New Posts, May 30-June 10

  1. MULSA Election Results
  2. Diversity Luncheon Reminder
  3. Direct Promotion Update
  4. 2011-2013 MU Libraries Committee Assignments
  5. Current MUSE Post, Web Tip
  6. Civil War in Missouri Exhibit on Display in Ellis Library
  7. Library Assembly Meeting Minutes
  8. One Mizzou: 2020 Vision for Excellence
  9. Healthy for Life Update
  10. June Library Start Date Anniversary Recognition
  11. Goodbye to Katie and Ted Dodson
  12. HSL Staff Present at Medical Library Association
  13. Follow-up Links to SDC Presentation

MULSA Election Results

Here are the results from the election held at MULSA’s Annual Meeting held on May 19, 2011.

President – Karla Geerlings

Vice-President/President Elect – Rachel Brekhus

Treasurer – Jack Batterson

Social Co-Chairs – Ruthe Morse & Ruth Feldkamp

Staff Room Chair – Adrienne Arden

Courtesy Chair – Delores Fisher

Muse Co-Chairs – Mary Aycock & Darrell Schmick

Community Service Chair – Steve Clayton

Book Sale Co-Chair – Jerri Eldridge (Kris Anstine has one more year.)

Secretary – Tammy Green

There was one ballot issue regarding a change to the bylaws.

To learn more please go the MULSA’s web site at

Diversity Luncheon Reminder

The MU Libraries’ Diversity Action Committee and MULSA invite you to participate in the Third Annual Diversity Luncheon on June 21 that will feature ethnic food. Here are the details in Q&A format:

  • Where will it be held? In the Ellis Library Staff Lounge; lunch runs 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
  • Who is providing the food? You, if you are willing to do so.
  • What type of food should I bring? Anything that represents any part of your heritage.
  • If possible, bring your own plates and flatware for a green and diverse lunch.
  • Can I attend the event even if I don’t bring food to share? Yes! This is open to all library employees.
  • See News Notes from May 26, 2011, for more details:

If you know what you are bringing, please e-mail me with the information ( Thanks.


2011-2113 MU Libraries Committee Assignments

I am pleased to announce the following committee assignments for the 11-13 year:

Diversity Action Committee Members

Leo Agnew Chair

Abbie Brown (11-13)

Darell Schmick (11-12)

Sheena Waggoner (10-12)

Karen Witt (11-13)

Sean Witzman (11-13)


Ellis Exhibits Committee Members

Kelli Hansen, Chair, (11-13)

Mary Amann (11-13)

Ellen Blair (10-12)

Charlotte Mustain (10-12)


Faculty Lecture Series Committee

Suzy Bent (10-12)

Jackie Blonigen (11-13)

Shannon Cary (ex officio)

Brenda Graves-Blevins (11-13)

Paula Roper (11-13)

Ernest Shaw (11-13)

Deb Ward (11-13)

(Chair person TBD)

Preservation Committee Members

Michaelle Dorsey (ex officio)

Michael Holland (ex officio)

Ann Riley (ex-officio)

Anne Barker (11-13)

Jackie Blonigen (11-13)

Dorothy Carner (11-13)

Libby Myre (11-13)

(Chair person TBD)

Staff Development Committee Members

Leo Agnew, Chair

Alla Barabtarlo (10-12)

Mat Miller (10-12)

Colleen Smith (11-13)

Amanda Sprochi (10-12)

Stephen Stanton (10-12)




MU Libraries Research Paper Contest Committee

Anne Barker, Chair (term ends 8-31-2013)

Gwen Gray (term ends 8-31-2013)

Alla Barabtarlo (11-13)

Goodie Bhullar (11-13)

Rachel Brekhus (11-13)

Cindy Cotner (term ends 8-31-2011)

Anselm Huelsbergen (term ends 8-31-2011)

Paula Roper (11-13)

Sandy Schiefer (term ends 8-31-2011)


I wish to thank each outgoing committee member for contributing their time and for jobs well done. I also wish to acknowledge the willingness of the new or reappointed members of each committee to step forward. The MU Libraries counts on committees like these to do many good things.

