Healthy for Life Update

Flu Clinics
Healthy for Life: TE Atkins University of Missouri Wellness Program invites you to get your flu shot if you’ve not already done so. MU faculty,  staff  and retirees can join us for one of the flu clinics listed below. UM Faculty & Staff Benefits will provide FREE flu shots to UM Choice Health Care members (9 years and older) who bring their Coventry card. For those who are not enrolled in the UM Choice Health Care program, the cost will be $25, which may be paid by cash or check. Those between 9 and 18 years old must be accompanied by an adult at all times.  Due to different vaccination needs, children age 8 and younger may obtain their flu vaccine from their healthcare provider, health department or community clinic.

  • Dec. 14 from 1-3 p.m. at Jesse Hall, Auditorium Lobby
  • Dec. 15 from 1-3 p.m. at Vet Med, Third Floor of the Vet Med Teaching Hospital or in the Conference Room (look for signs)
  • Dec. 16 from 3-5 p.m. at Hulston Hall (Law School), Room 204

Along with your insurance card, bring your COMPLETED FLU SHOT FORM to the vaccination site.

Massage Therapy-Great Holiday Gift!

De-stress this season with massage therapy! Licensed Massage Therapist Jeff Rioux provides clinical massage therapy in his office at University Hospital (GL-20). He also provides department chair massage in three-hour blocks. To schedule an individual appointment or chair massage, call Healthy for Life at 884-1312.

If you’d like to buy a gift certificate, stop by Medtique Gift Shop in University Hospital or the Healthy for Life office at 205 Heinkel Building on campus, OR  drop a check in campus mail to 205 Heinkel Building specifying the length of session you want. Make checks payable to Healthy for Life.

Faculty and staff  receive a discount: Hours of availability:
30 minutes: $30 Mondays & Tuesdays: 10 a.m.-7 p.m.
60 minutes: $45 Wednesdays: 1-7 p.m.
90 minutes: $65 Thursdays: 11 a.m.-7 p.m.

Workplace Fitness Opportunities

Take advantage of these classes that fit your budget. Full payment is due at the beginning of the first class and space is limited. Please contact the instructor directly to register or for questions. All classes are designed so that exercises can be performed in work clothes.

  • Drop In, ongoing: Lunchtime-Me Time Strength Conditioning. Ellis Library, Room 4F51. Class meets every Monday from 12:15-12:45 p.m. and costs $1 for each class. No registration is needed and class is taught by Nani Fudge. If you have questions, click here to email Nani.
  • Drop In, ongoing: Lunchtime-Me Time Strength Conditioning. Ellis Library, Room 4F51. Class meets every Wednesday from 12:15-12:45 p.m. and costs $1 for each class. No registration is needed and class is taught by Nani Fudge. If you have questions, click here to email Nani.
  • Jan. 10-Mar. 7 (excludes Jan. 17) : Hatha Yoga. Missouri Psychiatric Gym. Class meets on Mondays from 12:10 to 12:50 and costs $16 for the four-week session. Hatha Yoga class includes breath control, postures for flexibility, toning, and strengthening, as well as relaxation techniques. Class is suitable for all levels. Instructor emphasizes individual’s needs in correct posture and balance in these areas. Instructor has taught for more than 30 years and studied in India and the US. Pre-registration is required and registration deadline is Jan. 3. Click here to sign up with Kate Walker.
  • Jan. 7-Feb. 21: Hatha Yoga. Missouri Psychiatric Gym. Class meets on Fridays from 12:10 to 12:50 and costs $16 for the three-week session. Hatha Yoga class includes breath control, postures for flexibility, toning, and strengthening, as well as relaxation techniques. Class is suitable for all levels. Instructor emphasizes individual’s needs in correct posture and balance in these areas. Instructor has taught for more than 30 years and studied in India and the US. Pre-registration is required and registration deadline is Jan. 3. Click here to sign up with Kate Walker.

December Newsletter

The December 2010 Wellness Newsletter is hot off the press.  If you would like to read about other programs, success stories, and events, please subscribe by sending us an email or catch the newsletter online at Healthy for Life.

Share Your Sole 5K Run or Walk

(Taken from MU Info)

MizzouRec & Team Mizzou would like to invite you to sign up for their first 5K Run/Walk! All proceeds benefit the Shoeman Water Projects-turning used shoes into water! The Share Your Sole 5K will be held on Saturday December 11th, starting at 12:30pm from Stankowski Field traveling through campus and downtown Columbia. Entry fee is $20 or $15 & 3 pairs of used shoes. Used shoes can be any type of shoes–tennis shoes, flip flops, dress shoes, etc! Entry forms can be found at the MizzouRec Membership Desk or at If you only want to donate your used shoes for this great cause instead of race participation, stop by the MizzouRec Membership Desk to drop off your donation! For more information,

Managing Relationships: Striving for a Healthy Life-Work Balance

(Taken from MU Info)

Commit to lunch with the Employee Assistance Program and learn ways to better manage some of life’s challenges. Presentations by Sarah Wells, MSW, LCSW will be held in 102 Parker Hall from 12-12:45 p.m. as follows: December 14- Managing Relationship Conflict and January 11- Prioritizing Marriage in 2011. This presentation is open to employees, retirees, and their families. Lunch is welcome and RSVP is appreciated. For more information about Work-Life programs or other programs offered by EAP visit our website at or contact Tammie at 882-6701 or

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