News Notes, May 9-13

  1. Healthy for Life Update
  2. Library News Notes Summer Schedule
  3. Celebration of Service, May 25
  4. Mini-Projectors and iPads Funded by Student Fee Capital Improvement Committee
  5. MU Librarians in the News
  6. Use of 202 Ellis Library by the Student Success Center During Summer
  7. Ellis Library Space and Facility Advisory Committee Asks for Comments
  8. Library Assembly Minutes, April 26
  9. Action and Information Items from LMT, 4/12/11
  10. SDC Brown Bag Invitation: A Visual Representation of Disability Throughout History
  11. Student Excellence Award Winner Announced
  12. May Library Start Date Anniversary Recognition
  13. MU Staff Recognition Week Seminars
  14. Libraries Appointed Committees – Reminder
  15. Broken Light Pole
  16. Current MUSE Posts, Crossword Puzzle and Web Tip

Healthy for Life Update

Sign up NOW for Summer Eat for Life Program—In Person and Online
Discover the benefits of this innovative approach to weight management and re-discovering the joy of eating.  This 10-week program uses mind-body practices (meditation and yoga), the principles of mindful and intuitive eating, skills training, and group support to guide you in making lifestyle changes that will help you create a healthier relationship to your food, mind, and body. If you have a history of chronic dieting, have rigid “healthy” rules about eating, or find yourself eating when you’re stressed, bored, or unhappy, this may be the program for you.  This non-judgmental, non-diet approach helps you use your internal physical cues to guide what and when you eat. FILL OUT ATTACHED QUESTIONNAIRE FOR ONLINE REGISTRATION COURSE.

In Person Class:

Orientation Session: Wednesday, June 1 (12-1).

Classes: Wednesdays, June 8 – August 10 (12 – 1 pm).

Cost: $50 fee, $25 to be refunded if you attend 9 of 10 classes.  Payment can be made at the orientation session.

To enroll: Contact Rachel Ploskonka at

Online Course:

Orientation: Week of May 30

Classes: Week of June 6  through week of August 8

Cost: $50, $25 to be refunded with full participation in discussion board

There are three ways to enroll:

  1. Send $50 check made payable to Healthy for Life to Lynn Rossy, 205 Heinkel Building by May 18 so we have time to send you your books.
  2. Pay by credit card by calling Dee Sanders at the Healthy for Life office (884-1312) by May 18 so we have time to send you your books.
  3. Drop by the Healthy for Life Offices (8am-5pm, excluding noontime) anytime before May 27 to get your books and make your payment.

For more information: Contact Rachel Ploskonka at

Healthy for Life’s regular 10 week program on creating a healthy relationship with your food, body, and mind is now a course you can take online in your own home on your own time.  Video and audio components teach you the foundational mindfulness practices (meditation and yoga) and the BASICS of Mindful Eating.

This is an exciting opportunity to take a class in the comfort of your own home.  All you need is a computer and, of course, the time to commit to taking the class.  Everyone that signs up will be going through the class at the same time.  You will have a week to complete each section.  There are practice exercises to complete each day.  All is completely explained on Blackboard once you get signed in.

Read what participants have to say about the class:

“EFL has been a transformational experience…my relationship to food has changed dramatically.  I actually think about food much less than before — now it’s rarely on my mind until I begin to experience hunger.  And I am savoring my food infinitely more…EFL embodies an intuitive, gracious approach to living, and I am captivated by the gentleness and kindness inherent in the process.”

–Linda Dyer

“It is amazing that 10 weeks have gone past…I will use the “make peace with food” for a long time to come, that has been the most successful tip. I don’t have forbidden food, or food that is “bad”. I can have it just in the quantity that will satisfy…I thank you for the insight and the motivation.  You have made this a successful experience that has changed my life.”

–Amy Hampton

Weight Watchers At Work: Clark Hall Meeting

Join the Clark Hall Weight Watchers class this Wednesday, May 25th. Healthy for Life offers a 25% rebate to faculty & staff who attend 12 of 13 in-person meetings (at work or community) or join online and record their weight 11 of 12 weeks. Weight Watchers fees are fully reimbursable through the Flexible Spending Account with appropriate medical documentation. Payment options are available for the in person classes–cash, check or credit card.

*At Work:

  • Clark Hall Open House on May 25 from 11:50 a.m.-12:50 p.m. in Room 542. Pay $156 for 13 weeks or join mid-session for a prorated fee. There will be free eTools for all paid members and the instructor is offering a special prize drawing for an upfront 25% discount if there are 16 people to join. During the last year, this class has lost more than 660 pounds.

