Information and Action Items from the 11/29/11 LMT Meeting

INFORMATION ITEM:  Budget Discussion – Jim Cogswell with guest Ellen Blair.  Budget meeting rescheduled for January 25, 2012, 3-4 pm.  Ellen continues to update various budget spreadsheets for the meeting.  LMT to present an integrated budget and staffing plan to the Provost.

INFORMATION ITEM:  Campaign Priorities – Jim will meet with University Development (David Housh and Linda L’Hote) and Development Consultant Martin Grenzebach on December 7th. Subject of the meeting: MU Libraries Capital Campaign Priorities.  Discussion ensued about a draft of priorities list.

INFORMATION ITEM:  Staffing Priorities and Issues. MU Libraries is trying to actively manage transitions. LMT is concerned about preparing for future retirements.  Desire to move forward and be proactive.

Continued discussion about succession planning.

Director’s Calendar: December 12-16, 2011

Notable meetings from the calendar of Jim Cogswell, Director of MU Libraries

Monday, December 12th
8:00-9:00 am – Chancellor’s Breakfast for United Way
The Residence on Francis Quadrangle

1:00-3:00 pm – Joint Meeting of Deans and Provost Staff (new monthly meeting)
(Meeting place to be determined.)

Wednesday, December 14th

6:00 pm – Reception Honoring MU Members of the National Academy
The Residence on Francis Quadrangle

Friday, December 16th
11:00 am – 12:30 pm – Honorary Degree Luncheon
Reynolds Alumni Center

1:00-3:00 pm – MOBIUS Board Meeting (will be joining the meeting in progress)
MOBIUS Office, Columbia, MO

4:00-6:00 pm – MULSA Holiday Party
Richard Wallace Atrium, Ellis Library

Library Information Assistant Job Ad

Library Information Assistant – Access Services, Circulation Unit; 100% FTE, $9.05/hour; 40 hours per week, mostly evenings (at least three) and weekends with schedule adjustment during intersessions after training is completed. Training will start as daytime hours between the hours of 8-5 M-F and then will move to evening hours with a more experienced supervisor at some point during probation.

Duties: This person is generally the night supervisor at least three nights per week and possibly at least one weekend shift at the Ellis Circulation Reserve Desk with the rest of the schedule being regular daytime hours. Flexibility in scheduling will be an asset. Will be the only full time staff person on duty much of the time, supervising several student employees. Works as a team member with any other supervisor with whom schedules overlap. Serves as a resource to both patrons and other staff in other departments regarding circulation and reserve policies. During times of overlap in schedule, this person will search in the Ellis Library stacks for books which patrons and other library staff have been unable to locate during their searching. Will be responsible for the operation of the MERLIN Circulation System and reporting all problems to the appropriate departments in a timely manner. Will issue borrower cards and handle all questions relating to borrowing materials. Because this person works evening hours, outstanding communication skills will be required since written referrals will be made for supervisors the following workday to follow up. Must be able to remain calm and make appropriate decisions during times of stress.  Excellent telephone and in person interpersonal skills. Good listening skills and the ability to explain issues clearly and work to satisfactory resolution of problems. Prior library experience required.  Supervisory experience is desired.  Some physical stamina required, involving moving materials on book trucks weighing up to 100 pounds for short distances. Must be able to stand and move about several hours per day and stand on ladders and footstools as needed. Must be able to read call numbers on books located on ground level and up to nine feet in height with the use of ladders and step stools. Lighting may be diminished in some places.

Minimum qualifications: A high school diploma or an equivalent combination of education and experience from which comparable knowledge and abilities can be acquired is necessary. Six months of responsible office experience is necessary. Directly related education or training may be substituted for experience.  The ability to type may be necessary depending upon the position available.

Preferred qualifications: Prior library experience preferred.  Supervisory experience is desired.  Some physical stamina required, involving moving materials on book trucks weighing up to 100 pounds for short distances. Must be able to stand and move about several hours per day and stand on ladders and footstools as needed. Must be able to read call numbers on books located on ground level and up to nine feet in height with the use of ladders and step stools. Lighting may be diminished in some places.

Reminder on Group Process Training Session #2

As mentioned in News Notes 11/11/11,, SDC is sponsoring a two-part training series on group process methods. Session #2 will take place Dec. 13, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m., 4F51-A Ellis, and will provide the opportunity to practice the methods of Affinity Diagram, Brainstorming and the Nominal Group Technique. These methods are useful for both generating information/ideas and sorting information into practical categories.

Space is still available. RSVP’s are requested for head count purposes; contact Leo at Release time is available with supervisor approval.

Thanks for Caring: MU Libraries Awards 2011 Heart of Missouri United Way Campaign Incentives

Dear Colleagues:

The Tri-Chairs for the MU Libraries 2011 Heart of Missouri United Way Campaign, Mary Hainen, Ann Riley, and Paula Roper, thank all who pledged to this year’s effort.  We are delighted to note that the university is very close to making its overall campaign goal and the libraries’ participation in the effort is the highest in memory.  Your donations to the campaign make a significant difference in the lives of so many residents of Mid-Missouri.

