One Read Book to Be Discussed on KBIA’s Intersection, Nov. 2nd

One Read book “The Air We Breath” to be discussed on community talk show Intersection on Monday November 2nd.

Join us on Monday November 2nd from 12-1pm on to discuss One Read book of the year, “The Air We Breath” by Andrea Barrett.
Intersection is a new talk show produced by KBIA and the Reynolds Journalism Institute. You can listen to the show on KBIA 2 digital radio, or watch the show live by visiting, clicking on the link for Intersection, then the link to watch it live. Or just visit between 12-1pm on Monday November 2nd.

On Intersection, we want YOU to become part of the conversation. Share your thoughts about the book by calling in at 573-882-8925, e-mailing us at, or participating in the live online chat throughout the broadcast.

Questions? E-mail

Intersection: Where People and Ideas Meet on KBIA.

Call for Action from MLA Support Staff/Paraprofessional SIG

The mission of the MLA Support Staff/Paraprofessional SIG is to provide a forum for support staff and to serve as a resource for personal and professional development. The Support Staff/Paraprofessional Special Interest Group (PARASIG) consists of members of the Missouri Library Association to provide support to the 66% of library workers who do not have a Masters Degree in Library Science.

I encourage you to visit to see what we are about and the resources available there. We are looking for people to serve as officers for this group. This is a wonderful opportunity for someone to learn valuable leadership skills or if you already have the skills, you can utilize them to further the development of this group! We are looking for a Reporter and Vice-Chair and having two people work together as co-chairs is also an option. Much of the work of this group is done without having face-to-face meetings, but you do have to be a member of MLA to serve as an officer. In addition, you may need to attend an MLA Board meeting and the annual conference, so check with your supervisor to see if this is possible. You can go to to find out more about us, including the specific responsibilities for the two offices. If you would like to volunteer for this opportunity or if you have a suggestion for someone (a fellow staff member or someone you know) who would like to be involved, or if you have questions about the group, please contact Connie Bush, Chair ( as soon as possible.

UM Benefit Plan Reminder

A reminder that the Annual Enrollment Change Period for enrollment/changes in benefits for 2009 will end on November 6, 2009. You are now able to initiate enrollment changes online through UM’s myHR at However, if you are not making changes to your current benefit program, no action is required on your part. Coverage will continue into 2010.

Also, if you currently participate in the Flexible Spending program and wish to do so in 2010, you must re-enroll each year and do so at this time.

Information on plan changes and costs for 2009 can be found at Contact Faculty and Staff Benefits at 882-2146 for additional information.

Tech Tip: Warning About Viruses in Holiday E-mails

As we approach the holidays, notices of e-mails containing viruses and actual e-mail viruses are beginning to circulate. These notices ask you to click a link, which may take you to a site containing a virus or some other type of malware.

Please, follow these simple suggestions to keep your computer safe:

If you get a forwarded e-mail *about* a circulating virus, check under the subject of the email. More than likely, the warning has been circulating for years and that particular virus is no longer a threat. Don’t trust the message when it says that it’s already been checked at Snopes or some other service; check yourself.

If you receive an e-mail with subjects like “An e-mail card for you!”, “A(n) Hallmark card for you!” or some other generic subject like this, delete it! On line card providers will have your name in the subject line, something like, “PT, Ernest sent you an online card!”.

As always, if you have ANY doubt about the legitimacy of an e-mail, delete it or ask someone in LTS.

More Online Resources Cataloged!

The Catalog Department cataloged two large ebook series and one collection this month. They are:

ACS Symposium Series: This series consisted of over 1,000 titles published by the American Chemical Society in the last 30 years, covering a variety of topics in chemistry.
Advances in Chemistry Series: Over 250 titles published from the 1950’s, also by the American Chemical Society.
University of Pittsburgh Press Digital Editions: Nearly 500 titles which the University of Pittsburgh has chosen to make open access, including many out of print titles.

As a reminder, you can now limit to ebooks in searches in MERLIN with the expanded Material Type limits.

The Espresso Book Machine Open House

THE UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE is proud to introduce our new Espresso Book Machine® (EBM) at an open house on November 4th, 2009 from 4 to 6 P.M. (lower level,
University Bookstore). Utilizing open source and on-demand publishing, this new technology can create library quality books and expand self-publishing for faculty
and students at an affordable price. As one of the few university bookstores in the country with an Espresso Book Machine® we are thrilled to share this new technology with you. Enjoy light refreshments and view information and
examples regarding this exciting new technology.