Healthy for Life Update

Live Well, Be Well…
As part of the University of Missouri family, your health and wellness is top priority. Healthy for Life: The T.E. Atkins UM Wellness Program is here to help. With a variety of programs and resources, we encourage you to take charge of your health. Visit to view Healthy for Life’s website. Here you will find newsletters (current and past issues), success stories, upcoming events and information about all our programs.

Save the Date: Wellness Fairs
Healthy for Life will be holding its annual wellness fairs in October. If you have ideas or would like to volunteer, let us know! This year’s focus will be Metabolic Syndrome, a condition that can increase the risk of heart disease and Type II diabetes. There will be free screenings: blood pressure, cholesterol,blood sugar, height, and weight. In addition, there will be many exhibitors providing interactive tables. Mark your calendars!
• MU- Reynolds Alumni Center; Thursday, Oct. 22nd, 8 a.m.– 3 p.m.
• MUHS- University Hospital; Thursday, Oct. 29th, 8 a.m.– 3 p.m.

July Newsletter
The new monthly issue is now available on the Healthy for Life website. If you’d like to receive this newsletter in your inbox each month, e-mail Melissa Willett at with the subject line “Add to Newsletter”.

Yoga Opportunities- Now Enrolling
There are currently three new office yoga opportunities for only $2 per session! Contact YogaFit instructor, Ashley Jenkins, at to enroll. Space is limited to enroll today. All experience levels welcome!

• Mondays, July 27-Aug. 17. Classes meet 12:10-12:50 p.m. in the Woodrail Conference Room. $8 enrollment fee for 4-week session. Please register by July 22nd.

• Tuesdays, Aug. 25-Oct. 20. Classes meet 12:10-12:50 p.m. in Memorial Union. $16 enrollment fee per 8-week session.

• Thursdays, Aug. 27-Oct. 22. Classes meet 12:10-12:50 p.m. in Memorial Union. $16 enrollment fee per 8-week session.

Now Recruiting
Have you ever wanted to complete a marathon, half marathon or triathlon? Feel like you need additional support to reach your goal? Team in Training might be just what you’re looking for. In exchange for raising funds that will support the research and patient service activities of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, you will receive: four to five months of personalized fitness training by certified coaches, a supportive group of teammates, and event entry, lodging and airfare where applicable. Participants also receive tools and support to attain their fundraising goals. The best way to learn about the program is to attend one of the informational meetings listed below. For additional information please contact Dana Hughes at

• Thursday, August 6 a.m.- 6:30 p.m.; The ARC, 1701 W. Ash St
• Friday, August 7 – Noon; Toll-free Conference Call Dial 1-800-391-1709 and enter 131247 at the prompt
• Tuesday, August 11 – 6:00 p.m.; Shakespeare’s Pizza West, 3304 Broadway Business Park Ct

Tactical Assessment for Strategic Advantage: How the Journalism Library Satisfaction Survey Grows Collaboration

The Staff Development Committee invites library employees to a presentation by Dorothy Carner, Head, Journalism Libraries, on the ability of a user survey to drive collaboration efforts. Results from a Spring 2009 survey are shared along with a discussion of how the information highlights the need for partnership between the MU Libraries and the School of Journalism. Release time is available with supervisor approval. An Outlook meeting notice will be sent to library staff.

August 12, 2009
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
4F51-A Ellis Library

Library Issues Forum Reminder

The Staff Development Committee invites library employees to attend the next Library Issues Forum, scheduled for Tuesday, August 4 [corrected date], from 8:30 – 10:30 a.m., S304 Memorial Union. The session will be facilitated by Leo Agnew in which he will share the results of the DAC diversity survey, the SDC survey on committee effectiveness, and the post-elephants training survey. Release time is available with supervisor approval.

The Library Issues Forum was developed to fill a need for library employees to come together and talk about varied and broad library issues. Judy Maseles and Alice Allen took on the task of organizing this enterprise and deserve to be recognized for developing a very successful program. SDC is now responsible for the forums and would like to replicate the practice established by Judy and Alice of soliciting ideas for future forums. Please send your ideas to Leo Agnew,

There will not be a forum Aug. 25 to avoid competing with activities associated with the first week of school.

Policy for Posting Flyers on the Ellis Library Information Kiosks

MU Libraries received funding for two information kioks for Ellis Library from the Student Fee Capital Improvement Committee. One of the kiosks is currently located at the north entrance. The other kiosk was damaged upon arrival, so we are waiting for a replacement, which will be placed at the west entrance.

The purpose of posting flyers in Ellis Library is to inform the campus community about educational, cultural and service-oriented programs. Placement of posters is at the discretion of the Director of Libraries, based on space available, time of the event, length of time the library has had the material and the priority of the material as listed below. The library will not accept for display or handout commercial, personal or profit-making information.

The library will display posters providing information about events and issues in the following order of priority based on space available:
1. Sponsored by the MU Libraries.

2. Sponsored by an academic department of MU.

3. Sponsored by a non-academic department of MU.

4. Sponsored by a local educational organization.

All flyers must include the sponsoring organization’s name and current contact information. Flyers are limited to a maximum size of 11 x 17 inches (exceptions will be made for MU Libraries posters). All postings will be removed the day after the advertised event or on the first day of each month.

Flyers must be reviewed and approved in advance of posting by the MU Libraries Communications Officer, 104 Ellis Library.