The names of those whose pledges were received by November 18, 2011 were placed in drawing for the campaign’s incentives.  The winners are:

Concert Series Tickets – Dorothy Carner

$20 gift certificate to the Bookmark Café – Michelle Baggett

$25 gift certificate to the University Bookstore – Karen Witt

$100 cash – Kelli Hansen

Library people are extremely philanthropic and we find ourselves in the midst of another effort to aid the needy in our community.  It is with profound gratitude that we acknowledge the generosity of our colleagues.

Yours united,

Mary Hainen               Ann Riley                    Paula Roper

The MU Libraries 2011 United Way Tri-Chairs

MU Libraries in the News

Mizzou Engineering Electronic Newsletter, Dec. 5, 2011

Heritage Collection relocated; first display features student teams
Getting a glimpse into the history of the University of Missouri College of Engineering is as simple as taking a walk into the Engineering Library and Technology Commons in Lafferre Hall, the new home of the college’s Heritage Collection.

The collection was started with a gift from Mizzou alumna Barbara Middleton Dietrich, a 1980 civil engineering graduate. Dietrich made the gift in memory of her father, Roy Allen, who received his electrical engineering degree from MU in 1925. She suggested the funds be used to house a heritage display in the school.

The College of Engineering was delighted with the idea, and historic engineering-related materials originally were displayed in an area located near the Student Services Office.

The Heritage Collection recently was relocated to the library due to the expansion of the Student Services office. The first display in its library location features a historical look at engineering student teams.

The display may be viewed during the library’s open hours: Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to midnight; Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.; and Sunday, 1 p.m. to midnight, except during school holidays.

Call for New Members: Communications/Marketing Committee

The Communications/Marketing Committee is looking for three new members. Members can be staff or librarians.

The group’s primary objectives are:

  1. To undertake activities that establish a clear and positive image of the libraries in the university community;
  2. To build an internal marketing culture by keeping staff informed of marketing activities and goals and by encouraging staff to participate and contribute ideas for marketing endeavors; and
  3. To establish a consistency in communication methods and style by providing advice and coordinating the planning, development and production of promotional products, events and activities for the libraries.

Thank you to Sandy Schiefer for her exemplary service on this committee for the past two years.

Please contact Shannon Cary ( or 882-4703) if you are interested in serving on this committee.

New Posts, Nov. 28-Dec. 1

  1. Library Assembly Meeting, Nov. 15, 2011
  2. Director’s Calendar: Dec. 5-9, 2011
  3. Current MUSE Posts
  4. Reminder on Group Process Training Session #1
  5. December Payroll Information
  6. December Library Start Date Anniversary Recognition
  7. Goodbye to Brooks and Dainty
  8. Richmond Promoted to LIS I
  9. Library Information Assistant Job Ad
  10. Graduation Day for Supervisor 101
  11. Hansen Publishes in RBM
  12. ALCTS Webinars
  13. MU Strategic Plan Available Online

Library Assembly Meeting, Nov. 15, 2011

Attending: Members: Gary Cox, PT Martin, Matt Stottle, June DeWeese, Jack Batterson, Stephen Stanton, Stephen Clayton, Libby Myre, Anne Barker, Karen Witt, Laura Buck, Mark Ellis.  Ex Officio:  Jim Cogswell, Ann Riley, Deb Ward.

Guests: MaryEllen Sievert, Ernest Shaw.

