Student Excellence Award Winners

Congratulations to Rebecca Rodriquez, Veterinary Medicine Library, and Hong Li, Catalog Department, Access Services, Collections and Technical Services, winners of the Student Excellence Award for the fall 2010 semester! The reasons given in support of their nominations include:

Rebecca Rodriquez:

  • She is knowledgeable, approachable, enthusiastic, and greet everyone with a fantastic smile.
  • Her positive attitude and attention to details allows her to provide excellent reserve, circulation, and basic reference services to patrons.
  • Her longevity with the Veterinary Medicine Library (4 years).

Hong Li:

  • Her initiative and follow-up through allows her to work independently on a multitude of projects.
  • Her willingness to further her knowledge about cataloging different materials.
  • Her longevity with the Catalog Department (3 years).

News From the Exhibits Committee

What happened to the built-in cases in the colonnade?
The built-in cases in the colonnade are being renovated. The exhibit interior will be repainted, new backing boards will be installed (with black covering) and lighter shelves will be installed. The project is to be completed by the end of the year.

Food and Society Exhibit
The Food and Society Series of lectures and films is highlighted in this exhibit. Displayed are books on food policy, history and culture.  The exhibit is in the west oak case in the colonnade. See for more information.

Antebellum Gift Books Exhibit
Early nineteenth-century gift books were promoted by publishers as tokens of friendship, indicators of good taste, and instruments of refinement. Elaborately bound, and enhanced with engravings, these books provided a means of demonstrating American culture and ingenuity. View some on display in the east oak case in the colonnade. The exhibit was created by Anne Barker.

New Posts, Dec. 6-10

  1. Information/Action Items From Library Management Team Meeting 12/7/10
  2. Mizzou Advantage Video
  3. Healthy for Life Update
  4. December Lunchtime Leadership Book Talk
  5. Library Issues Forum – Free Speech Within a Diverse Workplace
  6. SDC Invite – SkillSoft myLearn Online Training Sessions
  7. Current MUSE Posts
  8. Tech Tip – Software Available From Tiger Tech
  9. Tech Tip – Recommendation for Sharepoint
  10. Library Assembly Minutes, Nov. 16

Information/Action Items From Library Management Team Meeting 12/7/10

Information/Action Items from Library Management Team meeting 12/7/10

Attendees:  Jim Cogswell, Ann Riley, Mike Holland, Deb Ward,

Guests: Leo Agnew, James Hunter

Support:  Mark Ellis

Ø  INFORMATIONAL:  Guest James Hunter, Director of the MU Employee Assistance Program (EAP),  discussed “Reflective Spaces”.   (Leo Agnew in attendance.)

o   ”Reflective spaces” is a tool/service developed by the EAP that can help organizations discuss and approach change.  Overall goal: create a learning organization.

o   After open discussion period, Leo and Director Hunter left the meeting.

Ø  INFORMATIONAL: Ellen Blair and Jim C. met with the Provost and his budget team last week (Tuesday, November 30th).

o   Discussed Library scenarios that would embrace two different possible funding cuts from the state to MU.

§  Scenario one: 10% reduction in state funding over the next three years.

§  Scenario two:  25% reduction in state funding over the next three years.

o   At this time, it is believed the cut to Higher Education will be somewhere between 13-15%.

§  Translates to a likely a 4-6% decrease to Library funding for the next three years.

o   Discussion ensued regarding how to address budget decrease.

§  Current savings from hiring freeze will help – But salary savings cannot cover anticipated cuts after fiscal year 2012.

§  University still expecting to try a salary increase of some kind.

  • Funding for any increase will need to come from within University departments, not from central funding.

§  Ongoing discussions will take place at future meetings and incorporating input of Faculty and Staff.

Ø  INFORMATIONAL:  MU Libraries All-Staff meeting will be: January 13,  2:00 – 3:30 pm

o   Along with a Budget updates and other reports, Jim would like to present MU Library Staffing data and projections assembled by Leo Agnew –(draft shared).

o   To be discussed further as we approach all staff meeting.

