Action and Information Items from LMT 4/12/11

2-4 pm, 159 Ellis Library

Attendees:  Jim Cogswell, Deb Ward, Mike Holland, Ann Riley,

Guest: Kate Anderson, Lee Anne Litzsinger, Carolyn Hamilton, Rebecca Moser

Support: Mark Ellis

Information Item:  Update of Mizzou Advantage activity – Kate Anderson.  Mizzou Advantage is “wrapping-up” first round of grants. Poster session of all First round grants: April 27, 4-6 pm. Reports will be due May 2nd. Mizzou Advantage is a centerpiece in new Campus Strategic Plan due out soon.   A spreadsheet that tracks who at MU Libraries is doing what with Mizzou Advantage will be out soon.  There has been positive and growing sense of collaboration. Librarians have been noticed at many Mizzou Advantage discussions.

Kate Anderson left meeting.

INFORMATION ITEM:  LMT Retreat will be Thursday and Friday, June 16-17. Topic Suggestions so far: Succession Planning, A new ORTF?  – Organizational Review Task Force – Is it time to pull together a team to look at some broad issues again? Topics and suggestions will continue to be discussed.

INFORMATION ITEM:  Jim has assigned Mike Holland the task of developing a process to review and update the Library Policy.  Mike Holland predicts a need for a policy on policies. It will include: a.) where policy/changes can be proposed/generated, b.) a path that leads eventually to hearing/approval by LMT.  c.) Possible vetting through deliberative bodies such as MULAC and/or Library Assembly. d.) Final approval will remain in LMT.

Jim would like to Archives to be responsible for maintaining an up-to-date copy of official MU Libraries Policies.

INFROMATION ITEM:  Jim asks for recommendations from LMT for annual MU Libraries’ Top Ten Accomplishments list FY 2011.

INFROMATION ITEM:  Ellis Library Reference is considering a policy on Social Media. In light of previous discussion on policy review process, Deb and Ellis Library Reference will review proposal and prepare to submit at a later time.

INFROMATION/ACTION ITEM:  Digital Scriptorium is changing from a contributory organization to a membership organization. Each member will be asked to pay an annual maintenance fee. MU Libraries Tier 1 Membership fee will be $1,750 per year. LMT resolved to pay fee. Discussion ensued about how to treat expense now and for future budget planning.

SDC Brown Bag Invitation: A Visual Representation of Disability Throughout History

June 2, 2011 – A visual representation of disability throughout history, research by Dr. Brick Johnstone, School of Health Professions/Health Psychology.

Time: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Place: 4F51-A Ellis Library
Presenter: Dr. Brick Johnstone

Dr. Johnstone returns to present research on the visual representation of disability throughout history. He will expand the discussion her gave us in July of 2009, which left audience members spellbound.

This presentation offers an excellent opportunity to better understand the manner by which individuals with disabilities have been, and are currently, misperceived and mistreated in society. Review of art from prehistoric to modern times offers a wonderful opportunity to understand how misperceptions about physical, mental, and sensory disabilities have developed and been maintained throughout history.

Participants will have the opportunity to increase their understanding of the individual experience of disability. Given that 20% of the US population has a chronic disability, it is useful to provide a forum to mull over the possibility of our own potential misperceptions and biases. Release time is available with supervisor approval. Feel free to bring your lunch if this falls within your regular lunch time.

Student Excellence Award Winner Announced

Congratulations to Ember Stevens, Government Documents, winner of the Student Excellence Award for the spring 2011 semester! The reasons given in support of her nominations include:

  • She takes on tasks beyond the usual range of student assistants and accomplishes them with exceptional speed and accuracy.
  • Her list of accomplishments include drawing a scale model of the floor plan in Ellis 1 East and making movable, color-coded magnetic pieces representing various types of library furniture and shelving, and developing a decision-making flow-chart used to process a large backlog of unprocessed materials.
  • Her list of accomplishments is even more impressive considering she worked an average of only six hours per week!

MU Staff Recognition Week Seminars

The 2011 Staff Recognition Week is scheduled for May 16 – 20.  Human Resource Services is once again coordinating training programs for Staff Advisory Council that will be offered free to employees. For course schedule and enrollment information, go to Employees in Administrative, Service & Support titles have first dibs on seating, but employees in academic titles can register and attend on a space-available basis.

A point of interest: Bob Almony will present two financial planning sessions during Staff Recognition Week at the request of Human Resources.

Taking Charge of Your Finances will be presented Wednesday, May 18, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., N103B Stotler II, Memorial Union.

Invest Now on a Small Budget for Better Retirement will be presented Friday, May 20, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., S206 Memorial Union.


Libraries Appointed Committees – Reminder

A reminder that self-nominations are due by Friday, May 27, for membership on several library committees.

Nomination Form

All interested employees are encouraged to apply. Committee members whose terms are ending may apply to be reappointed. If you are interested in more than one committee, please prioritize your selection. Check with your supervisor before volunteering your services for a committee(s).


Name:______________________________________      Phone:________________      E-mail:__________________________


Place a 1 next to your first choice and a 2 next to your second choice (if you have one). Return this form to Leo Agnew, 104 Ellis Library. The preferred return deadline date is Friday, May 27, 2011, but self-nominations will be accepted until all positions are filled.


_____    Diversity Action Committee

_____    Exhibits Committee

_____    Faculty Lecture Series Committee

_____    Preservation Committee

_____    Research Paper Contest Committee

_____    Staff Development Committee