  • Report from LTS RE Conversion to Exchange 2010 – Ernest Shaw, Head of Library Technology Services (LTS)
    • Will take about 17 days to complete conversion.
      • Started last Friday.
      • Some networking issues have occurred.
      • Exchange has been slow.
      • Overall, migration going well.
      • Please report any problems to LTS.
        • There may not be anything they can do but it may be useful to know.
    • Questions/Answers:
      • Q. Will there be any lost mail?
        • A.: Not expecting any.  It is a rather routine migration. (Though large in scale.)
      • Q. Are they doing backups?
        • A. Yes, there is routine and multiple copies being made. But if anyone thinks they lost something, let LTS know.
  • Assessment Committee Update – MaryEllen Sievert.
    • Two year project.
      • First year:
        • Planning and discussing.
        • Took part in an MSA/GPC survey.
          • Was able to add Library questions.
          • Great turnout for their survey.
      • Second year will be developing:
        • Surveys
        • Focus groups and/or interviews
      • Feedback Focus:
        • How does MU Libraries support research both on and off campus?
          • Bibliographic study – research grant bibliographies to see what resources are held my MU Libraries.
          • Return of Investment (ROI) estimates.
            • Follow efforts of several other institutions that have pulled together such data.
        • How effectively do the collections, services and facilities of MU Libraries serve students on and off campus?
          • Will plan to use surveys and focus groups.
          • Likely breakout undergraduates, graduates and faculty.
        • How effectively do the collections, services, and facilities of MU Libraries serve faculty?
          • A collaboration possibility with Library Committee.
            • They share a charge from new MU Strategic Plan to develop assessment benchmark and tools.
            • Will be working with a new study on eLearning and the libraries.
            • Will be using surveys and focus groups.
        • Explore Association of Research Libraries (ARL) statistics and other data that the library has been gathering on usage.
          • In some way asking MUL collectors of data to change how they collect info.
          • Adding new data to collect so the numbers can distinguish more finely the activities of the Library
            • Character of instruction as an example.
            • Seek a uniform collecting of data through the organization and branches.
      • Questions/Answers:
        • Q.  When was the MSA/GPC survey conducted?  Were the results ever shared (with MU Libraries employees)?
          • A. MSA/GPC survey was done during finals week.  Results came in over the summer.  MaryEllen will check with Shannon Cary to see if results were shared and if they could be again.
        • Q. Are the MSA/GPC questions asked every year?
          • A.  It was a one-time survey.
          • Comment:  Excellent turnout for their survey.
            • Student groups were entirely responsible for the survey
            • Survey monkey format sent out by email.
        • Q. Alumni Association does an exit interview with graduates that have library questions.  Any chance we can get to that data?
          • A. Assessment group will contact the Alumni Center.
        • Q. Concerning data comparison to five and ten years ago, how will you handle data for new services that have emerged within that amount of time (for which you won’t have historical data)?
          • A. Part of goal is to look forward and set in motion the data to collect for future analysis.
          • Focusing on questions such as:
            • What do we collect?
            • How do we collect it?
            • Do we need to make measurements of performance consistent?
        • Q.  Some departments only turns in small portion of stats collected.  Will there be an effort to (or has the committee considered) requesting  that information?
          • A. Assessment committee has kept/will keep in mind
        • Q . Has a ROI study been compared with other schools (peers) Big  12 and such?
          • A. Not all schools publish ROI
          • Q. Can Assessment Committee share data on institutions that do measure ROI.
          • A. Committee will review and share what it can (findings were reviewed in a white paper vs. actual data).

UPDATE: Here are links to more information about this topic sent by MaryEllen:

  • Q Does the Change to SEC have any impact on peer groups.
    • A. Not much.  Not anticipating any.  Most peer groups have been shifting from conference alliance for a while. (GWLA, Research I Peers, etc.)
    • Q. What will we do with data/findings?
      • A.  JC MU Strategic Plan asks for “quantitative and qualitative measures”: to make sure MU Libraries is living up to mission
        • Come up with Bench marks.
        • Assess quality by periodic surveys.
        • Q. When is two year mission done?
          • A. August 2012.   A lot will be done earlier.
        • Q. Will there be ongoing assessment?
          • A. yes, absolutely.
            • External (funding) pressures will always be there.
            • MUL must stay proactive to keep control of process.
              • To have say in assessment.
              • ME Sievert – there are cycles of how often to collect data.
                • Care must be taken to avoid survey fatigue.
  • Jim announcements:
    • Search for Development Director will be reopened.  Two candidates came to campus. One withdrew. Libraries and MU Development Office will reopen the position in hopes of attracting a larger applicant pool.  Goal: to fill early next year.
    • Starting in December, five year budget review between MU divisions and Provost Office
      • Review past year, current and three years projected in to the future.
      • Projections use University provided budget assumptions.
      • MU Libraries meeting with the Provost is Dec 7.

UPDATE: As of 11/28/11 – the MU Libraries budget meeting with the Provost has been rescheduled to January 25, 2012.

  • Jim will report on budget discussion in the All-staff meeting.
  • Meeting to follow-up on the fires in Ellis Library will take place in January.
    • Recovery will be completed and the rush of the end of the Fall Semester will be over.
    • Will be an open meeting. Plans to invite various entities that responded/helped with fire and restoration (Campus Facilities, Environmental Health and Safety, ServPro, etc. ) Would like to reflect on what could have been done better.  What did we do right? And to say “Thanks”.  No date, yet.  Looking at the first few weeks of January.
  • Other announcements;
    • Deb Ward: Annelise Freeman is on board as a part time E-Learning Librarian.
    • June DeWeese:
      • Terry Brooks retires next week.  Access Services will host a retirement Open House with snacks this Friday, November 18th.
        • Q. Will Access Services be allowed to replace?
        • A. Yes – We plan to request to fill all vacancies (as mentioned in the all-staff meeting in August).  There is still a Hiring Freeze.  We have to request to fill, justify, and be granted approval.  LMT expects replacement approvals due to number of positions lost.
      • North Entrance Book Drops will be Open.  June expresses Thanks to Pat Jones for making this possible.  This will be for the convenience of patrons during finals week.
    • Matt Stottle: Security has noticed an increase in food and beverages violations (unapproved containers, food, candy, etc.) on the upper floors.  When possible, please help remind patrons of the policies.
  • Next meeting will be January.  Guests will be Collection Steering Committee representatives.