*Community: Find a nearby location at

*Online Program: Sign up at

Questions? Email Healthy for Life at

Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction Program – REGISTER NOW for Summer Class

Healthy for Life–
the T. E. Atkins University of Missouri Wellness Program–is offering an intensive class in Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction to University of Missouri faculty and staff (and their partners, spouses, and adult family members).

Enroll now for this 8-week program to learn skills for responding to the stresses of life with skill and creativity.  Classes include instruction in formal mindfulness practices (sitting meditation, body scan, mindful yoga, and walking meditation) and information about stress, communication, and wellness.  Participants will be asked to engage in group discussions in class and daily practice exercises outside of class that support applying awareness, skill, and compassion to all aspects of work and personal life.  Regular class attendance and a commitment of approximately 30 minutes of practice per day for the duration of the course are recommended.

Orientation session: Wednesday, June 1 from 5-7 p.m.  (in the Memorial Union)

8-week class: Wednesdays (June 8 – July 27) 5-7 p.m.

Full-day retreat: Saturday, July 16 (9 a.m. – 4 p.m.)

Cost of $40 includes a CD, DVD, and a training manual ($20 to be refunded if you attend 7 of the 8 classes).   Partners, spouses and adult family members can attend free of charge if they use the same materials.

For more information or to register for the orientation meeting, please contact Lynn Rossy at

Choices for Balance Workshop

Do you feel overwhelmed, super stressed, or struggle to decide which activity to tackle next?  Learn better balance for all work and home activities.  This course will give you access to the personal tools we all have that can immediately improve your quality of life.  Participants will learn simple, proven techniques that will allow enjoyment of each moment to its fullest potential. Classes are offered every Tuesday, see schedule below. Registration is required and the deadline for each session is the Friday prior to the Tuesday class. Cost is $5 for materials and classes are held at 127 Lower Bingham. To sign up, email Wellness Ambassador Julie D’Auteuil at or call her at (573) 884-7287.

  • Tuesday, May 17th , 4:15-4:55 p.m.

Workplace Fitness Opportunities

Take advantage of these classes that fit your budget. Full payment is due at the beginning of the first class and space is limited. Please contact the instructor directly to register or for questions. All classes are designed so that exercises can be performed in work clothes.

  • Drop In, ongoing: Lunchtime-Me Time Strength Conditioning. Ellis Library, Room 4F51. Class meets every Monday from 12:15-12:45 p.m. and costs $1 for each class. No registration is needed and class is taught by Nani Fudge. If you have questions, click here to email Nani.
  • Drop In, ongoing: Lunchtime-Me Time Strength Conditioning. Ellis Library, Room 4F51. Class meets every Wednesday from 12:15-12:45 p.m. and costs $1 for each class. No registration is needed and class is taught by Nani Fudge. If you have questions, click here to email Nani.
  • May 23-25: Yoga BootCamp Teaser. Memorial Union, rooms vary. Class meets on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday from 12:1012:50 p.m. and costs $9 for the three-day class. Registration is required and can be done by emailing Ashley Jenkins.
  • June 20 & 27: Yin Yang Session A. Memorial Union, rooms vary. Class meets from 12:10-12:50 p.m. and costs $6. Class targets the connective tissues and joints. Mat is recommended but not necessary. Registration is required and can be done by emailing Ashley Jenkins.
  • July 18 & 25: Yin Yang Session B. Memorial Union, rooms vary. Class meets from 12:10-12:50 p.m. and costs $6. Class targets the connective tissues and joints. Mat is recommended but not necessary. Registration is required and can be done by emailing Ashley Jenkins.
  • June 21-July 26: Core. Memorial Union, rooms vary. Class meets on Tuesdays from 12:10-12:50 p.m. and costs $15. Class emphasizes strengthening, lengthening and defining the mid-section. Mat is recommended but not necessary. Registration is required and can be done by emailing Ashley Jenkins.
  • June 22-July 27: Foundations of Power Vinyasa. Memorial Union, rooms vary. Class meets Wednesdays from 12:10-12:50 p.m. and costs $18 for the six-week session. Mat is recommended but not necessary. Registration is required and can be done by emailing Ashley Jenkins.

Kudos to Mizzou Business School

The Mizzou Business School Walking Challenge numbers are in: 58% completed their 1 million steps between November 1 and May 1! A special congratulations to three participants who reached 2 million steps in that time: Bamsi Kanuri, Linda Runnebaum and Dan Turban!

If you want to start a walking challenge in your department today, email Jenny Workman at

MU Staff Recognition Week: Powerwalks

Staff Recognition Week powerwalks (sponsored by Healthy for Life)

Raise that heart rate! Staff Recognition Week powerwalks are scheduled at multiple locations across campus for your convenience. Select the powerwalk that works best for you. Times and places are listed below. (Please note, not all locations are offered daily.) And don’t forget to enter to win one of three prizes offered by Healthy for Life. Walkers are eligible to receive one entry for every powerwalk participated in.

Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center, 134 Research Park Drive, near the Research Reactor
Date/Time: Monday, May 16th – Friday, May 20th; 12:10 p.m
Route/approx distance:  2 miles and would take an experienced walker about 35 minutes. Hinkson Creek under South Providence, by Mizzou athletic center, around Football stadium, across Providence bridge, through Walton Stadium/training complex, and back to Dalton.
(Laura McClaskey)

Jesse Hall (Meet in front of Jesse Hall by the magnolia tree, Conley Ave side)
Date/Time: Monday, May 16 thru Friday, May 20th at Noon
Approximately an hour
(Marissa E. Neff)

Mumford Hall
Date/Time: Monday, May 16th – Friday, May20th; 12:00-12:45 p.m.
Route/approx distance:  2.35 miles. The start and finish will be at Mumford Hall.
(Jennifer L Goyne)

Reynolds Alumni (meet in the circle drive)
Date/Time: Monday, May 16th – Thursday, May 19th; 12:15 p.m
Approximately 30-40 minutes
(Kathy Smith)

Mizzou Recreation Trail Walk (Meet Corner of Mick Deaver & Champions Drive (in front of Mizzou Arena)
Date/Time:  Tuesday, May 17th 12:30 p.m.
Route/approx distance:  Walk down trail behind Mizzou Arena – about 1 mile paved; slight gradient; 30 minutes
(Barbara Wills)

Hitt Street and Rollins by the MU Bookstore
Date/Time: Thursday, May 19th at Noon
Approximately 40 minutes
(Jennifer Upah)
National Bike Month, Win Prizes
May is National Bike Month! To celebrate National Bike to Work Week (May 16-20), Healthy for Life will have prize drawings for those who bike to work that week. Send your name to Program Manager Jenny Workman at to be entered into the drawing. It’s a great time to enroll in the Ride to Wellness Odometer Program as well. We have odometers for $20 (payable by cash or check). Ride 500 miles and get your money back. If you already have an odometer, great. We will enroll you for FREE. By participating in the program, you’ll get prizes every 500 miles you ride. To enroll, contact Jenny.

For more information about National Bike Month, visit For more information about Healthy for Life, visit
PedNet Events and News

  • Confident City Cycling

Spend $80 to fill up your gas tank and drive for two weeks OR spend $80 on a Confident City Cycling class, drive less all summer, and pocket $80 a month as you cycle past the gas stations. Classes take place  Saturday, May 21 Contact or at 573-303-1033.

  • Bike, Walk and Wheel Week

Celebrate the 10th annual Mayor’s Challenge with BWWW, May 14-21. Register online here. Events are as follows:  Monday—Bike is Your Ticket on Transit all week (bicyclists ride the city bus for free all week) and Secret Access Trail Ride Flat Branch Park Gazebo 6 p.m. (20-mile ride roundtrip, helmets required); Tuesday—Rack, Pack and Roll 6-9 p.m. at the ARC; Wednesday–Family Fun Fest Flat Branch Park 6-8 p.m.; Thursday—Try Transit Day (Everybody rides for free, all day long) and Walt’s Bike Maintenance Workshop 6:30 p.m.; Friday–Breakfast Station Day 7 a.m.-9 a.m. (Breakfast Station Map ); and Saturday—Riding Out Poverty in Mid-Missouri (fundraiser benefitting CMCA. For info, visit and  Wheelchair Wash & Roll, 12–4 p.m. at Stephens Lake Park. Question? Contact Janet Godon at

Use of 202 Ellis Library by the Student Success Center During Summer

Because of remodeling in the Student Success Center (SSC), there will be tutoring in Ellis Library, Room 202, during the Summer Session.

  • The tutors will mostly use the library tables in place and make use of the group study rooms at the south end of the reading room.
  • When the room is used for tutoring, the no talking provision will to be suspended.
  • A few rolling whiteboards will be brought over from SSC to be used in science and math tutoring
  • Writing tutors will have laptops assigned to them for the summer by the Student Success Center, so they will not need to use the Ellis computers during the tutoring sessions
  • Students waiting for tutoring appointments will likely use the Ellis Library computers as any student would, these are all enrolled students
  • Since there is no need to station a full time staff member in Ellis, there will not be any need to lock off the reading room after the tutoring sessions are done.