Healthy for Life Update

Flu Clinics
Healthy for Life: TE Atkins University of Missouri Wellness Program invites you to get your flu shot if you’ve not already done so. MU faculty,  staff  and retirees can join us for one of the flu clinics listed below. UM Faculty & Staff Benefits will provide FREE flu shots to UM Choice Health Care members (9 years and older) who bring their Coventry card. For those who are not enrolled in the UM Choice Health Care program, the cost will be $25, which may be paid by cash or check. Those between 9 and 18 years old must be accompanied by an adult at all times.  Due to different vaccination needs, children age 8 and younger may obtain their flu vaccine from their healthcare provider, health department or community clinic.

  • Dec. 14 from 1-3 p.m. at Jesse Hall, Auditorium Lobby
  • Dec. 15 from 1-3 p.m. at Vet Med, Third Floor of the Vet Med Teaching Hospital or in the Conference Room (look for signs)
  • Dec. 16 from 3-5 p.m. at Hulston Hall (Law School), Room 204

Along with your insurance card, bring your COMPLETED FLU SHOT FORM to the vaccination site.

Massage Therapy-Great Holiday Gift!

De-stress this season with massage therapy! Licensed Massage Therapist Jeff Rioux provides clinical massage therapy in his office at University Hospital (GL-20). He also provides department chair massage in three-hour blocks. To schedule an individual appointment or chair massage, call Healthy for Life at 884-1312.

If you’d like to buy a gift certificate, stop by Medtique Gift Shop in University Hospital or the Healthy for Life office at 205 Heinkel Building on campus, OR  drop a check in campus mail to 205 Heinkel Building specifying the length of session you want. Make checks payable to Healthy for Life.

Faculty and staff  receive a discount: Hours of availability:
30 minutes: $30 Mondays & Tuesdays: 10 a.m.-7 p.m.
60 minutes: $45 Wednesdays: 1-7 p.m.
90 minutes: $65 Thursdays: 11 a.m.-7 p.m.

Workplace Fitness Opportunities

Take advantage of these classes that fit your budget. Full payment is due at the beginning of the first class and space is limited. Please contact the instructor directly to register or for questions. All classes are designed so that exercises can be performed in work clothes.

  • Drop In, ongoing: Lunchtime-Me Time Strength Conditioning. Ellis Library, Room 4F51. Class meets every Monday from 12:15-12:45 p.m. and costs $1 for each class. No registration is needed and class is taught by Nani Fudge. If you have questions, click here to email Nani.
  • Drop In, ongoing: Lunchtime-Me Time Strength Conditioning. Ellis Library, Room 4F51. Class meets every Wednesday from 12:15-12:45 p.m. and costs $1 for each class. No registration is needed and class is taught by Nani Fudge. If you have questions, click here to email Nani.
  • Jan. 10-Mar. 7 (excludes Jan. 17) : Hatha Yoga. Missouri Psychiatric Gym. Class meets on Mondays from 12:10 to 12:50 and costs $16 for the four-week session. Hatha Yoga class includes breath control, postures for flexibility, toning, and strengthening, as well as relaxation techniques. Class is suitable for all levels. Instructor emphasizes individual’s needs in correct posture and balance in these areas. Instructor has taught for more than 30 years and studied in India and the US. Pre-registration is required and registration deadline is Jan. 3. Click here to sign up with Kate Walker.
  • Jan. 7-Feb. 21: Hatha Yoga. Missouri Psychiatric Gym. Class meets on Fridays from 12:10 to 12:50 and costs $16 for the three-week session. Hatha Yoga class includes breath control, postures for flexibility, toning, and strengthening, as well as relaxation techniques. Class is suitable for all levels. Instructor emphasizes individual’s needs in correct posture and balance in these areas. Instructor has taught for more than 30 years and studied in India and the US. Pre-registration is required and registration deadline is Jan. 3. Click here to sign up with Kate Walker.

December Newsletter

The December 2010 Wellness Newsletter is hot off the press.  If you would like to read about other programs, success stories, and events, please subscribe by sending us an email or catch the newsletter online at Healthy for Life.

