“Art Explorers” to entertain, teach children about Missouri history

June 24, 2009
Contact: Joan Stack (573) 882-9368

“Art Explorers” to entertain, teach children about Missouri history
By The State Historical Society of Missouri

COLUMBIA, MO—Parents and children are invited to take a trip back in time through “Art Explorers: Discovering George Caleb Bingham’s Missouri” at The State Historical Society of Missouri from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 11, 2009. This interactive program will help children learn about Missouri’s cultural and artistic past through the famed works of George Caleb Bingham and give participants hands-on experience with replica clothing, toys, and other objects from the period, 1810-1880.

Attendees will help Society Art Curator Joan Stack pack a suitcase for a trip back to the 1800s, using Bingham’s paintings as a guide for deciding if an object fits with the time period. Each child will also decorate an “explorer’s telescope” to take home as a memento of the experience.

“Art Explorers” is designed for children in kindergarten through fifth grade, with at least one accompanying adult for every two participants. Admission is $5 per child, with no cost for adults. The program is free to Society member families. Registration is required by July 8 and can be made by calling the Society at (573) 882-7083.

The State Historical Society of Missouri is located in Ellis Library at the intersection of Hitt Street and Lowry Mall on the University of Missouri campus, with parking available in three nearby garages.

Program to answer if Lincoln visited Columbia

June 25, 2009
Contact: William Stolz (573) 882-0188

Program to answer if Lincoln visited Columbia
By The State Historical Society of Missouri/ Western Historical Manuscript Collection-Columbia

COLUMBIA, MO—Rumors that the 16th President of the United States came to town will be put to rest as William T. Stolz answers the question, “Did Abraham Lincoln visit Columbia?” in a presentation on Tuesday, July 7, 2009, at 7:30 p.m. at the Walters-Boone County Museum.

Mary Todd Lincoln had relatives in Columbia during the early1860s, and this fact coupled with the President’s documented travel to Missouri has given rise to reports that “Honest Abe” set foot in the Boone County community. Is it true? Stolz, assistant director of reference at Western Historical Manuscript Collection-Columbia, will examine the local hearsay and what reality lies behind it as part of a celebration of the 200th anniversary of Lincoln’s birth.

“Did Abraham Lincoln visit Columbia?” is free and open to the public. For more information, call the Western Historical Manuscript Collection-Columbia at (573) 882-6028.

New Posts, June 1-12

  1. Libraries Nominated Committees, Call for Self-Nominations
  2. FYI on Viewing Your Pay Stub Online
  3. MULSA Election Results
  4. Medical Library Association Contributions by HSL Librarians
  5. Check Out The Muse
  6. Diversity Action Committee Luncheon Follow Up
  7. Healthy for Life Update
  8. MOBIUS Presentation: What’s New in Cataloging
  9. Time and Labor Live Training for Supervisors
  10. Job Vacancy
  11. Reminder-June Library Issues Forum
  12. Promotion Announcements
  13. Goodbye to Michelle Berry

Libraries Appointed Committees – Call for Self-Nominations

The nomination form for membership on several MU Libraries Committees is now available on the staff Web page. All MU Libraries employees are encouraged to apply for committee membership with supervisory approval. Current committee members may apply for reappointment. The new committee appointments will be announced in August and will be effective no later than Sept. 1.

The following list provides information on the composition of the committees. For information on the charge of each committee, click on the associated links.
Staff Development Committee – Three librarians, not from the same division, three members of the support staff, not from the same division, and the Library Administrative Associate (ex officio);
Diversity Action Committee – Five to seven members representing all levels of full-time staff;
Preservation Committee – The Committee will consist of at least seven library staff members. A mix of members from Technical Services and Public Services, as well as branches and Ellis Library is desirable;
Exhibits Committee – The committee’s policy does not prescribe membership criteria or numbers; and
Communications Committee – Four members: two librarians and two staff members.

FYI on viewing your Pay Stub online (aka pay advice)

The following information is provided by MU Payroll:

A few things related to “opting out” of receiving paper pay advices. There are several advantages to electing this option:
• Fully leverage the features offered by myHR
• Contribute to sustainability and cut down on the use of paper (nearly 500,000 envelopes and pages printed annually)
• Significant savings of time and resources throughout System (nearly $100,000 in printing and postage costs system-wide)
• Time saved in the departments routing pay stubs, requesting reprints from payroll and forwarding pay advices when employees change departments

To encourage your staffs “opt out” of receiving printed advices please have them navigate to myHR at the following URL: https://myhr.umsystem.edu

Once signed on using their Paw Print and password, to elect to stop receiving printed pay advices navigate to: Self Service>Personal Information>UM Employee Data. Then click the “Check if you want to review your pay advice online through ePay and discontinue receiving a paper pay advice through campus mail.” check box. Be sure to have them save at the bottom when they’ve done so. (screen shot below as an example)

Then to access the pay advice each pay period the navigation is: Self Service>View Paycheck.
To view paid leave balances the navigation is: Self Service>Leave Balances.

