Tech Tip – Desktop Icons

If your computer’s desktop has lost its icons, or you would like to add more, just follow these easy steps:

  1. Open up computers and then open program files
  2. You should see folders of software installed on your computer such as iTunes, Adobe, and Microsoft Office.  For this example we’ll make a Microsoft word icon.
  3. Open the Microsoft Office folder and open the folder Office14.
  4. Scroll through the list until you see a Microsoft Word symbol and the name WORDICON. All programs must have an EXE. extension.
  5. Right click on the program and click Send toDesktop (create shortcut)
  6. The Icon should now be on your desktop!

*Note: These instructions are used on a Windows 7 machine.  However, the directions should be similar on older operating systems.


April Lunchtime Leadership Book Talk

The April Lunchtime Leadership Book Talk will take place on the 22th from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m., in 159 Ellis.

This is an opportunity for MU Libraries employees to gather informally over lunch and share quotes from books or articles on the topic of leadership or management that seem especially pertinent for MU Libraries right now. This is open to all library employees as it seems sensible to hear from current and emerging leaders within the organization in terms of what they are reading on the topic.

Attendance is voluntary but compensable for non-exempt supervisors since the discussion applies to the workplace. As such, schedule adjustments may be needed to offset overtime considerations. RSVP’s are not required.

But, we ask you bring a brief something to share with the group, e.g., copies of the talking points of the book or journal article. For examples of documents shared at recent sessions, go to – this leads to a SharePoint site.

Student Excellence Award

Nominations are being solicited for the spring 2011 Student Excellence Award. The purpose of the award is to recognize those student assistants who are dedicated, creative, and/or industrious. Any student assistant employed in any MU Libraries department is eligible for consideration. The recipient will receive a certificate of appreciation which will be presented to the student in his/her own department.

The nomination deadline is Friday, April 29. The award will be announced before the end of the semester. Please forward nominations to Leo Agnew, 104 Ellis Library. The nomination form can be found at In the event of multiple nominations, the ‘extra’ forms will be retained for consideration for the fall 2011 student award.

It has been a while since the award was last given*. As such, it seems prudent to list the criteria:

  1. This award is to be given to a student who exceeds in quality and/or quantity the expectations for his/her position, and who has made exceptional or outstanding contributions to the achievement of a department’s goals and objectives.
  2. The award may be given up to two students per semester.
  3. Students are nominated by any MU Libraries employee.
  4. This award is to be given to any student currently employed in the Libraries.

*You will notice the monetary award has been dropped. It is the hope of SDC that student recipients will still find value in being nominated for the award and that supervisors will want to recognize outstanding student assistants via this award.

Cataglog Department News

The Catalog Department recently coordinated the loading of two record sets into MERLIN:

Bibliotheca Palatina, a collection of microfiche in Special Collections. For more about this record load, see the following Catalog Department blog post.

Center for Research Library Digitized Materials Collection, consisting of over 14,000 titles. You can also read more about this set on the Catalog Department blog.



Library Assembly Minutes, Mar. 22

Present:  Members: Tammy Green (stand in for June DeWeese, Access Services), Laura Buck, Suzy Bent, Stephen Clayton, Stephen Stanton, Gary Cox, Mark Ellis, Bette Stuart (chair), Matt Stottle, Erin Zeller. Ex-officio: Deb Ward (LMT), Ann Riley (LMT), Jim Cogswell (Director) Felicity (MULAC), Guest: Kelli Hansen.  Absent:  PT Martin (Representative from LTS and SRC Chair).

Staff Web – Jim Cogswell

  • Jim gave overview of library assembly’s involvement in staff web page update.
  • Last Fall Jim requested Library Assembly consider taking responsibility for Staff Web Site
  • Library Assembly created a subgroup to review the page, remove broken links, and try to find out who was responsible for the information posted.
  • The subgroup presented recommendations at the last meeting (February 2011).
  • Jim would like to propose a permanent Library Assembly Subcommittee to oversee content on staff web page.
  • Discussion: No significant comments or discussion.
  • Stephen Stanton officially motioned Jim’s recommendation.
  • Steve Clayton seconded.
  • Motion  – unanimously passed.
  • Jim volunteered to submit a draft charge.
  • He suggested up to 3 members.
  • He will rely heavily on the recommendations of the Library Assembly Staff Webpage Subgroup’s recommendations.