Share Your Sole 5K Run or Walk

(Taken from MU Info)

MizzouRec & Team Mizzou would like to invite you to sign up for their first 5K Run/Walk! All proceeds benefit the Shoeman Water Projects-turning used shoes into water! The Share Your Sole 5K will be held on Saturday December 11th, starting at 12:30pm from Stankowski Field traveling through campus and downtown Columbia. Entry fee is $20 or $15 & 3 pairs of used shoes. Used shoes can be any type of shoes–tennis shoes, flip flops, dress shoes, etc! Entry forms can be found at the MizzouRec Membership Desk or at If you only want to donate your used shoes for this great cause instead of race participation, stop by the MizzouRec Membership Desk to drop off your donation! For more information,

Managing Relationships: Striving for a Healthy Life-Work Balance

(Taken from MU Info)

Commit to lunch with the Employee Assistance Program and learn ways to better manage some of life’s challenges. Presentations by Sarah Wells, MSW, LCSW will be held in 102 Parker Hall from 12-12:45 p.m. as follows: December 14- Managing Relationship Conflict and January 11- Prioritizing Marriage in 2011. This presentation is open to employees, retirees, and their families. Lunch is welcome and RSVP is appreciated. For more information about Work-Life programs or other programs offered by EAP visit our website at or contact Tammie at 882-6701 or

December Lunchtime Leadership Book Talk

The next Lunchtime Leadership Book Talk will take place Dec. 17, 2010, from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m., in room 4F51-A Ellis Library.

This is an opportunity for MU Libraries employees to gather informally over lunch and share quotes from books or articles on the topic of leadership or management that seem especially pertinent for MU Libraries right now. This is open to all library employees as it seems sensible to hear from current and emerging leaders within the organization in terms of what they are reading on the topic.

Attendance is voluntary but compensable for non-exempt supervisors since the discussion applies to the workplace. As such, schedule adjustments may be needed to offset overtime considerations. RSVP’s are not required.

But, we ask you bring a brief something to share with the group, e.g., copies of the talking points of the book or journal article. For examples of documents shared at the Nov. session, go to – this leads to a SharePoint site.

Library Issues Forum – Free Speech Within a Diverse Workplace

The MU Libraries will hold a forum on the topic of “Free Speech within a Diverse Workplace,” to include discussions of employee rights and responsibilities as well as the role of social media in the workplace. The forum will be held Tuesday, December 14, from 10:30 – 12:00, 103-A Stotler Lounge, Memorial Union.

Noel English and Noor Azizan-Gardner to facilitate the forum. Both are part of the Chancellor’s Diversity Initiative – Noel as the Director of MU Equity, and Noor as Director of Diversity Programming and Professional Development. They will begin the forum with a review of MU’s and the Libraries’ commitment to diversity followed by an assessment of case studies to illustrate where employee rights and responsibilities seem clear-cut, and where gray areas exists.

This is an important topic, and all library employees are invited to attend.  We are all affected by political, cultural and social issues in the workplace, and we need to be able to express differences in opinion in respectful, courteous and constructive ways. The forum will explore ways to accomplish this. Release time is available; RSVP’s are not required.

SDC Invite – SkillSoft myLearn Online Training Sessions

You are invited to a hands-on session to learn more about myLEARN, the new online learning program sponsored by both UM System and campus HR. myLearn is available on myHR (myHR > Self Service > Personal Information > HR Training – myLearn). All faculty and staff have complete access to the program offerings, including online courses and other resources—from highly technical topics to software application instruction, business skills development and legal compliance awareness. Some programs offer certification to verify the training was completed.

Come see what all the excitement is about with SkillSoft. The first training session will take place Tuesday, Dec. 21, from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m., room 213 Ellis Library. The second will take place Wednesday, Jan. 5, from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m., room 213 Ellis. Representatives from System and campus HR will conduct the training. Release time is available. I’ll send an Outlook notice and ask for RSVP’s as space is limited to X number of users.

Whether you attend a training session or not, I encourage you to access SkillSoft, as we need to have discussions of what to do with this resource at both the group and individual levels. For example, if I want to do some individual training, questions arise like how many hours can I devote to training per week/month; who identifies the courses I can access; do they have to be job related or can I explore other topics; and so on. My two-cents is the more individuals who look at SkillSoft and its features, the better the conversation we can have on making the most of it for staff development.