MULSA Election Results

May 26 2009

President – Michael Spears

Vice President – Rachel Brekhus

Secretary – Colleen Smith

Treasurer – Jack Batterson

Social Chair – Ruthe Morse

Staff Room Chair – Tammy Green

Courtesy Chair – Delores Fisher

Community Service Chair – Steve Clayton

Muse Chair – Karla Geerlings and Rebecca Schedler

Book sale chair- Sandy Schiefer with Jerri Elridge serving the second year of her two-year term

Medical Library Association Contributions by HSL Librarians

Yes, the Medical Library Association met in Honolulu in May, but don’t let the exotic venue trick you into thinking it was just a party. MLA 2009 was, as always, a national-level professional meeting brimming with contributions from medical librarians of all kinds. Each of the four librarians who attended from MU did so because of an individual or team-member contribution that was highlighted in some way at the meeting. And they each attended many sessions crammed into the program to bring back new learning and ideas to MU. As one person stated, “I had no time to realize where I was. I was once again at MLA, surrounded by professional content and an endless stream of sessions and meetings!”

We’re proud of all of our contributors, but especially so of Trenton Boyd, who won the Murray Gottlieb Prize for best essay on the history of medicine. Not only did winning the prize bring professional recognition to the University of Missouri, it also helped to cover expenses for Trenton’s attendance at the meeting. See the photograph of Trenton receiving the prize at the meeting, and a photograph of him with Donald Lindberg, Director of the National Library of Medicine, and Lucretia McClure, one of MLA’s most esteemed emeritus members. The Murray Gottlieb prize is awarded annually, dating back to 1956, in order to recognize and stimulate health sciences librarians’ interest in the history of medicine.

The Tiger pride continues. Diane Johnson served on an invited four-member panel sponsored by the Collection Development Section to address the topic: “Technology and E-Resources: Evolving with the Times.”

Barb Jones and Rebecca Graves also attended the meeting, and presented on their collaborative efforts. MLA hosts contributed paper and poster sessions each year, the selections for which are based on criteria for professional rigor. Competition to contribute a paper is stiff, with only about one in four accepted. Poster sessions are not as competitive, but inclusion can never be taken for granted, since there are always more submissions than slots. The papers and posters are listed below.

Presented Papers:
“What might Google Books mean for medical libraries?” by Diane Johnson
“Infusing Health Sciences Libraries with Economic Muscle” by Elizabeth Kelly, Barbara B. Jones, John Bramble

“Creating a Framework for Collaborative Regional Library Research” by Deborah H. Ward AHIP, MaryEllen C. Sievert and Barbara B. Jones

“”Mapping Information Literacy: Using Concept Mapping to Understand Nurses’ Sources of Health Information” by Louise C. Miller, Rebecca S. Graves AHIP, Barbara B. Jones and Mary Ellen C. Sievert

Congratulations to all of our MU authors for this recognition of their work!
Deb Ward

P.S. Rebecca’s poster was blogged about at http://npc.mlanet.org/mla09/?p=662

Diversity Action Committee Luncheon Follow-up

The members of the Diversity Action Committee wish to offer our thanks to the following people for the successful outcome of the DAC’s Diversity Luncheon of June 10:
• Those who provided food. We’d like to collect recipes; send Leo the info when you get a second (agnewl@missouri.ed).
• Those who attended; the turnout was more than expected and a delight to see.
• All who helped with clean-up activities.
• Supervisors for approving release time for staff to both assist with and attend the event.
• MULSA for use of supplies, e.g., microwave, tablecloths, utensils.
• LTS for assistance with the music connection.
• Karen Eubanks for loan of the ‘diversity doll set.’
• Ivy Hui and Bill Phillips for taking pictures.

With the success of the event, DAC looks forward to sponsoring the Second Annual Diversity Luncheon in 2010.

On a related note, the world map activity has been moved to the staff lounge in Ellis. If you’ve not seen it, be sure to look for it the next time you visit the lounge. If you’ve not contributed your information, feel free to do so. Instructions are included with the map. What is the world map activity? It’s an opportunity for staff to identify their countries of heritage. The purpose is to recognize and celebrate the diversity among us.