Jim Cogswell
Director of Libraries


Civil War in Missouri Exhibit on Display in Ellis Library

Come out and see an exhibit on the Civil War in Missouri! A short history of the war is provided alongside relevant books, manuscripts, photographs, and artifacts. Attention is also given to Missouri Civil War Historic Sites. Materials on display have come from the University’s holdings, the State Historical Society of Missouri, The Library of Congress’s American Memories Project and private collections. The exhibit has been curated by Amy C. Nickless, Graduate Reference Assistant at Ellis Library and Historian.

The exhibit is free and located on the main floor’s Colonnade.

Library Assembly Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, May 24, 2011
1:00-2:00 p.m.
Room 159/Ellis Ref Conference Room

Attending: Members: Suzy Bent, Erin Zellers, Matt Stottle, Mark Ellis, Steve Clayton, Stephen Stanton, June DeWeese, Laura Buck, Gary Cox.  Ex-Officio:  Ann Barker (MULAC), Deb Ward (LMT), Jim Cogswell (LMT), Ann Riley (LMT).  Absent: PT Martin (LMT and SRC ex-officio)

Guest: Pat Jones, Library Space and Facility Advisory Committee (ESFAC).

  • Library Space and Facility Advisory Committee – Pat Jones, Chair.
    • Pat used the following webpage as visual:

  • 8 members appointed by Jim Cogswell : Wayne Barnes, Ryan Bish, Michaelle Dorsey, Wayne Sanders, Sandy Schiefer, Ernest Shaw, Sheena Waggoner, and Pat Jones.
  • From web site, employees can see lists of completed projects, projects in progress and a suggestion form to make new suggestions.
  • Examples:
    • Completed:
      • Removed bars from West entrance.
      • Ramp installed over threshold into Government Documents office area.
        • Location of Library contact for patrons with disabilities.
        • In progress:
          • 1st floor women’s restroom remodeling.

started 3 years ago, to be done in three stages.

  • Proposal to go shortly to LMT.
  • Removal of the CPRR desk.
    • Proposal submitted to LMT.
    • Signage.
    • The group meets twice a month.
    • Questions:
      • Q. has website been announced?  A. Yes.
      • Q. Have you thought about posting suggestions?  So that employees know what has been suggested before.  Might spark suggestions.   A. PJ thinks that it a good idea. She will bring it up at the next meeting.
  • Announcements:
    • Library Assembly Representatives for Acquisitions, Cataloging and Special Collections come up for reelection.
      • Leo will send out ballot next week.
  • Celebration of Service, Thursday, May 25th – Top Ten List.
    • Jim would like 10 volunteers to read one of the ten accomplishments on the list.
    • Jim handed out a list of the 10 categories.
      • Members asked to put name on any categories that interest them.
      • Jim will assign one of the Top Ten list items to Library Assembly members prior to the event.
  • Staff Web Standing subcommittee (spin off of assignment to look at staff web page):
    • Jim will write the charge for the subcommittee.
    • Subcommittee will advise WAG about the staff web.
    • Subcommittee will be comprised of 3 members.
      • June DeWeese and Stephen Stanton volunteered to serve on the subcommittee.
  • Assessment of Library Assembly – The Assembly’s charge calls for an annual assessment.
    • From the Library Assembly Charge:
    • Members discussed how best to solicit broad input from staff.
    • Members decided to survey all staff.
    • Members will send suggested survey questions to Bette Stuart via email
    • The goal is to conduct the survey before our June meeting.
    • Ann Riley volunteered to assist with setting up the survey using Survey Monkey.
    • VII.-A The elected officers and the Library Management Team will seek broad input to assist in evaluating the effectiveness of the Library Assembly after each year of operation.
    • VII-B Those officers and Library Management Team will report the results of the evaluation to all staff. They will make recommendations and seek suggestions for the future operation of the Assembly.

Bette Stuart suggested the Library Assembly move the June 28 meeting to June 21.  Members agreed to change the meeting to the 21st.

Submitted by:  Mark Ellis 6/6/11

One Mizzou: 2020 Vision for Excellence

MU’s strategic plan and its actions represent a “living document” that will undergo continual and frequent updates. Progress toward each of the three goals will be determined by outcome measures published regularly within the plan document and available online to the MU community and the interested public. The Strategic Plan will be reviewed annually by the Strategic Planning and Resource Advisory Council (SPRAC) and by Faculty Council, which will assess progress and report this assessment with the Chancellor at a campuswide spring forum each year.


