrust whose print counterparts are out of print and brittle.  Included also are our regular updates on content ingest, working groups, projects, and development.

Heather Christenson
on behalf of the HathiTrust Communications Working Group

New Posts, Oct. 8-12

  1. Director’s Calendar: Oct. 15-19
  2. United Way: Aaaaand the Winner Is. . .
  3. Healthy for Life Update and Flu Shot Schedule
  4. SDC Sponsors Healthy for Life Program, Oct. 25
  5. North Entrance of Ellis Closed on Saturday
  6. Tech Tip: Minimize Your Exposure to Email Spoofing
  7. HSL Librarian Publishes in Journal and Newsletter
  8. News Regarding HathiTrust
  9. Library Assembly Minutes, Sept. 25
  10. Graves Receives MCMLA Outstanding Achievement Award
  11. New MUSE Posts

United Way: Aaaaaand the Winner is…..

The winner of the second MU Libraries United Way participation drawing is Judy Maseles.

Congratulations!  Judy just won a pair of tickets to the Concert Series performance: Parsons Dance.  That show will take place at the Missouri Theatre on November 14th.

We will be drawing more names for concert series tickets at 11:00 a.m., Thursday, October 18th.

All Library participants will also be eligible for the following prizes which will be drawn at the end of the MU Libraries United Way campaign.

  • $25 Bookmark Café gift Card
  • $25 University Bookstore Gift Card
  • $30 Target Gift Card
  • $100 cash (cash equivalent) to be used anywhere

If you haven’t pledged yet, please go to

Participants will also be eligible for the campus-wide “30 for 30” prize drawings.

If you would like to pledge by using a paper United Way form, you may print one from the United Way website and send it to Mark Ellis, 104 Ellis Library.

~  MU Libraries United Way Tri-Chairs Paula Roper, Mary Hainen and Ann Riley.

Healthy for Life Update and Flu Shot Schedule

Get Moving…Avoid the Flu

Flu shots are now available through Healthy for Life, the faculty and staff wellness program. Mark your calendars for campus flu clinics listed below . Faculty, Staff and their dependents who are 12 years and older AND are enrolled in a UM Health Care plan can receive a FREE flu shot. To do so, please bring your insurance card (for each individual receiving the vaccine) and a completed Flu Consent Form. No appointment needed, just show up!

Not a UM Health Care plan enrollee? That’s ok, those 12 years and older can still receive the vaccination. Please bring $15 (cash or check made payable to Healthy for Life), as well as a completed Flu Consent Form.

Date Time Location
Oct. 16 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Jesse Hall, Auditorium Lobby
Oct. 17 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Memorial Union, Stotler Lounge
Oct. 19 10 a.m.-2 p.m. School of Nursing, Room S265
Oct. 29 1-3 p.m. MOREnet Office, Conference Room
Oct. 30 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Lewis & Clark Hall, Lobby
Oct. 31 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Memorial Union, Stotler Lounge
Nov. 1 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Ellis Library, Colonnade
Nov. 7 10 a.m.-2 p.m. School of Medicine, Atrium

Flu shots are sponsored by the University System’s myTotal Rewards, Healthy for Life, and the UM Faculty and Staff Benefits Office.


Get virtually connected with Wellness

Healthy for Life invites you to follow us online. We update regularly with events and health-related information.

Here’s how to get involved:

General Wellness on Twitter:

You will need an account to get started. Once you log in to Twitter, you can go to our page and click on the “Follow” button. That’s it, easy enough!

General Wellness on Facebook: Healthy for Life: TE Atkins UM Wellness

To “Like” us, you’ll need a Facebook account. You can then click on our page and choose the “Like” button and you’re done.


Tasting Mindfulness blog:

Tasting Mindfulness on Facebook: Tasting Mindfulness

To “Like” us, you’ll need a Facebook account. You can then click on our page and choose the “Like” button and you’re done.

Dr Lynn Rossy on Twitter: DrLynnRossy

You will need an account to get started. Once you log in to Twitter, you can go to our page and click on the “Follow” button. That’s it, easy enough!

Free Better Choices Better Health Workshop
Better Choices Better Health is a FREE workshop that teaches you the skills you need to manage your symptoms & take control of your health! Participants receive a Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions book and a Time for Healing CD. If you are interested in leading a group, contact Amber Phelps at or call her at (573) 882-8097. *See attached flyer.


Blaine Snow

Program Coordinator MU, MU Health Care and UM System

Healthy for Life: TE Atkins UM Wellness Program

573.884.2402 (Phone)
