Second Annual Department Equipment/Office Supplies Swap Meet

On Tuesday August 3rd from 10:30 a.m. -1:30 p.m., we invite all departments to come look over all used supplies and equipment in our surplus area. On Wednesday August 4th from 10:30 a.m. -1:30 p.m. all items departments cannot use will be available for all staff to take home for personal use. Personal items must be taken out of the surplus room by Wednesday at 1:30pm unless other arrangements are made with security.  The surplus room is located on the ground floor at the bottom of the center stairwell.  If you have any questions please contact Pat Jones in security.

Healthy for Life Update

Ride to Wellness Odometer Program
Summertime and bike rides go hand-in-hand. The Ride to Wellness program encourages movement for those riding bicycles or using wheelchairs. For $20 participants receive an odometer and logbook. When you reach 500 miles, turn in the booklet for a prize and receive a $20 refund. To enroll, send or bring a $20 check (our cost, made payable to Healthy for Life) to 205 Heinkel Building. Click here for more information.

Check out the GetAbout Columbia’s website for multiple cycling opportunities such as commuter skill classes, family fun rides, and guided rides.

Preserving the Harvest: Water Bath Canning
Colorful peppers, tasty tomatoes, juicy peaches and other fresh produce…are all so easy to preserve. Make plans to attend a water bath canning workshop Tuesday, August 10 from 6 – 8:30 p.m. at the University of Missouri Extension Center, 1012 N. Hwy UU, Columbia  Registration Fee is $15, and all participants must register by August 4. The workshop will include detailed research-based information and recipes for water-bath canning a wide variety of foods, demonstrations and time for answering your preservation questions. For more information, contact Vera Massey, Nutrition & Health Education Specialist @ 573-445-9792 or or see attached flier.

Join The Village at Show-Me STATE GAMES
Enjoy free food, entertainment, and fun activities for all ages! The Show-Me STATE GAMES Village will serve as registration and general headquarters for participants, and will encourage non-participants to enjoy the festival and participate in the goals and mission of the STATE GAMES in a new and exciting way. The Village will be located in the Hearnes Center parking lot and is anticipated to increase attendance at the Opening Ceremonies and encourage both Show-Me STATE GAMES participants and non-participants to engage in a variety of activities that introduce them to the STATE GAMES. The Show-Me STATE GAMES Village will kick-off the 2010 Show-Me STATE GAMES beginning July 16 at 2 p.m. and continue until the Opening Ceremonies at 6 p.m. The Village will re-open Saturday, July 17 from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. For more information, click here.

Workplace Fitness Opportunities
Take advantage of these classes that fit your budget. Full payment is due at the beginning of the first class and space is limited. Please contact the instructor directly to register or for questions. All classes are designed so that exercises can be performed in work clothes.

  • July 19- Aug. 23: Yoga. Missouri Psychiatric Gym. Class meets on Mondays from 12:10 to 12:50 and costs $12 for the six week session. Pre-registration is required and registration deadline is July 17. Click here to sign up with Kate Walker.
  • July 21- Aug. 18: Beginner Yoga. Missouri Psychiatric Gym. Class meets on Wednesdays from 4:30 to 5:15 and costs $12 for the six week session. This is a beginners class for those who aren’t flexible, however all levels of fitness are welcome. Pre-registration is required and registration deadline is July 19. Click here to sign up with Kate Walker.
  • July 23- Aug. 27: Yoga. Missouri Psychiatric Gym. Class meets on Fridays from 12:15 to 12:50 and costs $12 for the six week session. This class is designed for maximum toning, flexibility, and relaxation. Pre-registration is required and registration deadline is July 21. Click here to sign up with Kate Walker.
  • Aug. 5- 19: Core and More. School of Nursing, Room S265. Class meets Wednesdays 12:10-12:50 and costs $6 for the three week session. Build crucial core strength, increase mobility, and decrease pain & stress! Mats are recommended, all levels welcome. Pre-registration is required and registration deadline is Aug. 3. Click here to sign up with Rebekka Mars.

Research on Exercise and Statin Treatment
We are seeking overweight men and women between 25 and 59 years of age who do not currently exercise to participate in a study in the Exercise Physiology Laboratory.  The study includes 3 months of taking a statin medication (commonly prescribed to lower cholesterol levels), exercising 5 days a week, or exercising while taking the statin medication.  Participants will receive free health and body fat assessments, a free personalized exercise program, as well as monetary compensation.  For more information, please contact the Exercise Physiology study coordinator at 882-6892 or email

Seeking Healthy Men
The Department of Nutrition and Exercise Physiology is seeking individuals for a study on how different types of weight-bearing exercise affect bone health. We are looking for healthy men, 25-60 years old who are currently participating in 4hr/wk of physical activity for the last 2 years and not currently participating in strength or plyometric (jumping) training .  You will receive free and supervised resistance training or plyometric training, body composition testing, bone mineral density assessment and payment after completing the study. If interested, please call 882-9917 or e-mail

Women’s Fitness Trail Rides
Join the fun on these weekly rides every Thursday, now through August 26. Meet at 6 p.m. at the parking area adjacent to Rio Grande Restaurant, 3306 Broadway Business Park Ct. just to the west of Hy-Vee on W. Broadway. These medium-paced, fitness-focused rides are just for the gals.  Optional social gathering follows to discuss commuting tips and route planning.  Plan to ride for 1 – 1 ½ hours.  No one will be left behind and we do not ride the BIG HILL on Chapel Hill to get to the MKT.  Come learn an EASY and convenient way to the MKT from southwest Columbia. For additional bicycle educational opportunities, including the Confident City Cycling classes,  please check out the GetAbout Columbia website or call Janet at 573-442-7189 with more questions.

Columbia By Bike
See Columbia from a different view every Monday now through August 23.  Meet at 6 p.m. at the parking area adjacent to Rio Grande Restaurant, 3306 Broadway Business Park Ct.  just to the west of Hy-Vee on W. Broadway. Join us for on-road rides highlighting bike routes, bike lanes and low traffic routes, designed to help you get where you want to go by bike.  Routes will vary each week. For additional bicycle educational opportunities, including the Confident City Cycling classes,  please check out the GetAbout Columbia website or call Janet at 573-442-7189 with more questions.

Benefits Office Has Upgraded Online Retirement Calculator

UM System Benefits Office has upgraded its online retirement calculator; check it out at: myHR and sign in – SelfService – Personal Information – Retirement Calculator link – Retirement Calculator (take you to an external web site) – log in again – Click on ‘I Understand’ button on the disclaimer page – you will see several links including one for estimating your future pension payments (which allows you to add in other retirement payments such as Social Security, IRA’s, etc.). The calculator works best in Internet Explorer. I am working with Benefits to schedule a couple of on-site demos of the new calculator and will keep you posted on when/where.


MU Staff Advisory Council – Staff Development Award

Are you trying to find funding to attend a conference or workshop? The Staff Development Award can help. Available to MU campus staff (individuals and groups), the program is intended to assist in personal and professional development. Applications must be received by August 16, 2010 to be considered for the September 15, 2010 award. Submission of application does not guarantee funding. Visit for information on the program and how to apply. Have questions? Call Gina Scavone in the Staff Advisory Council office at 882-4269.