Ellis Library Space and Facility Advisory Committee Asks for Comments

The Ellis Library Space and Facility Advisory Committee was formed in October of 2010, and is chaired by Pat Jones, Head of Security and Facilities in Ellis Library. The committee is charged with advising the Library Management Team on how to re-purpose, renovate, and reallocate space, furnishings, equipment and facilities in Ellis in order to meet user needs and to support the mission of the MU Libraries.

A web site has been created to inform the library community about the projects that have been completed and those that are in process. There is also a suggestion form, as comments and suggestions are welcome regarding space and facility issues in Ellis Library.

The site is located at It can also be found from the Library Committees section on the Staff Web page.

Library Assembly Minutes, April 26

159 Ellis Library
April 26, 2011

Present: Members: Bette Stuart (chair), June DeWeese, Laura Buck, Suzy Bent, Stephen Clayton, Stephen Stanton, Gary Cox, Mark Ellis, Matt Stottle, Erin Zeller, PT Martin*.  Ex-officio: Jim Cogswell (Director) Felicity Dykas (MULAC), PT Martin (SRC)*. Guest: Leo Agnew.  Absent:

*Listed twice as representative from LTS and ex-officio SRC Chair

  • Announcements:
    • Jim C – Director Announcements:
      • News from Development Office: MU Libraries has been given permission to fill Library Development Officer Position (position formerly held b y Gena Scott).  Jim is working on job description and it will be posted soon.
      • Celebration of Service Top Ten List: Jim would like members of Library Assembly to help read off his “Top Ten List” of the Libraries’ accomplishments over the past year.  (No one opposed.) Jim will assign/contact as he assembles list.
      • Jim and LMT will  have their annual retreat in June.  A major topic will be succession planning – Developing a plan to react to upcoming retirements as there are a significant number of library employees (both Librarians and classified staff) reaching retirement age in the near future.
      • Math Library –In response to the concern over the collection and services at the Math Library (since the loss of Math LIS II position), Math Faculty and the Libraries resolved to create a GLA positions (20 hours per week) to maintain the Math collections, supervise Math students and maintain reduced service hours at the Math Library.
      • Library Systems Office – Reorganized  after LSO Director Kurt Kopp retired.  MU Libraries will house 6 (of 10) personnel that were formerly LSO employees.  They will operate as system employees with MU Libraries supervising. The two MERLIN and MOspace programmers will be have been assigned to LTS. The three employees who perform database procurement  functions, will be assigned to Access, Collections and Technical Services .  Details are still being worked out regarding the personnel that worked with digitization.   The number of digitization personnel will be determined by budget.
    • Bette Stuart– Acquisition:
      • LSO staff have been assigned to ACQ and moved into rooms 67 and 68 Ellis Library.
      • A new paper-cutter has arrived, the old one has left the building (no small accomplishment).
    • June DeWeese  – Access Services:
      • Access Services is looking at its ILL services operations. This is done every year but this year, the Greater Western Library Alliance (GWLA), of which we are a member, will be reviewing the GWLA-ILL best practices document in a meeting at Salt Lake City.  Last Best Practices document was written in 2002 – there are many things to update
      • Concerning the web page review, Judy and June are about ½ done with June’s assigned portion of the web review.
    • Erin Zeller – Special Collections:
      • Special Collections maps are currently on exhibit in the display cases.  Special Collections is working on a digital exhibit as well.
    • PT Martin – LTS:
      • Integrating LSO staff has inspired (necessitated) the reorganization of their offices.  They will all still be in either 76 Ellis Library or in the room across the hall, 75 Ellis Library.
  • MU Libraries Values Statement Discussion – at the previous meeting Library Assembly representatives were asked by the chair to have discussions with the departments they represented about the Libraries Value statements and bring comments back to the Assembly for further discussion.  They also urged, if possible, to have a member of the Diversity Action Committee present to help facilitate.
    • Library Assembly Discussion took place facilitated by Diversity Action Committee Chair (and Personnel Coordinator) Leo Agnew.
      • Notes and comments will be considered by LMT during their June Retreat.
      • Jim Cogswell hopes to have more discussion among libraries staff about the Values Statement.
      • He thanks everyone for looking at these and initiating serious discussions at their home departments.
      • Jim invites any group that had written notes of their meetings to please forward them to Mark Ellis.

If any employee would like to see the summary notes of the values statements discussion that took place during the Library Assembly meeting, please contact Mark Ellis or your Library Assembly Representative.

  • Thanks and next meeting:
    • Bette Stuart:
      • Thanks everyone for discussing with constituents and for bringing back comments to discuss with the group.
      • The next Library Assembly meeting is May 24.
        • Bette has asked Pat Jones to speak with the Assembly about the Ellis Library Space Planning Advisory Group.
        • Please keep in mind the assessment of the Library Assembly as an assessment process is written in the charge.