Healthy for Life Update

Massage Therapy Available
De-stress this season with massage therapy! Licensed Massage Therapist Jeff Rioux provides clinical massage therapy in his office at University Hospital (GL-20). He also provides department chair massage in three-hour blocks. To schedule an individual appointment or chair massage, call Healthy for Life at 884-1312.

If you’d like to buy a gift certificate, stop by Medtique Gift Shop in University Hospital or the Healthy for Life office at 205 Heinkel Building on campus, OR  drop a check in campus mail to 205 Heinkel Building specifying the length of session you want. Make checks payable to Healthy for Life.

Faculty and staff  receive a discount: Hours of availability:
30 minutes: $30 Mondays & Tuesdays: 10 a.m.-7 p.m.
60 minutes: $45 Wednesdays: 1-7 p.m.
90 minutes: $65 Thursdays: 11 a.m.-7 p.m.

Walking Groups—Pedometer Program
Has your department always wanted to start a walking challenge, but didn’t know where to begin? Now is your chance! Healthy for Life has Walking Tool Kits hot off the press that will provide you with the tools to begin a walking group or walking challenge in your department. Get your colleagues moving, building camaraderie, and getting healthy. If you would like a copy of the Walking Tool Kit sent to you through campus mail, please email Dee Sanders. If you start a group, contact Jenny Workman at

Walk your way to good health!  Faculty and staff can purchase pedometers for $15, and a full refund is given at the completion of one million steps. To purchase a pedometer, send a check for $15 (our cost, made payable to Healthy for Life) to 205 Heinkel Building, MU. For more information, click here.

Workplace Fitness Opportunities

Take advantage of these classes that fit your budget. Full payment is due at the beginning of the first class and space is limited. Please contact the instructor directly to register or for questions. All classes are designed so that exercises can be performed in work clothes.

  • June 20 & 27: Yin Yang Session A. Memorial Union, rooms vary. Class meets from 12:10-12:50 p.m. and costs $6. Class targets the connective tissues and joints. Mat is recommended but not necessary. Registration is required and can be done by emailing Ashley Jenkins.
  • July 18 & 25: Yin Yang Session B. Memorial Union, rooms vary. Class meets from 12:10-12:50 p.m. and costs $6. Class targets the connective tissues and joints. Mat is recommended but not necessary. Registration is required and can be done by emailing Ashley Jenkins.
  • June 21-July 26: Core. Memorial Union, rooms vary. Class meets on Tuesdays from 12:10-12:50 p.m. and costs $15. Class emphasizes strengthening, lengthening and defining the mid-section. Mat is recommended but not necessary. Registration is required and can be done by emailing Ashley Jenkins.
  • June 22-July 27: Foundations of Power Vinyasa. Memorial Union, rooms vary. Class meets Wednesdays from 12:10-12:50 p.m. and costs $18 for the six-week session. Mat is recommended but not necessary. Registration is required and can be done by emailing Ashley Jenkins.
  • July 1-29: Yoga Flow Sampler. University Hospital, School of Nursing, Room N265. Class meets on Fridays from 12:10-12:50 p.m. and costs $15 for the five-week session. ‘Flowing’ can be between poses, or the simple movement of breath. A complete workout containing cardiovascular work, strength, and flexibility. A mat is recommended but not required. All levels are welcome. Try something new with no long-term commitment. Minimum 10 participants to hold session. Click here to sign up with Rebecca Mars.

Stress-Reduction Meditation

Research over the past two decades suggests that engaging in a regular mindfulness meditation practice can reduce stress and enhance overall psychological and physical wellbeing.  Find out for yourself by taking advantage of the sitting meditation sessions across campus each week. All faculty and staff are welcome on a drop-in basis, and no previous experience with meditation is necessary. If you can’t make the noon time sitting meditation group, consider listening to one of the audio recordings.  Join Healthy for Life for one of the following times and locations:

  • Mondays: Heinkel Building, Room 10 (12:15-12:45 p.m.
  • Wednesdays: Law School Bldg (Hulston Hall), Room 222 (1:15-1:45 p.m.)

Share your Success Story

Do you have wellness success story that may motivate others to become healthier? Have you stopped smoking, lost weight, or decreased stress in your life? If so, we would love to hear about it! E-mail Melissa Willett with your accomplishments or give her a call at (573) 884-1397.