MU Libraries Values statement: Jim would like the Libraries to revisit the MU Libraries Values Statement.  (See Appendix A for Value Statement)

  • He would like to draw in the Library Diversity Action Committee into the discussion to make sure the values relate a sense of inclusion.
  • Jim would also like to use Library Assembly as mechanism to get staff input on the current statement.
  • Jim would like to know if staff feel the values statement:
  • Is it missing anything?
  • Reflects the organization’s values?
  • Expresses the values of the Library personnel?
  • Discussion ensued.  (See Appendix B for discussion notes)
  • Bette asks the representatives to take issue (questions) to constituents and promote discussion
  • Bring feedback to the Library Assembly for future Library Assembly discussion.

UPDATE:  3/24/2011 12:59 PM Follow-up email:  Jim and Bette ask that departmental discussions include a member of DAC, if possible.  Members to contact Leo for scheduling.
o    Timeline:  Jim wonders if a new draft could be made available during the celebration of service.   (Approximately the second week in May).

Library Elections to take place in June 2010:  Three members will transition off.  Bette read procedures from bylaws.

  • Admin will supply list, (Bette checked with Leo Agnew – he will create ballots.)
  • The departments whose representative will rotate off are:  Acquisitions, Cataloging, Special Collections
  • New officers will be elected the first meeting in July.


  • Mark Ellis for Administration: Mark and Shannon (members of the Celebration of Service Committee) would like to use the Library Assembly to help with the planning and feedback process surrounding the Celebration of Service events each year.  (It may be too late to have a large impact on this year’s celebration, but in the future it would be helpful to gather staff feedback through the assembly if everyone is agreeable to it.) He will send follow-up email.
  • Jim:  LSO Reorganization – the electronic resources function and software support will be brought under management of the MU Libraries but will continue to serve the four campuses (much like the UMLD and UMLD2).  The digitization function is still under discussion.
  • Kurt Kopp’s last day will be April 8th.
  • Next meeting will be April 26th.  Pat Jones will discuss the Library Space Planning and Advisory Group.

Appendix A

Values Statement – How we conduct ourselves
As employees of the MU Libraries, we affirm and support the core values of the University of Missouri-Columbia, including respect, responsibility, discovery, and excellence. We hold the fundamental purpose of a land-grant university as a guiding principle in all that we do.
In addition, we uphold the following values:
1.    People. We value our users, regardless of their level of expertise or affiliation, as the foundation of our mission. We esteem our fellow employees, regardless of their job assignment, as our most valuable asset. We treat all people with respect and courtesy. We celebrate the diversity of our staff as one of our greatest strengths.
2.    Service. Our principal goal is to provide the best quality service possible, at all times, to all our users. We recognize and celebrate excellence whenever and wherever we encounter it. We work together as a team for the greater good of the Libraries and the University.
3.    Stewardship. We maintain our collections and facilities for future generations of scholars. We make the most efficient use of scarce resources. We plan for the challenges which will confront us in the future.
4.    Access. Freedom of access to information in all forms and for all persons is our most cherished principle. We treasure the library ideals of free speech, open inquiry, accessibility, and equality; all of which are upheld by our collections, our services, our policies, and our procedures.

Appendix B
o    Library Assembly discussion  about MU Libraries Values statement –  some of the suggestions/comments  below:

  • The values guide how the Libraries interact with the public and  how staff interact with each other.
  • There is a distinction between valuing all users and differentiating between levels of users.  It was suggested we can value all users while prioritizing how we support different levels of users.
  • Libraries have to balance values with privacy/confidentiality (Patron records & Copyright aspects).
  • Some values  that were suggested include:

•    Honesty, integrity, and trust (People/Service)
•    We build and maintain our collections … (Stewardship)
•    Innovation (Service)
•    Open access (Access)
•   Should the statement reference ALA’s “Library Bill of Rights”, the “Freedom to Read Statement”, etc.  where it refers to “library ideals”? (Access)

2011 Statewide Government Documents Annual Conference – Registration now open

Registration for the 2011 Statewide Government Documents Annual Conference is now open.    All are invited.

The following presentation by our special guest speaker, Christopher C. Brown from Denver University, may be of particular interest:

Harvesting HathiTrust Documents: A New Model for Online Access
When the University of Denver began using an OAI-PMH harvester to bring HathiTrust materials into their Encore library catalog, they discovered an extremely high percentage of government documents in the harvest. This presentation will discuss the challenges and successes the library encountered as we attempted harvesting as a non-Hathi member library. We have been able to add nearly 150,000 online documents (with additional records every week). Among the advantages is that there is no record management involved. On the negative side is the poor record quality. Use statistics from Google Analytics will be presented. The harvesting model can be viewed as a forward-looking model for low-cost, high-volume access to government document content.

Other presentations are described on the conference website.